Thunderbird/Lightning integration

pavel.ungr says:
I have used RTM provider on TB 2, but on TB 3 is not supported. It will be very helpfull if RTM company can develop some functional addon.
Is it possible?
Thanks for all!
I have used RTM provider on TB 2, but on TB 3 is not supported. It will be very helpfull if RTM company can develop some functional addon.
Is it possible?
Thanks for all!

dbsantos77 says:
For compatability with RTM and TB3, you need to install the Lightning XPI from the Nightly Builds link found here:
Download lightning, you might need to download lightning.xpi with IE, Firefox tries to install it as a native add-on. (remember, this is a nightly build, every 1-3 nights there will be a new version with constant bug fixes, and new bugs introduced. I take no responsibility in your issues with this build.)
Then in Thunderbird 3, go to TOOLS>ADD-ONS>Then click on INSTALL>Directory where you saved the downloaded file, then re-start TB3.
After restart, click on EVENTS AND TASKS>CALENDARS, click on the right hand side and click on NEW CALENDAR>ON THE NETWORK>iCAL>Your iCAL link from the services tab inside remember the milk in the LOCATION field. NAME your calendar>FINISH.
After this process you will be able to SEE your events inside the calendar, but you WILL NOT be able to EDIT the events themselves. I have deleted several events inside TB3, but RTM web service still shows the events.
With the future nightly builds, hopefully there will be a fix for this. This is a step forward however. I used to edit the events maybe 1-2 months ago, and I would get a MODIFICATION_FAILED error, it seems as if it's fixed, for now.
Hope this helps.
For compatability with RTM and TB3, you need to install the Lightning XPI from the Nightly Builds link found here:
Download lightning, you might need to download lightning.xpi with IE, Firefox tries to install it as a native add-on. (remember, this is a nightly build, every 1-3 nights there will be a new version with constant bug fixes, and new bugs introduced. I take no responsibility in your issues with this build.)
Then in Thunderbird 3, go to TOOLS>ADD-ONS>Then click on INSTALL>Directory where you saved the downloaded file, then re-start TB3.
After restart, click on EVENTS AND TASKS>CALENDARS, click on the right hand side and click on NEW CALENDAR>ON THE NETWORK>iCAL>Your iCAL link from the services tab inside remember the milk in the LOCATION field. NAME your calendar>FINISH.
After this process you will be able to SEE your events inside the calendar, but you WILL NOT be able to EDIT the events themselves. I have deleted several events inside TB3, but RTM web service still shows the events.
With the future nightly builds, hopefully there will be a fix for this. This is a step forward however. I used to edit the events maybe 1-2 months ago, and I would get a MODIFICATION_FAILED error, it seems as if it's fixed, for now.
Hope this helps.

razorsoup says:
I need support for Thunderbird, either through an extension or through CalDav. Without it, RTM is useless to me.

andy.lawson says:
View works pretty well through Thunderbird, setup as described by dbsantos77 above. I see all my tasks in the "Tasks" pane in the calendar and in the Tasks view (Ctrl+Alt+D). I can mark them completed in TB and they're recorded as complete in RTM.
A few things don't work;
I can't add new tasks through TB at all. Is this because I'm not (yet) a Pro member?
TB thinks the task came due on the creation date and is still ongoing, rather than the task being due on its due date.
Any prospect of a better sync between Thunderbird and RTM on the horizon?
A few things don't work;
I can't add new tasks through TB at all. Is this because I'm not (yet) a Pro member?
TB thinks the task came due on the creation date and is still ongoing, rather than the task being due on its due date.
Any prospect of a better sync between Thunderbird and RTM on the horizon?

(closed account) says:
I can get this to work following the instructions of dbsantos77 above, but @andy.lawson, how did you get the task events to show up in tasks? Mine show up as events in the calendar (and in the events pane), but not in the tasks pane. I certainly do not see how I can mark tasks as complete. Any advic would be greatfully received.
I would like to add my voise to the clamor for a decent Lightning-RTM sync. Would be wonderful!
I would like to add my voise to the clamor for a decent Lightning-RTM sync. Would be wonderful!

(closed account) says:
Let me answer my own question. You need to use the link under
iCalendar Service (All Lists)
and not the one under
iCalendar Events Service (All Lists)
iCalendar Service (All Lists)
and not the one under
iCalendar Events Service (All Lists)

suzeabelle says:
Joining the request line. Just got new PC and installing all my goodies.
Was surprised the Thunderbird 3.1 and would really love to see a new RTM provider that works.
Pretty, pretty please with sugar on top:)
Was surprised the Thunderbird 3.1 and would really love to see a new RTM provider that works.
Pretty, pretty please with sugar on top:)

(closed account) says:
would love to see RTM work in Thunderbird 3.1.1.....Please, please!!

ibeit says:
Thunderbird 3.1.1 addon: also need it

zerocdv says:
I've manege to get the RTM Provider working by editing the file, and allowing it to work to the lastest 3.1.2 Thunderbird but today i've been unable to modify, create, or delete tasks......
Maybe it's time for a solution
Maybe it's time for a solution

brianyc says:
I strongly agree that a more robust solution for Thunderbird/Lightning is really necessary, and has been overlooked for too long. I will gladly pay 2x or 3x the pro subscription for a full-on totally functioning iphone-gtasks-thunderbird cross syncing solution.

gonzalomenac says:
Fully agree with brianyc comments, synchronization is a MUST today, so it is very important and necessary an official up-to-date add-on for thunderbird.
Anyway and by the moment, you can get an add-on for Thunderbird directly from add-ons page. Check the "Reviews" zone and you will find a link for can download a version that works with TB 3.1.1.
Anyway and by the moment, you can get an add-on for Thunderbird directly from add-ons page. Check the "Reviews" zone and you will find a link for can download a version that works with TB 3.1.1.

brianyc says:
The add-on for Thunderbird is wonky and doesn't really work. I am tired of reading that this is a "solution". it's not even a work around - it's more of a hack. I've tried it, and it messes up my thunderbird and google calendar if I install things in the wrong order. It's finicky.

christian.hinkelmann says:
please: I also need a thunderbird -addon for thunderbird 3.1.2
Without a addon like this rtm isn't a real possibility for me.
Without a addon like this rtm isn't a real possibility for me.

rellix says:
Same here plx! :D

(closed account) says:

harryl says:
any updates on this?

vmonroig says:
No news about this topic? It is badly needed.
I'm using the RTM provider ( with Thunderbird 3.1.7, but is limited and seems abandoned by author. At least it provides bidirectional sync, but notes are not included... :(
I'm using the RTM provider ( with Thunderbird 3.1.7, but is limited and seems abandoned by author. At least it provides bidirectional sync, but notes are not included... :(

maphmue says:
Well, the version "vmonroig" mentioned above doesn´t work for thunderbird 3.1.7 and lightning 1.0b2.
It only shows the tasks, but no way to edit or delete or do somewhat else...
A new version would be nice. Otherwise, RTM is useless..
It only shows the tasks, but no way to edit or delete or do somewhat else...
A new version would be nice. Otherwise, RTM is useless..

badllama77 says:
Would reup my pro subscription for this one

adocorp says:
I renewed my subscription WITHOUT knowing editing from TB3 would wouldn't work. Oh well...
Please fix this!
Please fix this!

(closed account) says:
Yeah, I signed up for RTM today, thinking I'd be able to sync with Thunderbird. Very disappointed that I can't. I use Thunderbird on all of my computers, and sync'ing is a really big deal to me.

I'll add my voice to the chorus here, too... We've just had to switch away from Outlook at work to Thunderbird/Lightning and being able to sync tasks between Outlook, RTM and my iPhone was a big part of my daily workflow. Now that we've switched, and there's no two-way syncing (and not a peep from RTM in reply to all these request) I'm starting to wonder if my RTM subscription is worth it.
Please, RTM Devs, tell us something, anything, about if/when we'll ever get a two-way sync solution for Sunbird/Lightning from you guys...
Please, RTM Devs, tell us something, anything, about if/when we'll ever get a two-way sync solution for Sunbird/Lightning from you guys...

skrishna says:
Just saying what's already been said - really need this!

hewhowalks says:
Yes please!

johngirvin says:
+1. Please don't make me use Outlook.

jojolapoule says:

mateng says:
I am already using the TB "RTM Provider" addon and I like it - a shame that it is not updated anymore (and that it occasionally crashes).
My opionion: For a professional RTM integration the "RTM Provider" addon should be a blueprint. If something like this would be developed and supported I'd go PRO!
My opionion: For a professional RTM integration the "RTM Provider" addon should be a blueprint. If something like this would be developed and supported I'd go PRO!

peter.leigh says:
I think it's pretty essential that RTM create an official addon for thunderbird. Thunderbird has a significant market share and I for one would definately turn pro to get hold of a decent add on.
In my opinion it's quite short sighted just having outlook integration.
In my opinion it's quite short sighted just having outlook integration.

robinbowes says:
I would like to see integration (two-way sync) with TB5.

andreas.p.m. says:
So would I +1!
Best with TB6!
Best with TB6!

(closed account) says:

cmldesign says:

alejandro84 says:

pakistanray says:
+1 for TB 7

ricardoalopez says:
I'm using TB7 and was hoping to sync with RTM. Not having this ability is a real roadblock to using RTM. I would gladly pay for the Pro version if I could sync with TB!

poeltla says:
+1 for TB 7

a99675 says:
+1 for TB7 from me, too

suem11 says:

suem11 says:

lino.sbraccia says:
Me too

mircea.neacsu says:
+1 for TB7

techlife says:
+1 TB8

jasabuma says:

sn3akyp3t3 says:
I voted already, but I have something to add. I despise Outlook for how unpleasant it looks and feels regardless of Microsoft's attempt to make it glazed with features. I find working with Outlook tends to anger me since it is clunky and obtrusive in nature. Granted it is the defacto standard for companies that bandwagon Microsoft products and uphold their golden standard sinkhole of support and monopolization of a handful of specific application marketplaces. I use Thunderbird almost exclusively, but every now and then I must digest a dose of Outlook since many custom apps with features I use such as RTM cater to Outlook and haven't made it to Thunderbird. Please mitigate my misery and support Thunderbird.

balzamo says:
Thunderbird 8 +1

erikklaasschipper says:
+1 TB8

(closed account) says:
+1 TB 9.0.1

wdvink says:
+1 TB 9.0.1

jamesdcarroll says:
Casting my +1 into this empty void of unrepented love... says:
not yet? +1!!!

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:

dscollon says:

mwillig says:

(closed account) says:

Another vote for RTM integration with Thunderbird/Lightning!
I understand from RTM tech support that this would be possible if the iCalendar feed was changed to 2-way (currently only 1-way, which means the tasks are read-only in Thunderbird). I would pay for Pro for this feature.
I am currently still using the "Provider for RTM" add-on with Thunderbird 3.0 but eventually I will be forced to upgrade (current version is TB 11.0) at which point I will have to find a new solution.
I understand from RTM tech support that this would be possible if the iCalendar feed was changed to 2-way (currently only 1-way, which means the tasks are read-only in Thunderbird). I would pay for Pro for this feature.
I am currently still using the "Provider for RTM" add-on with Thunderbird 3.0 but eventually I will be forced to upgrade (current version is TB 11.0) at which point I will have to find a new solution.

luc.steffens says:

oliver.baltz says:
There seems to be caldav support for Siri on IOS: - can't we use that for Lightning?
There seems to be caldav support for Siri on IOS: - can't we use that for Lightning?

dalibor.musil says:
+1 here, i would like to start using RTM, but easily i have no device / account to be synchronised with. I'm using Thunderbird and a old fashion Nokia smartphone without Android. TB or mobile java client would be good. So therefore until there will be a TB plugin as it was in th past ( there is no use for me (and lot others who use thunderbird)

monsterbier says:

davidbarredo says:
any news about this feature?

maurer.didier says:
Another vote for RTM integration with Thunderbird/Lightning!
I understand from RTM tech support that don't currently offer 2-way syncing with Thunderbird/Lightning even with a Pro account.
I would pay for Pro for this feature.
I understand from RTM tech support that don't currently offer 2-way syncing with Thunderbird/Lightning even with a Pro account.
I would pay for Pro for this feature.

andrei.danescu says:

jiri.huml says:
I will appreciate the bi-directional integration of RTM with Thunderbird/Lightning very much! It will then create a good alternative to Outlook, but with the ability to use across platforms, including my private Ubuntu PC, office Win PC and my iOS devices.
Once RTM will offer the 2-way sync with T/L, I am ready to go "pro"
Once RTM will offer the 2-way sync with T/L, I am ready to go "pro"

(closed account) says:
Please! realise Thunderbird integration!!!

crckrmn77 says:

kayshen1024 says:
Problems on TB17 too, modification failed. huhT_T

shotofin says:
+2 :-)

moldybeats says:
Hey Thunderbird fans.
I have a project that allows two-way syncing of some properties between RTM and Thunderbird. I made it just to fit my needs, but thought some of you might find it useful:
Should work with Thunderbird 17. Lots of inspiration taken from Mike Wu's RTM Provider, and from the other providers included with Lightning.
Let me know what you think!
I have a project that allows two-way syncing of some properties between RTM and Thunderbird. I made it just to fit my needs, but thought some of you might find it useful:
Should work with Thunderbird 17. Lots of inspiration taken from Mike Wu's RTM Provider, and from the other providers included with Lightning.
Let me know what you think!

I'm using TB 17.0.8, with Lightning and StormCows 0.3 and the Android app.
The sync between the android app and RTM is quick and bi-directional. The sync from RTM to Thunderbird is good.
However, I cannot create an event in Thunderbird/Lightning and have it sync to RTM.
The task shows in the TB calendar but after the sync goes away and doesn't go the RTM. Might be a Stormcows thing. IF the API is at issue please extend to help this problem. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with it.
The sync between the android app and RTM is quick and bi-directional. The sync from RTM to Thunderbird is good.
However, I cannot create an event in Thunderbird/Lightning and have it sync to RTM.
The task shows in the TB calendar but after the sync goes away and doesn't go the RTM. Might be a Stormcows thing. IF the API is at issue please extend to help this problem. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with it.

fdroegemueller says:

We use TB and StormCows as the interface between the TB and RTM.
StormCows is ok but only one way RTM>TB, calendars are read-only.
A interface should be two way.
Also, completed tasks should be able to be viewed in a "Completed" calender for historical purposes. The Completed calendar should be able to be held static on a local machine as a protection against RTM server loss or removal of old history. We currently have years of paper appointment books for this purpose
StormCows is ok but only one way RTM>TB, calendars are read-only.
A interface should be two way.
Also, completed tasks should be able to be viewed in a "Completed" calender for historical purposes. The Completed calendar should be able to be held static on a local machine as a protection against RTM server loss or removal of old history. We currently have years of paper appointment books for this purpose

(closed account) says:
Dredging up an old thread. I think the solution here is to use CalDAV instead of iCal. I use Linux full time and would love a way to get a Gmail message turned into an RTM task.
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