Inputting Tasks and Initial App Display

webkenny says:
First of all, -excellent- work on this app. Very worth the wait. The only thing I would consider is making it easier to add tasks so it can be used as a true capture. One thing I love about both the Android and web browser versions is the big text box at the top that I can simply type into and use smart add on.
I'd like to not have to press the plus sign to add tasks. It would be nice to see this take an "always there" approach to the input.
It would also be nice if I could customize the order of the sidebar and what the app loads on. I don't use due dates so the Today, Tomorrow, Next Week is useless to a user like me. In fact, most GTD implementers would tell you the same.
Otherwise, excellent work!
I'd like to not have to press the plus sign to add tasks. It would be nice to see this take an "always there" approach to the input.
It would also be nice if I could customize the order of the sidebar and what the app loads on. I don't use due dates so the Today, Tomorrow, Next Week is useless to a user like me. In fact, most GTD implementers would tell you the same.
Otherwise, excellent work!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
webkenny and earlcaulley,
Have you tried the 'Add Task' row at the top of the list?
Once you start typing, it'll reveal the Smart Add shortcuts.
Hope this helps!
Have you tried the 'Add Task' row at the top of the list?
Once you start typing, it'll reveal the Smart Add shortcuts.
Hope this helps!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Also, thanks for your feedback on the sidebar and initial app load screen!

i_dave says:
I made a similar suggestion. It is more intuitive to tap any blank row below existing tasks to enter a new task, IMO. Why not both?
In any case, thanks for a good app, it is crazy how many good companies start off with bad apps...
In any case, thanks for a good app, it is crazy how many good companies start off with bad apps...