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Repeating tasks look weird in iCal

(closed account) says:
Hi everybody,

I recently noticed the following strange behaviour with a tasks which is due "every week" when I subscribe to the webcal feed with iCal.

The task reminds me to clean our coffee machine every sunday. When I keep track of cleaning the machine everything is ok during the week. Only one task shown in the RTM web client and a recurring allday event shows up in iCal.

Now on Sunday the task turns bold in the RTM web interface and a second taks is shown for the upcoming Sunday. Now iCal shows the task two times for the upcoming(!) Sunday.

Now when I forget to clean the coffee machine I am left with two tasks in iCal until I complete the overdue task.

Looking at the webcal file there are two tasks with the same name, one is the repeating task, starting the last Sunday with a weekly recurrence. The other is a single task for the next weekend.

For me it looks like the webcal export keeps the "old" tasks as the master for the recurrence until the task is completed, then the new one takes over.

Is this the desired behaviour? It might be better to keep the overdue task as a single task in the webcal export and always make the upcoming one the one holding the recurrence.

Posted at 4:02pm on April 11, 2011
brendan says:
Would it be possible to submit an iCalendar Feeds issue report via our support system so we can get some additional details on this?

Just select your issue from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, click on "I'd like to report a new issue".

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 13 years ago
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