New repeat option: after 0 days (meaning after ZERO days) Started by jaykaplon General | |
Make a task with a counter feature? Started by andyjgonzalez Web app | |
Sort tasks by due date on widget Started by emma274az Android app | |
Smart Add - Linux - Ctrl+Alt+M on Wayland Started by kern3lly New apps | |
Color change of the "v" in checkboxes Started by palmerch1 Web app | |
Add 'search notes' toggle Started by rich_zigo Android app | |
Please show created and last updated dates all the time Started by casto.robert Web app | |
multi selete delete and custom swipe menu Started by (closed account) Android app | |
Automatically delete certain overdue tasks Started by benjanssen Web app | |
Allow the ability to merge two tasks, similar to duplicate contact information. Started by zarcom Web app | |
Inline Note Indicator Started by mcgaritydotme Web app | |
Categories for lists/Metasorting Started by tillheinzel General | |
A Newsletter Started by kmf General | |
Allow easy copying and pasting of multiple tasks (add line breaks between tasks) Started by (closed account) Web app | |
Subtasks default to due "Never" Started by coasterguy53433 General | |
Different alphabetical order of Lists and Tags with special chars at different devices Started by romakhar Android app | |
Add possibility to remove attachment when task completed/deleted Started by wilsardaukar Web app | |
Evernote todo items as subtasks Started by christopher.weible Evernote | |
A mobile app with less clicks to edit tasks Started by louisyurman iPhone app | |
Subtask not showing Started by migmae General | |