How to make smart list with multiple timeEstimate and priorities?

nzadri says:
I want to create lists that shows the most important tasks I have to do in one list (.boulot = work) and sort them by takes "max 10 min to do" and "+10 min to do"
I tried this:
list:.boulot and (priority:1 or priority:2 or priority:3 or dueWithin:"1 week of today" and timeEstimate:"< 11 min" and status:incomplete
but it doesn't work....
Any ideas how to make it work?
I tried this:
list:.boulot and (priority:1 or priority:2 or priority:3 or dueWithin:"1 week of today" and timeEstimate:"< 11 min" and status:incomplete
but it doesn't work....
Any ideas how to make it work?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi nzadri,
It seems like your properties are all there, but I'd suggest changing the syntax a bit, e.g.
list:.boulot AND (priority:1 OR priority:2 OR priority:3 OR dueWithin:"1 week of today") AND timeEstimate:"< 11 min" AND status:incomplete
Hope this helps!
It seems like your properties are all there, but I'd suggest changing the syntax a bit, e.g.
list:.boulot AND (priority:1 OR priority:2 OR priority:3 OR dueWithin:"1 week of today") AND timeEstimate:"< 11 min" AND status:incomplete
Hope this helps!

nzadri says: