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New repeat option: every [number] hours (e.g. 'every 6 hours')

(closed account) says:
Some times I need to do a task every x hours, it currently appears that the minimal timescale on which you set tasks to repeat is every day. Could more finegrained control be added?
Posted at 1:57pm on April 15, 2009
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
In the meantime, maybe you could add several tasks, due at different times and have them repeat daily?
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
This request crops up periodically, and the usual suggested workaround is to set multiple tasks, e.g., one that repeats daily at 9am, another at noon, and a third at 3. It's a kludge, but it will get the trick done.
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
@rajjan - great minds think alike?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thats what I ended up doing. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
ranbarton: at exactly the same time too, spooky!
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
ranbarton & rajjan, sometimes I feel like you guys are fighting it out for the title of, "most helpful forum poster" :) I think you both win!
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
That's why we make the big bucks, eh, Rajjan?

Posted 15 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
ranbarton: Well, I don't know about you, but posting here at RTM is more of a hobby for me, and as such, I'm just glad that it doesn't cost me lots of money like my other hobbies ;-)
Posted 15 years ago
lichuan says:
Jep, light-weight task that simply reminds me in any given interval, greatly useful. If the answer is "find another reminder tool", so why I chose RTM at all?
Posted 15 years ago
ewaldorf says:
I would also love repeat to work for minutes & hours as well. I am always wanting to remember something specific during the day & I want to be reminded (with my vibrating iphone) every 10 minutes or 30 minutes till I do it. Other times, if it's really important I might want to be reminded of the same thing every minute for say 3 times, to make sure I got the message.
Posted 15 years ago
anthonyd says:
I third the ability to have a task repeat every hour rather than creating X amount of tasks with different due times. It seems like it could be implemented without much effort since their system is already checking tasks every minute. Maybe they foresee it would be too burdensome on the current server resources and they'll implement when they have larger headroom?
Posted 15 years ago
davidbwagner says:
I was just about to post this request when a search revealed this topic. In my case I'd like to use my android RTM app to remind me to take medication every 4 hours. I might not start taking it at the same time each morning so the "multiple events each repeating daily" hack does not work. What I really want is to say repeat = "after 4 hours".

Just because there is a clumsy workaround for something doesn't mean it should never be done right. There may be use cases you haven't thought of yet.
Posted 15 years ago
christianmagill says:
I want this feature to. It would be great for making desired behavior habitual.
Posted 15 years ago
raguza says:
I find it hard to comprehend why is such important option missing? I'm new to RTM considering going pro, however I have tasks that need repeating every hour. Any idea if this option is coming, anyone?
Posted 14 years ago
jansona says:
I have another use for repeat every hour or minute, I want to set a task as "repeat every 4 hour for 1 time", with a due date matching the start time for the task. So i complete it once to start it, then complete it a second time to mark the end/completion of the task. Good for tasks with durations.
Posted 14 years ago
d3a1i0 says:
I also requested this feature. I did not see that someone had already done so.
Posted 13 years ago
caroline.dunne says:
Would really like this option.

Several actions that I need to do a few times a day (i.e. check email) but I do not want to do it at a specific time. If I could add a task 'Check email after 6 hours' that would make my RTM perfect!!!
Posted 12 years ago
tamar says:
Bumping this up.

I use the RTM Gmail gadget and repeating this task there adds a significant amount of clutter to the gadget. In fact, it makes me NOT want to use the gadget at all.

Can we please add it? How hard would its implementation be to do it anyhow? It's really disappointing that this request has been sitting in the queue for more than 3 years and RTM staff has basically already deemed it not worth pursuing. Gee, thanks.
Posted 12 years ago
sn3akyp3t3 says:
I recently just recommended RTM for a family member that has suffered a traumatic brain injury and has difficulty remembering when to take medication. I found the need for "repeat every x hours" to be available to make management more logical for him rather than multiplying the number of rules which may cause confusion for him. I'm adding my vote for this feature.
Posted 12 years ago says:
I also vote for this feature.
Posted 12 years ago
windsandandstars says:
Posted 12 years ago
tomjones8 says:
I would definitely like (and use) this feature. I've used the multiple task kludge, but that isn't ideal.

+1 from me! :-)

Posted 12 years ago
mrkeks says:
Posted 11 years ago
porcoesphino says:
Posted 11 years ago
vickysp says:
Posted 11 years ago
andrei.cociuba says:
I too require this feature before migrating to RTM from Astrid (possibly soon to be defunct)

Multiple tasks are not a good hack, because I need to be able to repeat a task (x) hours after completion.
Posted 11 years ago
megan.strickland says:
This, please!

"Repeat every [X] hours" would be incredibly useful!

Also, "repeat AFTER [X] hours":
Posted 11 years ago
vkhubani says:
YES!! Please make this happen!!
Posted 9 years ago
naanad says:
I started out using you for my medicine reminders years ago. But the daily reminders are not as useful for tracking if I took them individually only if I took them on that hour of the day. If the hourly was available I could know exactly when I remember to take them and when I don't by just looking at the history of that individual medication! None of the medicine applications I've found work well cross all platforms and many of the good ones just DROP data if you have to replace your phone. So I'd really love to see this come to fruition. (I've submitted it before years ago)
Posted 9 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm trying out the free version but I'd really like to subscribe to the Pro version.

The only think stopping me is the inability to set repeat reminders for hours or minutes. Right now the smallest unit is 'day,' which doesn't work well for my medication reminders, and I have a lot of different medications which all need highly customized repeat intervals.

Also, like another user said above, "In my case I'd like to use my android RTM app to remind me to take medication every 4 hours. I might not start taking it at the same time each morning so the "multiple events each repeating daily" hack does not work. What I really want is to say repeat = "after 4 hours". "

Is the RTM team going to add 'hours' and/or 'minutes' to the repeat menu options anytime soon? This feature will make or break whether I upgrade to the Pro subscription.

Thank you!
Posted 8 years ago
alexdresko says:
Why hasn't this feature been implemented yet? I could understand if there was some sort of technical reason such as an inability for RTM's infrastructure to handle that kind of processing. Just curious.
Posted 7 years ago
danielslcosta says:
I've just signed for a pro account and tried to repeat every 8 hours for medication as well. Disappointed to see that this has been request long ago and there is no feedback from developers.
Posted 7 years ago
jan.mynarik says:
Please, this is important, esp. for medication!
Posted 7 years ago
mr_psm says:
I'd also like the ability to repeat a task every X hours.
Posted 6 years ago
juanignaciosl says:
Please! Interesting for taking medicines, for example.
Posted 5 years ago
stenemo says:
Definitively something that would be useful for me
Posted 5 years ago
karynina says:
Just signed up looking for this feature. (ie reminder to drink water each hour -- or to stand up and take a break from the screen etc.
But since this has been requested 10 years ago with no response - will probably just look for another app.
Posted 4 years ago
lageroni says:
Posted 4 years ago
max.illis says:
+1 - useful for reminders to take medication
Posted 2 years ago
milene.cha says:
Posted 2 years ago
chashmish says:
Posted 6 months ago
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