Add a visual cue to show properties not yet entered in the Smart Add bar

rashley03 says:
I often overlook or forget to add all available properties when entering a new task using Smart Add. It would be great if there could be some kind of reminder of properties not yet entered in the Smart Add bar, such as listing the names of empty properties (e.g., location, duration, etc.) in grayed-out text or some other visual cue at the end of the bar.

benb says:
I have a smart list "Check meta" that has the following criteria:
(due:never OR isLocated:false OR isTagged: false OR (NOT timeEstimate:"> 0" AND NOT timeEstimate:"0 minutes"))AND NOT tag:someday AND NOT list:Shop AND NOT tag:-wishlist
The first half shows up all tasks with missing meta data (I use time est of "0 minutes" to identify tasks that I don't want or need an estimate).
The second half exludes certain tasks from the check: I know that my shopping tasks won't necessarily have a due date or time estimate for example
(due:never OR isLocated:false OR isTagged: false OR (NOT timeEstimate:"> 0" AND NOT timeEstimate:"0 minutes"))AND NOT tag:someday AND NOT list:Shop AND NOT tag:-wishlist
The first half shows up all tasks with missing meta data (I use time est of "0 minutes" to identify tasks that I don't want or need an estimate).
The second half exludes certain tasks from the check: I know that my shopping tasks won't necessarily have a due date or time estimate for example

adrian.russell says:
It would also be great if calculated fields like the due date and repeat were able to be shown on the fly.
ie if I type in Every Month on the Last Day of The Month the values would be populated to show how the smart add was being interpreted.
ie if I type in Every Month on the Last Day of The Month the values would be populated to show how the smart add was being interpreted.
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