Google Tasks sync

twisted_daemon says:
First of all. I love the RTM Calender functionality available on GCal. Works great.
However now Google has it's own task list functionality that doesn't sync with RTM.
Is there a way to set it up? Or is this featuer on the way?
However now Google has it's own task list functionality that doesn't sync with RTM.
Is there a way to set it up? Or is this featuer on the way?

lawrence.lanoff says:
totally agree. There is excellence in both, but the must communicate...

timothyadam says:
I say the main advantage that google tasks has over RTM's view in google calendar is that rather than having to click the checkbox, you can see your tasks for a given day at-a-glance, in line with your appointments and meetings. I'd love to have that functionality with RTM!

andrew.bird says:
Since Google has yet to release its Tasks API, there's no way for RTM and Google Tasks to communicate. But I'm confident that once the API is out there, Bob will hook us up.
In the meantime, you can try the aforementioned Gcal integration from ranbarton's post, or this little gem I found today:
Basically, by simply navigating to the URL below, you can use the Gmail RTM gadget from within Google calendar.
In the meantime, you can try the aforementioned Gcal integration from ranbarton's post, or this little gem I found today:
Basically, by simply navigating to the URL below, you can use the Gmail RTM gadget from within Google calendar.

mbacina says:
So can we look forward to RTM and Google Tasks Syncing?

spemarx says:
Oh god I hope so.

mike.bean.heyns says:
Yes please, that would make a world of a difference... especially if it'll be free :(

(closed account) says:
Integration by API or simple Google buying RTM ;-)

mushroom says:
What a good news too see the Google Tasks API coming alive ! I'm sure there is a really great mashup to develop with it !
I would be really happy to be able to sync the two services.
I would be really happy to be able to sync the two services.

bvargo says:
yes I agree. can't wait!

marcus.weller says:
Let's make it happen. Are you listening RTM?

willz06jw says:
Yes, agreed! Please make this happen!

serfraedingur says:
I too am anxious for this function. API inter-op is the only missing link for RTM to dominate this niche. Especially for BB users, and Im sure others agree for their device/config. Essential.

movrev says:
I'd love to see this happen; however, does Google Tasks support all RTM features? It doesn't seem to be able to handle repeating tasks and tags among other things.

(closed account) says:
So... 3 months since API has been released. Any news?

nr1 says:
Please update it, and also: what are your plans regarding Apple iOS reminders integration?

bsisman says:
I would really love to see this integrated as well.

kagemaru says:
This is just the feature I've been waiting for. It would allow me to combine all my existing solutions.

(closed account) says:
This hasn't come out yet right? I'd like for the CalenGoo iPhone app to display the RTM tasks in the calendar itself (as of now, it doesn't show the tasks themselves in the CalenGoo... not sure if that's a settings issue on my part or if it's that CalenGoo is only able to display the tasks from Google Tasks..."

jeremyhays says:
So.... what's the word on getting RTM to sync with Google Tasks? I was planning to upgrade to pro in order to set up RTM and Google Tasks as my main system for "Getting Things Done." But I need RTM to sync with Google Tasks. Is that going to happen? Thanks!

(closed account) says:
+1 this is a feature I really need

ucdbadboy says:
+1 need it over here too

thomassteph says:
Without this, this app is useless to me. Is there any plan to do it or are we all just wishing Google would get their head out of the proverbial sand?

tyler.mills says:
do it!

(closed account) says:
Really need this feature!

(closed account) says:
I have also emailed them to see if we can get an official response

gcman105 says:
I would like to be able to sync Google Tasks to RTM too.
There seems to be a lot of interest for this feature.
There seems to be a lot of interest for this feature.

tyler.mills says:
I'm almost tempted to use both API's provided by RTM and Google and create my own site :D

kenjohns says:
yes, this will be essential for me to continue using rtm...i must use google tasks for work, and i cant bother to use them both rtm must sync with google tasks, or its goodbye rtm for me :(

chris.alan.myers says:
I've been struggling with a way to simplify my life... I use Gmail to sync my email with Thunderbird on two different computers and my android phone because its a whole lot cheaper than Outlook and has more tools for email than the Gmail site. I use Google Calendars which are fully integrated into Thunderbird to share events and appointments with my android phone and my wife. For tasks, I...?????? I'm stuck. There does not seem to be a full functioning yet reasonably priced email client out there that can sync email, calendars, contacts AND TASKS in a user-friendly way between an Android phone and multiple computers.
I was hoping Thunderbird and RTM could help, but RTM can't see Google Tasks and an administrator has disabled the Remember The Milk extension for Thunderbird.
...a swing and a miss.
I was hoping Thunderbird and RTM could help, but RTM can't see Google Tasks and an administrator has disabled the Remember The Milk extension for Thunderbird.
...a swing and a miss.

(closed account) says:
PLEASE hurry up and sync google tasks and RTM!

starfotograf says:
would like to be able to sync Google Tasks to RTM too.
I love both, and I have so many tasks in google from my email account, and I want to bring them to RTM.
I love both, and I have so many tasks in google from my email account, and I want to bring them to RTM.

dscollon says:
C'mon, make it so already ... please.

anaszui says:
"yes, this will be essential for me to continue using rtm...i must use google tasks for work, and i cant bother to use them both rtm must sync with google tasks, or its goodbye rtm for me :("
Same here. :/
Same here. :/

ddumont says:
It would be great to have the tasks show up directly into the Native Gmail Tasks. I have some users that use GASMO (Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook) and that syncs with the RTM Tasks with Google Tasks but it requires a computer to be on and sort of removes the "Cloud" which is bad. I vote for having RTM build in an interface to Google Tasks directly.

joncontino says:
Man, this would be so helpful if RTM would just sync with Google Tasks. It would literally make everything a thousand times easier. COME ON GUYS!!!

mattylight says:
While you are waiting for synchronization, you can use the iCal links in your lists to add them to Google Calendar so that your tasks will display there like gTasks does.
My solution:
- Search for "status:incomplete" in RTM and then make that a "Smart Lists"
- Copy the iCalendar (Events) link and add it to Google Calendar
- Add the RTM Google Calendar App for easy editing (
Hope this helps some of those out there until this becomes native!
My solution:
- Search for "status:incomplete" in RTM and then make that a "Smart Lists"
- Copy the iCalendar (Events) link and add it to Google Calendar
- Add the RTM Google Calendar App for easy editing (
Hope this helps some of those out there until this becomes native!

kevin.herman says:
For what it's worth, I would also love to see a feature that allows RTM to sync with Google tasks!

brookwarner says:

undergroundtoo says:
+1 ...any development yet? It's been about a year since API release

undergroundtoo says:
anyhow I'm going with gogtasks

(closed account) says:
Syncing with Google tasks would make life so much easier when it comes to using Google Calendar.

blacktone says:

coda160 says:

saylon3007 says:

ors.blenessy says:

wayne.thompson says:
yeah dudes. this one's a clincher. no chance I'm redoing all my tasks on a new platform. At least have an import.

jollibee says:

farris.paul says:

veggyhead says:

eriec.42 says:

andrew.parker says:

zeroadhesion says:

yakavetta says:

lujacome says:
When this is going to happen??? Please, I'll go PRO the minute it comes out....

kinglew says:

cheek says:
I'd love this too, but unfortunately I don't see it happening guys. RTM is a paid service, and syncing with a free service kind of devalues their proposition. In a more direct way, it also subverts their pro- requirement for mobile access.
As a former pro- (now gtasks) user, I also have to say that the standards for a paid service are higher. For me, to trust my data with your service, you have to have both solid official offerings, and great interopability. To RTMs credit, they put a lot of effort into integration offerings and an API, but I never could RTM to work for me as well as the simple gmail + gtasks. Gtasks also has the advantage that it's google, and inherently has lots of integration and third party offerings. I've never enjoyed rtms website; it definitely needs an update, and the apps have taken a long time to get really good.
As a former pro- (now gtasks) user, I also have to say that the standards for a paid service are higher. For me, to trust my data with your service, you have to have both solid official offerings, and great interopability. To RTMs credit, they put a lot of effort into integration offerings and an API, but I never could RTM to work for me as well as the simple gmail + gtasks. Gtasks also has the advantage that it's google, and inherently has lots of integration and third party offerings. I've never enjoyed rtms website; it definitely needs an update, and the apps have taken a long time to get really good.

mikenying says:
I would become "pro" if I could sync with Google Tasks

tao.yu says:
I would become "pro" if I could sync with Google Tasks

hellcatinheels says:
I would become "pro" if I could sync with Google Tasks

rtm2 says:
I would become "pro" if I could sync with Google Tasks

anthony.b says:

gyvelvej10 says:
With this RTM will be perfect for my use, as I still like google to be my main data provider. I will return and use RTM then possible.
Put this in the Pro account, and you will get a lot of pro subscriptions
Put this in the Pro account, and you will get a lot of pro subscriptions

carsten.paul says:
I would become "pro" if I could sync with Google Tasks

jerryinocmd says:
I'd become "Pro" too if RTM would syn with Google Tasks...Oh, and the web interface really needs some work. Not a very nice web-experience.

pcomp says:
i would go pro if RTM synced with google tasks

danielfitzo says:

rothgar says:
Another bonus to this is that Google Tasks has good keyboard shortcuts inside the gmail web interface which makes adding/completing tasks really easy. A sync with RTM would be fantastic.

(closed account) says:

rolandog says:

ridalma says:

mayowa.olatoye says:

sethflagg says:

razorhack says:

blair.w.morrison says:

cuthik says:

cybrhippy says:

bluetora says:

gnadzon says:
Yeah, we need that sync !

(closed account) says:

carlson.james says:

michalwolski says:

goringo_cz says:

energyaz says:
+1 & will pay for the feature
Send email to RTM and create GTask
Send email to RTM and create GTask

erica.ackerman says:
+1 Even if Google Tasks doesn't support every feature of RTM, if it would just create a task with any features gtask supports, that would be great.

kxra says:
It has been six years. Other apps like Do Now have this integration. Why are we still waiting?

(closed account) says:

impunityjainne says:
I would also like this syncing feature.

adrian.durlester says:
How about some Google Inbox love?

frank.karg says:
ditto, it would be good to have some integration between RTM and google inbox. I am getting used to inbox but prefer the functionality of gmail because I can see my calendar and RTM tasks on the same screen.

j.starke says:
I would also like to see rtm integration with Google tasks and inbox by gmail. It is so much more convenient to add tasks via Google now than by clicking the rtm widget.

j.starke says:
Please add this.

richg41 says:
Hard to believe we cant sync with google tasks/inbox

aaron.boydston says:
This would be very helpful, though, now I'd opt for RTM to have their own Google Workspace Add-on for calendar.

aaron.boydston says:
10 years and nothing. Not even a response. I think RTM is dying. :(

cthowes says:
I agree with this, overall. Would be nice to sync with Google Tasks, or at least have RTM become as integrated within Google Workspace as Tasks is. RTM has a better UEx
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