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Support Smart Add characters as keyboard shortcuts

dfm says:
It seems a shame that the magic characters used by smart add and the keyboard shortcuts are out of synch. For example, why should users have to remember both 's' and '#' for setting tags?

Might it be possible, when not in a text field, to add suitable keyboard shortcuts, such as

^ takes you to the due date

# takes you to the tags

!1 sets priiority 1, etc
Posted at 7:54pm on September 16, 2009
stevenheidel says:
I very much agree with this idea. It's certainly a simple change and it would make so much sense. Several times I've pressed "^" expecting it to allow me to change the due date of a task that I've selected.
Posted 13 years ago
mbeachy says:
I'd think that supporting both 's' and '#' would be the way to go.

Posted 13 years ago
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