Widget: bug hiding some of task's texts
cecolon says:
On the Android Widget, sometimes the right ends of some tasks are hidden. Possibly there should be some information about due date, but there's just a white spot.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Which widget are you using? And are there due dates for the tasks whose right sides are hidden?
The widgets do show due dates on the right side when set; otherwise, they cut off the text if the task name is sufficiently long.
The widgets do show due dates on the right side when set; otherwise, they cut off the text if the task name is sufficiently long.
cecolon says:
2x2. There are due dates for my tasks (I show today's and tomorrows tasks), but they are not shown unless they are overdue (showing due dates would hide too much text anyways, so that's good).
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Ah, I see what you mean.
Yes, today's date is hidden (but if you have a specific time set to be due), and dates are shown for overdue tasks.
Hope this helps!
Yes, today's date is hidden (but if you have a specific time set to be due), and dates are shown for overdue tasks.
Hope this helps!
cecolon says:
OK, but sometimes tasks get this white spot, not showing any dates. That is probably a bug, right?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Can you give an example different than what I mentioned above? (Specific times or overdue dates are shown; other dates are not.)
cecolon says:
I can send a screenshot on mail, I hope that explains better.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, that's perfect; I'll be in touch by mail.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This one should be fixed in the 1.3.0 update -- if you notice any further widget quirks, please let us know. :)