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seeing double: daily tasks

eli.segal says:

I have a task that repeats every day,
why do I see it twice ? one for today and another for tomorrow

how can I cancel it in a search ?

Posted at 9:00am on September 29, 2010
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It sounds like your task is set to repeat "every day". Once the due date arrives (say, today), the next task (tomorrow) will be generated.

If you don't want your tasks to keep generating every day if you don't complete one, you may wish to change the repeat to "after 1 day", which will only generate the next one once you complete it.

Regarding searching, you could limit your repeating searches, e.g. ((isRepeating:true AND due:today) OR isRepeating:false) AND … Otherwise, you could use something like sleeper tags to automatically hide those future repeating tasks you don't want to see.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
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