Save or confirm discarding of changes when back button is pressed on note edit screen

styxiak says:
It would be nice to save note when I press back button after edit details.
That beahavior of back button could be set in settings.
It would be nice to save note when I press back button after edit details.
That beahavior of back button could be set in settings.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've changed the behaviour of the back button in version 2.0.0 so that it will confirm whether you wish to discard your changes, whether you are leaving the task editing or note editing screen -- discarding changes silently is bad! :(

(closed account) says:
I'd like to have this feature as well, and not only for notes but also when modifying entries. Because the latter would break consistency it should in that case be available as an option under Settings.

(closed account) says:
Hmm nevermind my entry, I'd prefer the Enter key. Pressing Enter anywhere in a form should press the first default button.

nathanielwylie says:
The de-facto standard behavior for Android apps is for the app to save state when navigating away from a form (either by pressing the back button or the home button, or something else).
I like this standard behavior. It is comforting to know that an app treats my data as something important, and it makes me trust such apps more.
Please change the RTM android app to conform to this standard behavior. (If some folks prefer to lose data when navigating away from a form in this app, I guess you could make it configurable --- but a Discard Changes button would probably be better).
The current behavior makes me worry that I might lose my edits at any time if I'm not extra careful.
I like this standard behavior. It is comforting to know that an app treats my data as something important, and it makes me trust such apps more.
Please change the RTM android app to conform to this standard behavior. (If some folks prefer to lose data when navigating away from a form in this app, I guess you could make it configurable --- but a Discard Changes button would probably be better).
The current behavior makes me worry that I might lose my edits at any time if I'm not extra careful.

olson says:
I just sought out this forum specifically to ask for this.
When using the soft keyboard the save button is hidden. Usually hitting back closes the soft keyboard, in RTM it leaves the add notes screen and dumps my work. I don't know why it's different there than other apps but the frustration factor is absolutely amazing (I have very nearly thrown the phone after loosing several hundred words). The nature of the problem pretty much ensures I perfectly lose all the work right as I finish.
Anything that stops that would be so welcome, in order of my preference:
1) save the note automatically on backing out
2) a "Are you sure you want to discard this note?" dialog
3) making it actually close the soft keyboard (really though, that leaves open the possibility of accidentally hitting back twice)
When using the soft keyboard the save button is hidden. Usually hitting back closes the soft keyboard, in RTM it leaves the add notes screen and dumps my work. I don't know why it's different there than other apps but the frustration factor is absolutely amazing (I have very nearly thrown the phone after loosing several hundred words). The nature of the problem pretty much ensures I perfectly lose all the work right as I finish.
Anything that stops that would be so welcome, in order of my preference:
1) save the note automatically on backing out
2) a "Are you sure you want to discard this note?" dialog
3) making it actually close the soft keyboard (really though, that leaves open the possibility of accidentally hitting back twice)

olson says:
Technical note - I am using the TalkToMe Soft Keyboard. Maybe it's at fault. Still, it'd be better to make it hard to make mistakes of such magnitude.

chris.newbold says:
This is one of the things I find most annoying about the RTM Android app. It is totally inconsistent with other apps on the system. It also makes saving edits a tedious process: I must either scroll down to find the "Save" button, or go through multiple steps to bring up the menu and select "Save".
There are also all sorts of oddities in RTM's handling of the "Back" button. Sometimes it takes you back to the previous screen. Sometimes it goes back more than one screen. And quite often, pressing the "Back" button blows me out of the RTM app altogether...
This is one of the things I find most annoying about the RTM Android app. It is totally inconsistent with other apps on the system. It also makes saving edits a tedious process: I must either scroll down to find the "Save" button, or go through multiple steps to bring up the menu and select "Save".
There are also all sorts of oddities in RTM's handling of the "Back" button. Sometimes it takes you back to the previous screen. Sometimes it goes back more than one screen. And quite often, pressing the "Back" button blows me out of the RTM app altogether...

jkrell says:
+1. Discovered this yesterday and became very frustrated.

florian.heft says:
+1 .. it's a must-have feature

dfilskov says:
Totally agree - NEVER erase user data without confirmation. Basic interface rule for beginners. It's a serious bug.

(closed account) says:
Second these suggestions. Having to manually save is the wrong way!

kerrpe says:

sandidandi says:
+1. I've already ooopsed on this more than once and really don't appreciate having lost my stuff because I navigated away. Please at a minimum give us a warning box so that user data isn't erased without confirmation!

gabrielmelvoin says:
I agree! I cannot tell you how frustrated I am with this because I have lost pertinent information.