A Bit Better RTM - standalone Firefox extension

Greasemonkey script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/32518) extended with drag-n-drop functionality and compiled into standalone Firefox extension.
- display list tabs to the left
- drag-and-drop list re-ordering
- drag-and-drop move tasks between lists
- display tasks count
- resizable task list
- hide useless lists (available through Settings -> Lists)
- unique URL for lists and tasks
- configuration section under Settings --> A Bit Better RTM
- "Shift + j / k" - switch between lists (Shift + o - open selected list)
- "Ctrl + g" - Go to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to go to.
- "Ctrl + m" - Move to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to move tasks to.
- "q" - quick add list
- "/" - focus search box

- display list tabs to the left
- drag-and-drop list re-ordering
- drag-and-drop move tasks between lists
- display tasks count
- resizable task list
- hide useless lists (available through Settings -> Lists)
- unique URL for lists and tasks
- configuration section under Settings --> A Bit Better RTM
- "Shift + j / k" - switch between lists (Shift + o - open selected list)
- "Ctrl + g" - Go to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to go to.
- "Ctrl + m" - Move to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to move tasks to.
- "q" - quick add list
- "/" - focus search box

johnfoland says:
Wow, this looks excellent! Thank you!

(closed account) says:
Awesome. This is the way RTM should be by default. Thanks for your hard work!


Great job on the extension. I added it this morning to Firefox on a PC (version 3.5.3) and found that with the extension, RTM ran very slowly (15-30 seconds for clicks to take effect, brief page freezes on RTM....). Does the extension work best with certain versions or better on a Mac?
(I do not use Gears.)
Great job on the extension. I added it this morning to Firefox on a PC (version 3.5.3) and found that with the extension, RTM ran very slowly (15-30 seconds for clicks to take effect, brief page freezes on RTM....). Does the extension work best with certain versions or better on a Mac?
(I do not use Gears.)


Thanks for the suggestion. Turning off the task count didn't seem to make a difference, but turning off the Quick Add did (and I can still use the Smart Add RTM feature).
Thanks for the suggestion. Turning off the task count didn't seem to make a difference, but turning off the Quick Add did (and I can still use the Smart Add RTM feature).


I have been trying different settings this morning. It seems that the quickest is to leave on only the tabs on the left . I am still able to use all of your other excellent features.
Thanks again!
I have been trying different settings this morning. It seems that the quickest is to leave on only the tabs on the left . I am still able to use all of your other excellent features.
Thanks again!

(closed account) says:
Great work, appreciate your efforts.

(closed account) says:
I'm noticing 2 bugs:
1) After navigating to a smart list, the color doesn't revert back to blue. It stays black, making it impossible to tell the difference between smart lists and regular lists.
2) The "sort-by" pop-up is moved all the way to the right of the notes / details box.
1) After navigating to a smart list, the color doesn't revert back to blue. It stays black, making it impossible to tell the difference between smart lists and regular lists.
2) The "sort-by" pop-up is moved all the way to the right of the notes / details box.

(closed account) says:
Also, it looks like the "Sent" list is always hidden, and I cannot show it.
That is not exactly a dealbreaker for me, since I hate that list and wanted it gone anyway, just pointing it out to you.
That is not exactly a dealbreaker for me, since I hate that list and wanted it gone anyway, just pointing it out to you.

(closed account) says:
Nevermind, it's that when you un-hide a list, you have to re-load the page to get it to show up again.

(closed account) says:
Awesome! I will definately keep this installed

pmlurie says:
- drag-and-drop move tasks between lists
Can't seem to determine how to do this in Firefox. Help appreciated.
Can't seem to determine how to do this in Firefox. Help appreciated.

(closed account) says:
Pretty seriously broken in the newest Chrome Dev builds:
That's about as good as it's been looking since the recent build.
That's about as good as it's been looking since the recent build.

jake.solomon says:
Can't get dnd to work for tasks in FF 3.5...

(closed account) says:
Nice. I see you also fixed the loss of focus after moving to a different list.
Good work, Andrew.
Good work, Andrew.

phildubach says:
Nice work. I've disabled the extension again, though, since Firefox warns me that some parts of the page are transferred unencrypted (I use https to access RTM). Without the extension, everything gets encrypted.
Here's hoping the guys at RTM will implement drag&drop in the vanilla interface soon.
Here's hoping the guys at RTM will implement drag&drop in the vanilla interface soon.

campbead says:
Andrew I really like this script but it would be great if you could easily delete a list.

minim_c says:
Finally! "Add list" up front so making a new project list isn't a multi-click chore! Three cheers!

jdfalk says:
I hardly ever used the default RTM web interface before adding this Firefox extension. Thank you!

amoslemi says:
The rtm devs will never do this because someone else has. But if anyone from rtm is reading this, I get that, and it's the right decision, but could you help this guy out with the script, just a little?

enrico.franconi says:
@ andrew.paprotsky : is there any hope to see a version for Safari 5 as an extension? Now Safari 5 has a public API to build extensions.

(closed account) says:
This is a great addition to RTM, thanks for the hard work that has gone into producing it. Hopefully it will be incorporated into the core product at some point in the future.
One additional 'nice to have' would be to re-order items in a list by dragging and dropping, would that be possible?
This is a great addition to RTM, thanks for the hard work that has gone into producing it. Hopefully it will be incorporated into the core product at some point in the future.
One additional 'nice to have' would be to re-order items in a list by dragging and dropping, would that be possible?

tatiana.colli says:
Thank you this is amazing! I agree, it should be included in the original rtm, at least the drag and drop feature.

(closed account) says:
Just the ability to create a list with one click is awesome!

rmcmullan says:
Just wanted to send some thanks. Being able to pour through my weekly review without using the mouse (Ctrl+M is crucial) has been key to my getting facile with this tool.

(closed account) says:
This wonderful extension has been broken for several days. Will it be repaired?

nordender says:
All I can say is: Wonderful!!!!
Thank you very very much!! Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany
Thank you very very much!! Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany

bugsie says:
Hmmm... Doesn't display correctly on my netbook...

bugsie says:
Restarted Firefox again and it looks fine now. So far so good - very good interface for RTM!

eric.chapman says:
I have you a suggestion -
I am a RTM user - using it for Getting Things Done. Each project is its own list.
P - Project1
P - Project2
with all kinds of items in each. Each are tagged home, errands, work etc. and if they are a next action 'na' -
the next actions of a project show up in smartlists.
Do you think it's possible to autocreate an item (via email perhaps) - to tell me when there is no longer an item tagged 'na' in any list prefixed with a P - ? - this would kind of give me a heads up before the weekly review.
so for example - i finish the last item tagged na in Project1 (there are still several items in Project1) - I would like a NEW item to show up in my inbox titled "Hey Eric... You need to Come up with a next action for P - Project1"
You would definately get a good donation out of me if you could fanagle this feature.
I am a RTM user - using it for Getting Things Done. Each project is its own list.
P - Project1
P - Project2
with all kinds of items in each. Each are tagged home, errands, work etc. and if they are a next action 'na' -
the next actions of a project show up in smartlists.
Do you think it's possible to autocreate an item (via email perhaps) - to tell me when there is no longer an item tagged 'na' in any list prefixed with a P - ? - this would kind of give me a heads up before the weekly review.
so for example - i finish the last item tagged na in Project1 (there are still several items in Project1) - I would like a NEW item to show up in my inbox titled "Hey Eric... You need to Come up with a next action for P - Project1"
You would definately get a good donation out of me if you could fanagle this feature.

tim.visher says:
_Love_ this extension.
Any chance of maintaining the source in Git et al? I have some ideas that I'd really like to see implemented and wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty to do it.
Any chance of maintaining the source in Git et al? I have some ideas that I'd really like to see implemented and wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty to do it.

tim.visher says:
Any idea if you'll open source this?

(closed account) says:
A Bit Better RTM is use a OSX Safari ?
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