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Do Not Want a Time for Tasks

llevitan says:
Is there a way to create a task that is dated but does not have a start time so that the task just shows up on that date but in a "no time" list?
Posted at 5:34pm on June 24, 2010
johnmazz says:
Do you mean a due date, vs a due time? If so, yes, you can say it's due on Tuesday, for example, and not specify a time, and it will sit at the top of the tuesday section of your list and not go overdue until wednesday.
Posted 14 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
The task will have a hidden due time of 00:00 and as such will become overdue first thing Tuesday. If it repeats "every xxx whatever" the next instance will be created first thing Tuesday also.
Posted 14 years ago
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