Google Talk Reminders

tzortea says:
Google Talk reminders don't seem to work for me. As I understand it, RTM must first accept an "invite" to chat from me, so I sent one to But still it never seems to work. Can anyone help? Thanks.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I've added this to our list to investigate; sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.
Thanks for letting us know!
Thanks for letting us know!

(closed account) says:
I'm having the same issue. rtmremind shows up in my "Invited" list on my Blackberry, but it won't send reminders.

wheretheskygrows says:
I gave up on trying to get IM services to remind me. I've tried Google Talk, Yahoo, and Skype. I don't think it was necessarily an RTM issue. I have an Android phone, so I can run these services and expect to get alerts when an IM comes in. However, I hardly ever got reminders. If my phone was on standby, or if a particular task had an over due instance, I would never get the alert. (Incidentally, reminders on my PC were sporadic, too)
I have since started using Twitter to direct message me when alert is due. This is much better because I get the alert regardless if I am "away" or if the task has any overdue instances. Even better, I can reply to the message and complete the task.
This is what is so great about RTM. There are so many options that, if one thing doesn't work for you, there are a few other ways to make it work!
I have since started using Twitter to direct message me when alert is due. This is much better because I get the alert regardless if I am "away" or if the task has any overdue instances. Even better, I can reply to the message and complete the task.
This is what is so great about RTM. There are so many options that, if one thing doesn't work for you, there are a few other ways to make it work!