Tag Cloud on Task Screen

jwoodell says:
Here's an interesting little bug...
I didn't see the tag cloud on my task screen. I tried switching between a few tabs, including regular ones and smart lists, but the tag cloud still didn't show up.
When I finally clicked on "Inbox," though, the tag cloud showed up. It remained when I clicked on any of the tabs after that.
I didn't see the tag cloud on my task screen. I tried switching between a few tabs, including regular ones and smart lists, but the tag cloud still didn't show up.
When I finally clicked on "Inbox," though, the tag cloud showed up. It remained when I clicked on any of the tabs after that.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hmm, that is interesting! Was this immediately after you changed the setting to display the cloud on the Tasks screen? We can check this out. Thanks!

jwoodell says:
No, the setting had already been set to display the cloud on the Tasks screen.
I noticed shortly after I posted that note, though, that the cloud doesn't display when the mouse is over a task, or when a task is selected. So I'm guessing that I just didn't see the cloud because I kept mousing-over the task list after changing between tabs.
It may have looked like the Inbox tab triggered the cloud to come back because I didn't have any tasks on that list.
Anyway, user error. But I am curious as to why the cloud display goes away when you mouse over or select a task...?
I noticed shortly after I posted that note, though, that the cloud doesn't display when the mouse is over a task, or when a task is selected. So I'm guessing that I just didn't see the cloud because I kept mousing-over the task list after changing between tabs.
It may have looked like the Inbox tab triggered the cloud to come back because I didn't have any tasks on that list.
Anyway, user error. But I am curious as to why the cloud display goes away when you mouse over or select a task...?