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So about the two finger tap...

(closed account) says:
While slick and a neat idea... Not sure it's working out for me.

1-My fingers (not sure about everyone else) are usually positioned vertically on the screen. This means I have to rotate my hand to invoke the double tap. Or be very careful and hope the right row is chosen.
2-finger 1
3-finger 2
4-motion up or down
5-click button

That's FIVE steps. That could be replaced with:
1-click button. A little check mark somewhere or something?

Or even just cutting out the clicking of the button, would be great. If I've already gone to the trouble of a double tap AND slide, do I really need to click a button too? Lock it in on the full completion of the slide.

Posted at 1:26pm on May 15, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi speg,
The two-finger swipe is only one option for completing/postponing tasks; the other option is to tap on the task and to use the buttons at the top right.

Hope this helps! And thanks for your feedback!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
That's still three steps though.

The grey circle used for multi-edits is begging to be clicked!
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Thanks for your feedback on this!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1,000 on that enticing little grey circle!!! It WANTS to be NEEDS to be, you get the idea.
Posted 13 years ago
newmilkentry says:
I quite like swipe to complete on iPhone - even the two-fingered version on iPad. I see the argument for a click box, but then that would make RTM like other ToDo apps. I appreciate that RTM is different.
Posted 13 years ago
brent.mcleod says:
+1 for something better. 2 finger slide is awkward.
Posted 13 years ago
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