Ability to hide specific Smart Lists Started by paul.sinclair Web app | |
Ability to edit rich text notes Started by charlie.fink iPhone app | |
Share only the current instance of a recurring event Started by tvjames Web app | |
view task with tags on iphone Started by ladalske | |
First-party integrations for Alfred, Raycast, etc. Started by devnall New integrations | |
Galaxy Watch App Started by hollowins New integrations | |
Allow main task to repeat - why can't I? Started by jimmiedave General | |
Enable 'passkeys' for authentication purposes. Started by lxsocon General | |
"Uncompletable" tasks Started by mackar General | |
YouTube or other site previews when pasting a link Started by (closed account) Web app | |
Allow repeating/scheduling on even/odd calendar days Started by alexpghayes General | |
Option to display task creation date and sort by it Started by davidbrake General | |
Allow tasks with and without Due Times to be sorted within the same priority when on a list that contains multiple Due Dates Started by egatlin Web app | |
Put "All", "Today," "Tomorrow" tabs on Tasks page Started by (closed account) Web app | |
Settings for overdue tasks in today/week Started by owneywr General | |
Hide tag when it's the only tag being searched for Started by erichdongubler General | |
bigger field for editing task name Started by ph_arnaud General | |
Allow switching lists while adding a new task Started by merebell Web app | |
Make postponing a repeating task work finally.. Started by azaz44 General | |
Daily digest 'send on the following days' toggle Started by stevenff General | |