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Deleting a task more difficult than on iPhone?

action.manager says:
On the iPhone there is a red button to delete a task if you edit it.

On the iPad this button is missing (you need to close the "edit" pop up first and press the garbage can next).

Posted at 12:32pm on May 9, 2011
brendan says:
Thanks for your feedback on this! We appreciate it.
Posted 13 years ago
action.manager says:
Hm, wish I had an iPad (to check):

Perhaps you can immediately delete the task by pressing that garbage can and I was just "conditioned" (by using the iPhone App every day) to try to delete it via editing?
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
As soon as you've selected a task, you are able to use the trashcan icon to delete the task. However, once you've tapped the Edit button, you won't be able to use the trashcan icon until you've first closed the Edit Task box.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
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