New due date format: day after tomorrow

freenerd says:
Hi There,
this should be rather simple. I'd like to use "day after tomorrow" in the due field of a task. This may seem a little bit too long in english, but the german translation "übermorgen" is short enough for me to use it frequently (and get rejected frequently).
Thank you
this should be rather simple. I'd like to use "day after tomorrow" in the due field of a task. This may seem a little bit too long in english, but the german translation "übermorgen" is short enough for me to use it frequently (and get rejected frequently).
Thank you

mehardin says:
try "2 days". works great.

williamhartphd says:
dueWithin:"3 days" AND dueAfter:"2 days"
dueWithin:"3 days" AND dueAfter:"2 days"
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