Make task a sub-task of the supplied parent_task_id
, or clear the parent to make the task a top level task if parent_task_id
is omitted. If the parent is in a different list, the task will be moved to that list. Pro accounts only.
Available in versions 2.
This method requires authentication with delete permissions.
This method requires a timeline.
The effects of this method can be undone.
(Required) 1 2- Your API application key. See here for more details.
(Required) 1 2- The timeline within which to run a method. See here for more details.
2- Id of new parent task or omitted to make top level task.
(Required) 1 2- The id of the list to perform an action on.
(Required) 1 2- The id of the task series to perform an action on.
(Required) 1 2- The id of the task to perform an action on.
Example Response
<list id="100653">
<taskseries id="648042" created="2015-05-07T10:19:54Z" modified="2015-05-07T11:24:51Z"
name="Get Coffee" source="api" parent_task_id="811501">
<rrule every="1">FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1</rrule>
<task id="811467" due="2015-05-09T14:00:00Z" has_due_time="0" added="2015-05-07T10:19:54Z"
completed="" deleted="" priority="3" postponed="1" estimate="2 hrs"/>
Error Codes
96 Invalid signature
- The passed signature was invalid.
97 Missing signature
- The call required signing but no signature was sent.
98 Login failed / Invalid auth token
- The login details or auth token passed were invalid.
99 User not logged in / Insufficient permissions
- The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.
100 Invalid API Key
- The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105 Service currently unavailable
- The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
114 Invalid SOAP envelope
- The SOAP envelope sent in the request could not be parsed.
115 Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
- The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
120 Method not valid for requested version
- The requested method is not compatible with the requested version.
300 Timeline invalid or not provided
- No timeline provided / Timeline invalid.
320 list_id invalid or not provided
- No list_id provided / list_id invalid.
340 taskseries_id/task_id invalid or not provided
- No taskseries_id or task_id provided / taskseries_id or task_id invalid.
3040 List is read-only.
- Tried to perform action in read-only list.
4040 Sub-task only editable by Pro accounts
- Non-pro account tried to update sub-task.
4050 parent_task_id invalid
- The parent_id provided is invalid.
4060 Sub-task nested too deep
- Sub-tasks may only be nested up to 3 levels.
4070 Repeating task exists in hierarchy
- Repeating sub-tasks may not have repeating ancestors and vice versa.
4090 Task cannot be the parent of itself