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What are smartlists?

jbcampo says:
Other than the video, is there any overview of what smartlists are and how they work? In my playing with them, I guess they are duplicates of Tasks that need to be listed somewhere else. If you delete a task from a smartlist, it seems to delete it from somewhere else. I would like to create new Tabs, not smartlists, and add items to the Tabs.

Anyhow, a more detailed overview would be great if someone can point me to it. Newbie to RTM. Creating customized Tabs seems essential - and the Smartlists seem non-intuitive. Why not just Add Tab command?
Posted at 9:19pm on February 15, 2011
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
Smart lists are saved searches.

If you for example do a search: dueBefore:tomorrow
you can save this search as DueToday. It will appear as a new smart list.

The task you see in DueToday really recides in a regular list somewhere else, but if you delete the task in a smart list, it's also deleted in the regular list. If you change either the task meta info (due date for instance) so that it doesn't meet the smart list criteria any more, it will not show up in the smart list.

What you call Tabs are lists, either regular or smart. Regular lists are created in Settings, smart lists are created by saving a search.

To me, smart lists are the essence of RTM. I have but a few regular lists and use only smart lists to see and complete my tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
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