Trial ended?

davidmgidley says:
Why is the android app not free? I love this app, i have the widget on my home screen and use it for everything. However my trial just ended and it saddens me because i don't have the 25 to pay for this app. Trust me if i did i would.
From what I understand my friend has an iphone and doesn't pay for the service? Why is this different for android devices?
From what I understand my friend has an iphone and doesn't pay for the service? Why is this different for android devices?

While the Android app has a 15-day trial period, the iPhone app is now free to download and use but some functionality (such as auto sync and push notifications) is only available to Pro users. You can read more details about the free iPhone app from this blog post. We are reviewing the changes to the iPhone app before we make any decisions about the Android app.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry for the inconvenience.