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Is there a way to clear the set of tasks currently cached in the iPhone app?

joe.toomey says:
After upgrading to the iPhone 4 and restoring to my old iPhone settings (and also re-upping my Pro account) my task list somehow got out of sync. My current tasks are correctly synced, but I have 17 old (completed) tasks that now show up as incomplete & overdue in the iPhone app. They're clearly stale, since they not only incorrectly show as incomplete, they also have old due dates (comparing with the web version of RTM, I clearly rescheduled some of these tasks before I completed them, and the due dates on the iPhone RTM app are also old.)

I'm not sure what caused this, but I think I'd be happy if I could just clear the cache of tasks and let it re-sync. Is there a simple way to do this? If not, I may try uninstalling & reinstalling the app.

Thanks for your help,

PS: I also submitted this via e-mail in case Pro e-mail support is faster. No need to enter it into your tracknig system a second time.
Posted at 3:27pm on July 15, 2010
joe.toomey says:
A bit more poking around the site, and I have learned that I should have posted this in the iPhone subforum, and that the RTM app with support for iOS4 is not yet available (awaiting apple approval.) Not sure if my issue is a known one that will be fixed by the iOS4 updated app, but my apologies for posting it in the wrong forum.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I see your email and have responded.
Posted 14 years ago
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