Multiple Locations with the same name
bdoherty says:
I'd like the ability to have multiple locations with the same name.
I usually shop at three garden shops, two super markets, and 5 hardware stores.
If I add @GardenShop to my tasks, and I go to any one of the garden shops that I use, I'd like my nearby tasks to show my tasks.
Same with hardware stores.
And then one of the hardware stores that I use also has a garden shop, so when I go near there i'd like by my nearby tasks to show both the hardware shop tasks and the garden shop tasks.
They way I think this would work is when you add a location with the same name, instead of stopping you with "You already have a location named "@xxx". Please choose another name.", ask the question 'You already have a location named "@xxx", are you should you want to add another location with the same name".
For the place that is both a garden shop and hardware store, I would expect that I would need to add two locations, right next to each other.
I usually shop at three garden shops, two super markets, and 5 hardware stores.
If I add @GardenShop to my tasks, and I go to any one of the garden shops that I use, I'd like my nearby tasks to show my tasks.
Same with hardware stores.
And then one of the hardware stores that I use also has a garden shop, so when I go near there i'd like by my nearby tasks to show both the hardware shop tasks and the garden shop tasks.
They way I think this would work is when you add a location with the same name, instead of stopping you with "You already have a location named "@xxx". Please choose another name.", ask the question 'You already have a location named "@xxx", are you should you want to add another location with the same name".
For the place that is both a garden shop and hardware store, I would expect that I would need to add two locations, right next to each other.
(closed account) says:
This would be extremely helpful and I'm very surprised this feature still isn't on! There are dozens of tasks that require several locations with the same name: when I need to go to the bank, I just mark all the bank offices named "my favorite bank" and choose whichever is closer to me at the moment. Same with groceries or restaurant chains.
Looking forward to see this working!
This would be extremely helpful and I'm very surprised this feature still isn't on! There are dozens of tasks that require several locations with the same name: when I need to go to the bank, I just mark all the bank offices named "my favorite bank" and choose whichever is closer to me at the moment. Same with groceries or restaurant chains.
Looking forward to see this working!
luc.steelandt says:
I will also appreciate to have this feature.
I think that associate locations to one tag should be easier.
For example associate to tag 'shoping' all places where you use to do shopping.
I think that associate locations to one tag should be easier.
For example associate to tag 'shoping' all places where you use to do shopping.