Snooze button for notifications

mcattack44 says:
Can we get a snooze button. This would be essential for me. I like to have the option of snoozing tasks for 15 minutes. Ideally I'd like the ability to have a choice between snoozing 15-30 or 60 minutes.

miscelaineous says:
Yes, pleaseeeeeee!!! I want to use RTM instead of Astrid!! This is the feature it is missing! Would be cute if the reminder I do get on my mobile (in the task bar) was a cow head instead of a calendar page. Would be way cuter! I love your app, but this is essential!! Thank you. Snooze for 5, 10, 15, 20, minutes etc. or 1 day, 2 day, 3 day, etc.

janniklindquist says:
mcattack44: I guess you know already, but if you click the calendar-icon, you will be taken to RTM's notification-list. If you click on the task on that list, you will - of course - be taken to the task, where you can change the duetime for the task
miscelaineous: You can snooze a task for 24 hours by simply postponing it. Postpone it again to snooze for another 24 hours etc.
miscelaineous: You can snooze a task for 24 hours by simply postponing it. Postpone it again to snooze for another 24 hours etc.

mcattack44 says:
Yes I know how to go back into the task and change time manually. I would prefer a one step click to snooze though. Even if they allowed you to change the default time for postpone. It's 24 hours right now, allow the time length to be customized to any length of time i.e. 15 minutes.

(closed account) says:
+1. I just thought of this today. Would be a great addition.

grennier says:
I agree...the ability to postpone to other intervals would be fantastic.

mahinirb says:
+1 -- would love a snooze option, esp. for the Android app.

draguzet says:
+1 - for snooze

david.rothera says:
+1 - snooze

tekmonki says:
agreed, only feature that keeps me a bit tied to Astrid is the ability to "postpone" and then be asked for how long.

geowolf says:
+1 - snooze would be a big bang for the buck improvement. (Not hard to implement, but big improvement).

ben.dray says:
+1 for snooze

m.pechtold says:

remsky says:
C'mon guys - this is a pretty fundamental and justifiable functionality

fidhel says:

cknight1001 says:

akirashoji says:

dfilskov says:

rpienciak says:
oh yeah

mcattack44 says:
Snoooooooooze button pleease

(closed account) says:
+1 that would be awesome

kaktus74 says:
+1 !

(closed account) says:
Did this ever happen? I just started using rtm again and I swipe a notification reminder and then it's forever gone. Would love to have ability to snooze for X number of minutes, perhaps a default of 30 min.

nivhar says:
+1 Snooze!
I would keep the snooze time maximum flexible, from 5 minutes, through hours, days, weeks, months and even years. why not... =)
btw, the default time should be configurable, or automatic to about half the time between now and the due time, considering not getting reminders in the sleeping hours, if possible.
If I have a task due tomorrow 16:00, and the reminder is set to 1 day before, the default snooze would be about 4 hours (about 20:00 - important to consider I don't want to be reminded in the middle of the night).
and then the default snooze will be tomorrow morning, about 8:00 then half the hours: 12:00, then 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 15:45, 15:55. (assume 5 minutes minimum limit).
of course, this is only the default,,,, can be set to anything you want.
I would keep the snooze time maximum flexible, from 5 minutes, through hours, days, weeks, months and even years. why not... =)
btw, the default time should be configurable, or automatic to about half the time between now and the due time, considering not getting reminders in the sleeping hours, if possible.
If I have a task due tomorrow 16:00, and the reminder is set to 1 day before, the default snooze would be about 4 hours (about 20:00 - important to consider I don't want to be reminded in the middle of the night).
and then the default snooze will be tomorrow morning, about 8:00 then half the hours: 12:00, then 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 15:45, 15:55. (assume 5 minutes minimum limit).
of course, this is only the default,,,, can be set to anything you want.

(closed account) says:
I wrote the developers about this missing functionality several months ago. They haven't done anything about it. I have too many tasks that frequently change in priority to settle for a 24-hour snooze/postpone. I've been trying out the free version of another app (Tick Tick), which offers several quick-to-tap snooze options every time the reminder notification comes up. I will not be renewing my RTM Pro account in late March unless the developers add more snooze options to the Android app. Sorry, but I need greater task snooze functionality than what RTM currently offers. And I really love the RTM user's really sad they can't add this one thing that would make RTM the absolutely best to do app on the market. : (

Snooze or a postpone default for something less than one day (say 1 hour) would be helpful. One way I use RTM is to remind me to do all those home maintenance things like changing various filters. They are repeating tasks and I set times on them for when I'm most likely to be home as I'm not always checking my task lists after I get home from work. This works better than using a calendar because they need to be done every 2 weeks, every month, etc. If I'm late a day or two changing something, the repeat is for the proper duration later not just some date every x amount of time as would be required if I use a calendar for this. A notification snooze or a postponing default of an hour would let me put off something until a little later the same day when I can't do it exactly the time of the notification. Now, if I clear it and it slips my mind, I don't see that I needed to do it until I check my task list at work the next day (and I'm not home to do it then).

grakaska says:
PLEASE do this. I am currently looking for an app that will,but would rather stay with RTM if this can be implemented in the near future.
Since this was requested 8 years ago, I'm guessing it ain't gonna happen :(
Since this was requested 8 years ago, I'm guessing it ain't gonna happen :(

ramborums says:
A small missing in what we have now that will make a BIG difference in the utility of RTM. Plus to have a loud audible alarm preferably with a volume control.

(closed account) says:
I have both RTM and Todoist. When it comes to this particular issue, of being able to snooze or postpone a task, Todoist's Android notification is much better than the current Android notification available in RTM. I would include a screenshot of the Todoist Android notification, but I don't see a way to do that here. When you get a notification, you have the option to reschedule the task, which is not exactly the same as postponing, but it's close. And then you have a whole bunch of quick options to choose from, from right there in the notification -- just tap which snooze duration you want and you're done. Tick Tick offers a similar Android notification with a wide array of choices. Since Android Pie there has been a new option for snoozing notifications, but it's a very limited set of options that can't be changed (unless you root your phone) -- 15 mins, 30 mins, and 2hrs. I hope RTM developers don't think that the new Android notification snooze options are sufficient for RTM users, and that they're still open to creating a more robust Android notification. I've stayed a Pro RTM'er because I've been holding out on these kinds of features, and because I like RTM's UI better. But if RTM doesn't add this particular feature soon, I'm going to cancel my Pro account. This feature is not that difficult for the developers to add. Would an RTM staff person please respond to this 9.5-year-old request?

jjpmbogers says:
Snoozing for fixed times is perfect as Rebecca suggested. A really really excellent way is the way "Due" app on iOS works. I would love a similar functionality

derek.mccabrey says:
I'm looking for a SNOOZE feature in RTM but can't seem to find one. I've just seen these comments and realise that, although they were made two years ago and there clearly appears to be a demand, it is almost 2022 and RTM STILL hasn't got one. Please RTM, is it not about time that a snooze function is added, even to PRO?

First point I would like to make is that using a task manager to alert you to do things is using the wrong tool for a job. You should be using a calendar for that and see about integration with RTM.
Second point is my solution for this particular need: my smart lists filter for all tasks that have a starting date/time in the past; i.e. only show tasks that can actually be done at this moment, according to their start times. The filter is "... AND (startBefore:now OR start:never)" so that not setting a start date means 'start at any time'.
Snoozing is then implemented by 'w' (edit start date) and then any period RTM understands, like '5m' for 5 minutes, '4h' for 4 hours, etc. When the set period expires said task will reappear in that particular list.
Second point is my solution for this particular need: my smart lists filter for all tasks that have a starting date/time in the past; i.e. only show tasks that can actually be done at this moment, according to their start times. The filter is "... AND (startBefore:now OR start:never)" so that not setting a start date means 'start at any time'.
Snoozing is then implemented by 'w' (edit start date) and then any period RTM understands, like '5m' for 5 minutes, '4h' for 4 hours, etc. When the set period expires said task will reappear in that particular list.
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