Show overdue tasks separate from today's tasks Started by jchirschy iPhone app | |
Always show the tag cloud (currently disappears when you mouseover a task in the list) Started by matthew.mahoney Web app | |
New repeat option: [day name] after the [interval] [day name] (e.g. 'monday after the first sunday', which is not always the first monday) Started by Web app | |
Ability to postpone all overdue tasks on the Overview screen Started by superq Web app | |
Keyboard shortcuts for drag and drop manual sort Started by bgoler Web app | |
Default start dates Started by vpanzano General | |
De-select tasks after action Started by lillytryon Web app | |
Ability to postpone all overdue tasks in the gadget Started by turbo2ltr iGoogle gadget | |
Show list name in list view Started by jamezzz iGoogle gadget | |
A google chrome extension Started by cblupo New integrations | |
Display tasks in a table view Started by vicentginer Web app | |
Google Keep integration Started by tbar2112 New integrations | |
Make "first day of week" an option in RTM settings (same RTM already provide for date/time format) Started by carloscadu General | |
Link to tags from the task details screen Started by davidbwagner Android app | |
"Days Until" function for event countdown Started by tallestguy New integrations | |
Show tasks completed today on the Overview screen Started by jbigelow Web app | |
Support yes/no as well as true/false in binary searches (e.g. accept isRepeating:yes as well as isRepeating:true) Started by (closed account) Web app | |
Create tasks from emails using other Gmail interfaces Started by jjwhite Gmail add-onAnswered | |
Presence-aware reminders, e.g. IM if you're available, SMS if you're offline Started by runar Reminders | |
Option to remove logo when printing Started by zshihab Web app | |