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My RTM GTD Ecosystem

rmcmullan says:
I've learned a lot from this forum and combined a lot of tips from different people along with a few of my own, so I thought I would try to write down my entire GTD ecosystem based on RTM. I've left out a lot of the detail, but hopefully it gives the description of the whole thing as a system.

Remember the Milk GTD Ecosystem

A Bit Better RTM Firefox Add-On
- Remember The Milk - Tag Cloud Colorizer
- Remember The Milk - Keep Cloud Visible
- Remember The Milk TinyHeader
- Remember The Milk - display keyboard shortcuts

Lists = GTD Areas of Focus
Tags = Projects, non-place-based Contexts (calls, computer, etc.), People, na (Next Action), tickler, wait (waiting for)
Location = place-based contexts (home, work)

Other Lists:
Archive (once per week, unarchive, move ArchiveSweep SmartList to it, re-archive)

@Work-Major Project Tasks (only major projects)
@Work-Quick Tasks
@Work-Project List
@Work-Tickler File
@Work-Waiting For
@Work-Projectless Tasks
@Work-Weekly Status (completed in the last week)
--Similar set for @Home tasks
Tool-ArchiveSweep (gets non-repeating completed tasks for transfer to an archive list)
Tool-Check (missing Location)

Address Book Entries
rmilk = rmilk task e-mail address
rmilk import = rmilk mass import e-mail address

SmartAdd symbol cheatsheet taped to bottom of monitor
Desktop Quick Add Task shortcut with keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Alt-t)
RTM Pro Account
RTM for Android (mainly for task capture)
Evernote with folders mirroring the Areas of Focus lists for reference materials
Windows file structure mirroring the Areas of Focus lists
Weekly Review Folder (paper folder with steps of weekly review)

Learn RTM keyboard shortcuts (including Ctrl-M from A Bit Better RTM)
Learn e-mail program keyboard shortcuts
Forward e-mails to rmilk, change subject to task name with SmartAdd tags
Mindsweep using an e-mail addressed to rmilk import
Be able to process the RTM and e-mail Inboxes without touching the mouse

Let me know if you have any questions.
Posted at 5:38pm on November 3, 2010
rmcmullan says:
I forgot that I also use the PermaTab and FaviconizeTab Add-Ons to create a small, always open RTM window.
Posted 13 years ago
rmcmullan says:
Now, I use Yahoo Mail (in Classic Mode with plain text) to send lists of tasks into the Import Email. I've also made an Excel spreadsheet to automatically generate the SmartAdd syntax for my mindsweep and weekly review.
Posted 13 years ago
mmorowitz says:
Good information, rmcmullan, thank you.

I'm a long-time GTDer and new convert to RTM. One thing I don't really get is the benefit of using RTM Locations. Is there any benefit beyond having a map available?

Unless you're VERY mobile and your tasks are geographically distributed, it just seems like another place to just manage tags.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Sorry but from my understanding this is not GTD. There is not focus on Status lists (Davids outer circle: Next Action, Wating For, Someday etc. etc). Sorry, no good for me.
Posted 13 years ago
pkmakin says:
Check out this post for GTD with RTM
Posted 13 years ago
rmcmullan says:
I have since, changed my use of Locations to be GTD Contexts. This means creating false addresses for @anywhere or @internet, but I never used the map feature anyway and it keeps the categories clearer.

As to Sebastian's comments, the Status lists are Smart Lists which allows me to group contexts together. For instance, my SmartList query for when I'm at work is (numbered for forum parsing):

1) (location:@work OR location:@anywhere OR location:@internet OR location:@calls)
2) AND tagContains:"--"
3) AND ( (tag:na AND NOT tag:wait)
3.a) OR ( (dueWithin:"1 week of tomorrow" or dueBefore:tomorrow)
3.b) AND NOT tag:tickler ))

1) groups all of the Contexts I can work on while at work
2) refers only to my projects that are work-related and either "on deck" or "current" (basically, not "someday/maybe")
3) This last bit shows me my next actions or anything due in the next week or past due (while leaving out waiting-for and ticklers, which are grouped into other Smart Lists)

Since writing this, I've shifted from using Lists for Areas of Responsibility to using tag prefixes (see this other post):

I've been pretty happy with it, though you do have to remember what level a project tag is at (someday, on deck, current) to get the autofill to work properly.
Posted 13 years ago
axil says:
Awesome. You are my guy.
I need:
import to do list w priority and tags (csv, etc., fine)
to do items to be listable next to related contact in whatever database
I want:
to do items tied to contacts database
emails tied to contacts database
I think everybody wants this; they just don't know it. Please get back to me if you agree.
Posted 13 years ago
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