Contacts integration

apbwolf says:
Are there any plans to include the ability to integrate contacts in a future version of the iPhone app?
Right now if I want to include a phone number in a note, I have to type the name, then got to the contacts app and copy their phone number and paste it into the note.
Right now if I want to include a phone number in a note, I have to type the name, then got to the contacts app and copy their phone number and paste it into the note.

ben.wainwright says:
+1 for that!

felixc says:
+1 as well

siamack says:
Add me to the list

(closed account) says:

aero7 says:

(closed account) says:

pascal.dumont says:

seeker5 says:

barakk says:

trimax says:

steveshay says:
especially if tapping on a task such as "Call Mom" could start the call.

pawlov says:
I really like it! Plus 1 for me please

stephane.perry says:
+1 ;)
Same request for phone numbers recognition in task names or notes...
Same request for phone numbers recognition in task names or notes...

apotheke says:
+1 because it makes live easier - thanks

oleg33 says:
+1 thanks

(closed account) says:
Definitely for it. +2!

efo2011 says:
YES! And I will be able to create a list of calls to do, when i drive. Just one click to make a call.

e_dawg8 says:
+1 - and great point guys... this could be (literally) a life saver when driving

(closed account) says:
Bumping this to the top. Wondering about integrating with CONTACTUALLY or Evernote HELLO.
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