Integrate 'A Bit Better RTM'

(closed account) says:
As I am sure you are aware, Andrew Paprotsky developed a Greasemonkey script that adds some features to RTM. I find his additions indispensable:
'Goto list' keyboard shortcut: Essential with many lists.
Keyboard shortcut for moving between lists: RTM has no 'from date' for tasks, so I add tasks that cannot yet be performed to a Tickler list with a due date set to the task start date. A smart search shows all Tickler items due today. At the time an item shows up I move it to the Actions list, updating the due date. Not ideal, but with the keyboard shortcuts it is doable.
List tabs on the left: With a larger number of lists this makes the screen much cleaner. Tabs located at the top only look good if there is only one row.
Hide useless lists: I have a number of Gmail accounts, and these accounts all show specific smart lists that show useful tasks for these accounts. Because these lists are not useful in the RTM itself I hide them. Also, I do not share tasks, so I hide the Sent list.
Unique URLs for lists: I can link to a specific list from my wiki.
Although I do not use task or list drag and drop, I am sure mouse users love it, and the features do not get in the way. In short, I cannot find any fault with the changes Andrew made.
Please consider adopting his changes into the RTM interface, and rewarding him for his work.
'Goto list' keyboard shortcut: Essential with many lists.
Keyboard shortcut for moving between lists: RTM has no 'from date' for tasks, so I add tasks that cannot yet be performed to a Tickler list with a due date set to the task start date. A smart search shows all Tickler items due today. At the time an item shows up I move it to the Actions list, updating the due date. Not ideal, but with the keyboard shortcuts it is doable.
List tabs on the left: With a larger number of lists this makes the screen much cleaner. Tabs located at the top only look good if there is only one row.
Hide useless lists: I have a number of Gmail accounts, and these accounts all show specific smart lists that show useful tasks for these accounts. Because these lists are not useful in the RTM itself I hide them. Also, I do not share tasks, so I hide the Sent list.
Unique URLs for lists: I can link to a specific list from my wiki.
Although I do not use task or list drag and drop, I am sure mouse users love it, and the features do not get in the way. In short, I cannot find any fault with the changes Andrew made.
Please consider adopting his changes into the RTM interface, and rewarding him for his work.

(closed account) says:
Oh, and of course the move task keyboard shortcut is required for quickly cleaning my Inbox list.

(closed account) says:
Holy cow! You can create a new list without going into settings! That's a huge improvement in itself!

greennick says:
Just signed up for a pro account, loving my RTM on my Droid Eris phone.
But, I definitely think the "a bit better rtm" should be incorporated in the actual site design (or at least giving some options for different layouts).
I use RTM with the Fluid browser on Mac, so I can't use these features. But I think they would be an excellent addition.
But, I definitely think the "a bit better rtm" should be incorporated in the actual site design (or at least giving some options for different layouts).
I use RTM with the Fluid browser on Mac, so I can't use these features. But I think they would be an excellent addition.

(closed account) says:
A Bit Better RTM is the ONLY reason I am still a user of RTM. Andrew's changes are essential. I find the website/service unuseable without them. Every time I see a screenshot of RTM without the extension running, I am amazed at how unusable the UI is.
The default UI has needed an overhaul (IMO) for a while. Either integrate Andrew's designs and features into the default UX, or pay him to design something even better.
A Bit Better RTM is the ONLY reason I am still a user of RTM. Andrew's changes are essential. I find the website/service unuseable without them. Every time I see a screenshot of RTM without the extension running, I am amazed at how unusable the UI is.
The default UI has needed an overhaul (IMO) for a while. Either integrate Andrew's designs and features into the default UX, or pay him to design something even better.

amoslemi says:
I agree with funkeye. I was about ready to give up on rtm and move to something more gtd oriented. But A Bit Better RTM + Chrome is such a deadly combo; super fast, clean layout, and MUCH more directed toward being gtd friendly. RTM is amazing, without question. But it does feel like building a sand castle with a bulldozer, it's such a powerful tool framed in such a simple format that even after moderate use, you still can't see the scope of what's even possible without expending considerable time, researching, testing, and implementing various setup formats and systems. And then there is a complete lack of direction for use cases/white papers on implementation. The forums and Tuesday Tips is a nice start, and better than having nothing; and while I'm a fan of make a powerful tool and see what people do with it approach, a little more direction would be nice. And finally, Andrew Paprotsky thank you so much for this, your work makes using rtm so much easier and an actual joy to use. It's damn good, thanks for the up keep. Cheers.

devenv says:

vsonicmu says:

igor.ghisi says:
Thank god! So happy that I found this extension... RTM guys write in the help that you can have "many lists as you want". But multiple Tab lines is an awful thing to deal with. Go to settings to create new lists sucks also.
Great work Andrew...
Great work Andrew...

caputo737 says:
+1. Only reason I RTM. Why this would not be incorporated into design is beyond me.

caffeineoverload says:
I too use RTM in a Fluid SSB. I wish these additions would work within the SSB. I loved using them in Firefox.

markscholtz says:
I would also love to see this functionality incorporated into RTM. I have just switched to using Fluid on Mac and really miss Andrew's modifications. I will probably have to switch to another browser to get his script working again (as it's just so much more intuitive to use), but it would be so much more convenient if I didn't have to do this on each computer that I want to access RTM on. This functionality should just work regardless of browser choice.
Come on guys, please make it happen!
Otherwise I am one very happy RTM user :D
Come on guys, please make it happen!
Otherwise I am one very happy RTM user :D

devins says:
I am really hoping to see some better interface changes to match 'A Bit Better RTM.' My extension just stopped working for some reason and I'm reminded how terrible the tabbed interface is.

(closed account) says:
It's also stopped working for me in Chrome on the Mac. Making me nuts. I've gotten so used to seeing my lists on the left. The tabs hurt my eyes. If I can't get it working again (I've un-installed/re-installed a zillion times) I might bail on RTM. It hurts that much.
Please, if nothing else, put the lists on the left.
It's also stopped working for me in Chrome on the Mac. Making me nuts. I've gotten so used to seeing my lists on the left. The tabs hurt my eyes. If I can't get it working again (I've un-installed/re-installed a zillion times) I might bail on RTM. It hurts that much.
Please, if nothing else, put the lists on the left.

(closed account) says:
@mbuccella, just log out and log in again. That should work. I'm using "a bit better rtm" in Chrome right now and it just works fine. By the way, it would be great to see some of these features in regular rtm.

jeff.vautin says:
I just updated Greasemonkey this morning, and A Bit Better RTM stopped working for me. I reinstalled, restarted Firefox, logged out/logged in - nothing. Anyone else have this happening?

matthauger says:
And +1 for a UI refresh in general. For those of us with tons of smart lists, the tab-based layout just doesn't make much sense.
And +1 for a UI refresh in general. For those of us with tons of smart lists, the tab-based layout just doesn't make much sense.

pierre.steckmeyer says:
A Bit Better RTM stopped working for me too. Is it a problem with the site or the script?

fentie says:
I believe it has to do with the recent update(s) to the Greasemonkey add-on, although the script could probably be updated to work around the changes that the add-on introduced.

zachgomez says:
doesn't work on chrome. this needs to be fixed

akrde says:
A Bit Better RTM works for me in Chrome without any problems (at least for now), kudos to the developer.
+1 to integrate it in the official RTM frontend
+1 to integrate it in the official RTM frontend

benmjt says:
The plugin stopped working for me on Chrome a couple of days ago, hoping for some kind of update on either side to fix it.

xxdesmus says:
I completely agree -- I don't even bother using the RTM website without this installed. The website needs a massive overhaul if you don't plan on using this script.

jaap.kramer says:
I was about to suggest this one too. The BetterRTM is a better and easier GUI then the standard RTM.
Please consider taking the betterRTM GUI as the standard
Please consider taking the betterRTM GUI as the standard

xterminator says:
+2 - I was not aware for A bit better RTM until now. THANK YOU! This UI is so way better than the default.

turismo77 says:
+2 for adding this to the standard RTM interface
for those having problems in Chrome: just try to deactivate and reactivate the extension. This fixes the problems for me.
for those having problems in Chrome: just try to deactivate and reactivate the extension. This fixes the problems for me.

(closed account) says:
RTM is very robust
but the looks and feel are form 2005 ?
Please make is more convenient
but the looks and feel are form 2005 ?
Please make is more convenient

mir_lww says:
"A Bit Better RTM" is more convenient than the stock one.

kylir says:
Please integrate this!

justjohn says:
I'd love to see some of the improvements from A Bit Better RTM integrated into Stock RTM. I have enough lists that the sidebar is a much better interface for me than the tabs.

pddulfer says:
Maybe now the iPad app is delivered the developers can turn their attention to the web interface. I appreciate and use the mobility solutions (which are on the whole very slick) but in terms of active management of my tasks I still do most of it on the PC and the website is the primary user interface. It is severely lagging behind and would have to be the single most important piece of work outstanding.

davidtruog says:

kael29lv says:
Thanks for the heads up, just added to Chrome and love it. It seems getting permission to officially integrate this settings/interface would clear up quite a few of the suggestions on here.
Almost seems like a no-brainer, especially since it can be turned off easily.
Almost seems like a no-brainer, especially since it can be turned off easily.

xxjohnboy says:
The bit better rtm is a bit glitchy for me adding extra "+ add list" buttons. It did work for a little while but then just started playing up. Now I have to go back to those ugly tabs :(
The bit better rtm is a bit glitchy for me adding extra "+ add list" buttons. It did work for a little while but then just started playing up. Now I have to go back to those ugly tabs :(

xxjohnboy says:
Well my work around is to use Chrome for my RTM because the firefox version is kaput

(closed account) says:
If I could perennially cast all of my thumbs-up just to one feature, it'd likely be this.
I cannot believe how non-functional a user interface the concept of stacking rows upon rows upon rows of tabs upon each other is.
In addition to all its other glories, Bit Better RTM fixes that.
Emily, SERIOUSLY. How in the heck are you guys thinking that adding rows and rows of tabs upon each other is even slightly a good UI?
I cannot believe how non-functional a user interface the concept of stacking rows upon rows upon rows of tabs upon each other is.
In addition to all its other glories, Bit Better RTM fixes that.
Emily, SERIOUSLY. How in the heck are you guys thinking that adding rows and rows of tabs upon each other is even slightly a good UI?

casutton says:
I agree with funkeye that I would probably not be using RTM anymore if not for A Bit Better RTM. I have 50 lists or so and it is extremely time consuming to find the list I want using the "rows of tabs" UI. Having a vertical list that I can arrange as I please rocks.

levr says:
Agree with funkeye. I have about 30 lists - it's unmanageable with the default UI. And you should probably work on decreasing the number of clicks needed to perform some basic manipulations such as creating a list and moving tasks from one list to another

vamshikk says:
The extra shortcuts and the lists on the side are the key features!

camiel.eggermont says:
Just got me a pro account, but wouldn't have done that without the existence of the "a bit better" chrome extension. I mean, unlimited lists, but show them as tabs? What were you guys thinking?
Thumbs up for this idea!
Thumbs up for this idea!

mgort says:
Completely agree with you guys. Unlimited lists as tabs is just SO WRONG it hurts. Creating a new list should be possible without going to settings. Without this extension I wouldn't be using RTM.
The current (original) UI is one the worst in webapps I've seen..
The current (original) UI is one the worst in webapps I've seen..

mikabren says:
The options of 'A Bit Better RTM' are really useful for some people. I would also use some functions.
However, I think it's very important that these functions are made optional, so the ones who love them can use them, and the people who like RTM as it is now, can keep using it this way.
I agree that there should be a keyboard shortcut to move tasks to another list. This way I could clean my inbox without using my mouse!
However, I think it's very important that these functions are made optional, so the ones who love them can use them, and the people who like RTM as it is now, can keep using it this way.
I agree that there should be a keyboard shortcut to move tasks to another list. This way I could clean my inbox without using my mouse!

(closed account) says:
Count me among those that keep using RTM almost solely due to that addon. I'd love to see it integrated...

a.obhof says:

jaap.kramer says:
This topic is already 2 years old, nothing has happened since that as we know off.
Can anyone from the RTM team notify Bob to give a little hint about the future for the webapp?
Can anyone from the RTM team notify Bob to give a little hint about the future for the webapp?

tony.grout says:
+1 Agree with many that without this script my wife and I would not be using RTM. Please integrate!

regala_ says:
The look and feel of a Bit Better RTM is in my opinion superior for it's simplicity.
The look and feel of a Bit Better RTM is in my opinion superior for it's simplicity.

aka178 says:

dreyjor says:
I never use RTM in my PC without a Bit Better RTM. It is incredible that haven't been integrated yet.

hansekaiser says:
How can one get a bit better rmt with IE ?

torfason says:
+1 Without this script I would not be using RTM. And it is really annoying when I need to access RTM on computers without this extension installed.

xxjohnboy says:
i use the script. but i often have to refresh the screen to make the list apear correctly. The mobile app runs about 20 times faster and easier than the desktop. But I want t use this on my desktop!! Please make it faster and better UI

hwallentin says:

apalomar says:

gary.greer says:

jelykins says:
Old post but still very useful! +2

toenex says:
On FIrefox version 22.0 this extension is no longer working. I find the list view and the ability to resize the width so useful that without this script RTM is a much poorer application. Anyone else having this problem?

progress4ward says:
I am having the same issue with extension not working on Firefox version 22.0 and hoping that it will work soon. I really miss not having the extension!

progress4ward says:
I just found the update for Firefox here!
I had version Version while the newest version is Version and it added a support for Firefox 22+
I had version Version while the newest version is Version and it added a support for Firefox 22+

(closed account) says:
Link to a list would be great.

relevart says:
Yes, Bit Better RTM has some good ideas, but I think the web interface would need a much bigger overhaul.

aleksi says:
I guess that one can be closed.

aleksi, why do you think this can be closed?
I'm also using the "Bit Better RTM" plugin for Firefox and couldn't use RTM without it. The plugin allows me to sort and group my lists/SmartLists by hand, while the current app sorts everything alphabetically.
It makes much more sense for me to sort the lists semantically (job vs. private life, separate project groups, etc.)
I'm also using the "Bit Better RTM" plugin for Firefox and couldn't use RTM without it. The plugin allows me to sort and group my lists/SmartLists by hand, while the current app sorts everything alphabetically.
It makes much more sense for me to sort the lists semantically (job vs. private life, separate project groups, etc.)

plainclothes says:
The current app allows drag-n-drop sorting.
abbRTM was critical in the old version, but unnecessary today.
The current app allows drag-n-drop sorting.
abbRTM was critical in the old version, but unnecessary today.

aaron.boydston says:
How do we get really old, irrelevant ideas archived? Eg, this one is a top voted idea so it really clutters the popular ideas list.

This should be closed. Most (all?) of these features have in fact been integrated into RTM already, and A Bit Better RTM hasn't been maintained since 2013:

danielsnider12 says:
+1 to archive this
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