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New tasks always added as due today.

johnnyrow says:
When I add a new task, it is always added as due today. Is there any way the user can change that default? I usually add tasks with no due date, and hardly ever want to add with due date today.
Posted at 8:04pm on May 21, 2011
action.manager says:
I don't have an iPad yet, but in the iPhone App there's an option to set the default due date (either "never" or "today").

I guess it will be present on the iPad too.
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
As action.manager indicated, there is an option in the app settings for "Default Due Date". You can change this to "Never" if you usually add tasks with no due date.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
johnnyrow says:
Thanks for the replies. I found where to set that default, and it works just as I wanted. I'm new at hand-held / finger-scrolling devices and I guess I'm still slow at figuring how to navigate many apps.
Posted 13 years ago
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