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Smart lists no longer tag new tasks?

casden says:
For months now, when I've entered a new task for a Smart List, it automatically received the tags that apply to that list. This doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Is this a deliberate change? Is there some way to enable the old behavior?

Posted at 9:10pm on April 7, 2011
casden says:
Actually, upon further examination, it looks like this is only happening on one specific smart list. This is a list that included a "not" query. In the past, though, I'm pretty sure that new tasks added to this list have received the relevant tags. I could be wrong, though.

The search in question is basically like:

tag:work and tag:anothertag and not tag:annual_report
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
You are correct that the problem is with the NOT statement in your search. Properties for a new task (including tags) will only be inherited if the search criteria for the Smart List is completely unambiguous. If any part of the search is ambiguous, no properties will be inherited. OR and NOT statements will make a search ambiguous.

This page from our FAQ on Smart Lists discusses this as well at the bottom of the page.

Hope that helps!
Posted 13 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Un-ambiguous searches :

as long as you avoid NOT and OR. Also avoid ">" and "<" in time estimates, priorities and postponed.

The rest of the possible searches are ambiguous.
Posted 13 years ago
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