Search for isShared:false returns shared tasks?
krysta says:
When I search for "isShared:false AND due:tomorrow OR due:today OR dueBefore:today OR tag:na" I get tasks that are shared. Is there something wrong with my search string, or is this a bug?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Your search string implies
(isShared:false AND due:tomorrow) OR due:today OR dueBefore:today OR tag:na
I think you'd get what you want by searching for
isShared:false AND (due:tomorrow OR due:today OR dueBefore:today OR tag:na)
Hope this helps!
(isShared:false AND due:tomorrow) OR due:today OR dueBefore:today OR tag:na
I think you'd get what you want by searching for
isShared:false AND (due:tomorrow OR due:today OR dueBefore:today OR tag:na)
Hope this helps!