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Allow app badge to show number of tasks in a list or Smart List

wpreed says:
I would like to be able to configure the App Badge count to reflect the number of tasks in a given list. With the introduction of smart lists, this would allow a user to customise exactly what is shown on the App Badge.

The available App Badge counts (Due Today/Incomplete), although useful, are not my preferred way of working. I currently use a smart list that lists all my overdue (dueBefore:now) tasks for most of my planning.

Similarly, you could use it to work at the sub-task level, for instance if you had to run a list of errands. Create a new list called "errands", add tasks to it (pick up drycleaning, get haircuit, remember the milk etc) and link the errands list to your App Badge. Now you have a realtime count of outstanding items in your errands list, which you can look at, at a glance.

Would love to know your thoughts.
Posted at 2:56am on January 12, 2010
ranbarton Power Poster says:
This idea has appeared several times, and I think it's a great one. As things now stand, I really don't use the badge, but if I could see it tailored to a specific list, that would be a great improvement.

Posted 15 years ago
jhmorris says:
I agree. It would be great to specify the list from which the App Badge count is derived.

Personally I'd choose the Inbox list, so I can see how may new tasks I have which need categorising.
Posted 14 years ago
stephen.nevison says:
This would help a lot and greatly add to the 'mind like water' approach of GTD.

I have a smart list for 'today' which doesn't include tasks I'm waiting on or items requiring action from others. Currently the badge just displays the default today item quantity so usually displays more items than I can actually action.
Posted 14 years ago
dembo says:

This feature would multiple RTM's usage on the iPhone, one could easily switch between private and business todos or track follow-ups without being bother by the app badge.
Posted 14 years ago
deanchile says:
I would love to see this, just like how the iPhone does it...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Gotta have this
Posted 13 years ago
liffer says:
Yes yes yes!
I was just about to write a, what I thought, new idea regarding this. Just to find out that others already have thought about it :)

I would love to be able to see number of tasks on my "now-list" as app badge.
On my Now-list I have tasks that are due within one minut of now. In that way I set a time for private things needed to do after work hours and I don't see them on my now-list while at work.
Would be SO helpfull to see number of now-tasks with just a quick glance on the phone...

According to me this feature is a must have!!
Posted 13 years ago
liffer says:
Come on! Must be more iPhone users out there longing for this??
Posted 13 years ago
awaldraff says:
Love to have this. In my case i have a list that counts tasks due today and nearby.
Posted 13 years ago
bird.famille says:
I could have sworn I submitted this enhancement request at least a year ago. Wondering if the development hours would really be that much to make this happen...? Agree totally that users should be able to choose a smart list on which to base the app badge.
Posted 13 years ago
steven.beth says:
This is a very important feature. Especially because the "Tasks Due Today" include tasks scheduled for later in the day which you obviously don't want to see in the app badge until the time occurs. Any feedback from RTM on this?
Posted 13 years ago
liffer says:
Any news on this?
Posted 13 years ago
campbell226 says:
I can honestly say there is literally only one problem in my entire life, and this is it.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes! TODAY is useless for me, too! I use a Smart List to weed out task that aren't real tasks such as the stuff in my freezer or pantry that is past its expiry date (tsk tsk).

I've turned off the app badge because it is useless.
Posted 11 years ago
david.munns says:
I have also turned off badges because of this. This would be a great feature.
Posted 11 years ago
deuts says:
I've been waiting for this feature to be implemented before I subscribe again and pay for a pro account. Hope it'll be implemented soon.
Posted 11 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
This was a great idea four years ago, and it still is. I do sometimes wonder what Bob does all day. You'd think he could bat this one out without too much effort.
Posted 11 years ago
dfm says:
Yes please, yes please, yes please. I've just turned the badge off as neither of the choices is of any use to me whatsover. But if I could have it use a smart list it would be wonderfully helpful. Please, please, please?
Posted 11 years ago
gstiebler says:
Posted 11 years ago
jhedlund says:

Having this would be a great help, I don't want to see the badge on tasks due at a later time today, being able to customize it to whatever a specific smart list is would be huge.
Posted 11 years ago
mikeymike123 says:
Yes this feature is also keeping me from upgrading to Pro. I have reminders pop up through the day and being able to see "only overdue" number on the iPhone badge is the best thing about the Apple Reminders app
Posted 7 years ago
medeamelana says:
Yes please!

I use RTM for a lot of recurring tasks, e.g. "vacuum living every 10 days", and will typically wait with these tasks until, say, the weekend. So I usually have some overdue items that I don't care about, and some higher priority, non-recurring overdue items that I care about very much. But currently they get thrown onto one big pile which is the app badge number in iOS.

I upgraded to pro under the impression that this would already work this way, and was disappointed to find out it doesn't. I'm still happy about going pro just to support RTM, but currently I gain no new features that I'd like to use from the upgrade.
Posted 7 years ago
cnolsen says:
Yes! I have several ideas of how I might use this - tasks that start today or earlier (but no fixed due date), overdue stuff that's priority 1, tasks with only a particular tag, etc. I'm not even sure which of these I'd end up using, but I'd like to be able to experiment. As of now, I don't use the badge because the two options are too broad to be helpful.
Posted 7 years ago
whitemilkyballoons says:
I'd like to add my vote for this one. I use Remember The Milk for both work and my personal life. However, I don't want to see an enormous number of work tasks on my phone. I only want to see my personal tasks on the badge, so being able to customise it by displaying how many items are in a smart list would be a huge help.
Posted 7 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
This was a great idea almost eight years ago, and it still is.
Posted 7 years ago
mtcha8 says:
+ 100
Posted 5 years ago
freyr.olafsson says:
So... what's the update on this Bob? This is the only app I have flagging red dot incorrectly!
Posted 5 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Nine years of hoping… pleeeeeease!
Posted 5 years ago
clasimon says:
Great idea. Please implement it.
Posted 4 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Posted 4 years ago
scottydeep says:
+1 from me too. You can (or at least could) set up a widget in Android to show outstanding tasks of a specific list / smart list, and it's really what I need so I can stop using Apple Reminders. C'mon Bob! Do it!
Posted 4 years ago
cherylalexander72 says:
I would like to know from the badge number what is currently due and waiting to be checked off instead of everything I have to do today! The list of everything on today doesn't help me to try to complete what things I need to do now!
Posted 3 years ago
andreyas says:
It would be very helpful, because I use Today for all actual tasks, but I don't plan to do all of them, so amount of Today tasks doesn't mean anything, I want to have option like due:today and (priority:1 or routine tasks), so I will see only count of tasks that really matters
Posted 4 months ago
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