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Always show the tag cloud (currently disappears when you mouseover a task in the list)

matthew.mahoney says:
(I did a quick scan of other tag postings, hope this isn't duplicative and should be posted elsewhere).

When in the tasks view, the tag cloud displays by default, but goes away when a task is moused-over. It leads to some chasing around of the cloud (e.g. move the cursor in a particular path). Because I use the tag cloud as my main navigation, it'd be great to have it always displayed.

There's a larger post to be made about the speed of using lists vs tags, and the display of each, but will come back to that. A persistent cloud would be helpful in any event.

Thanks for a great tool!
Posted at 4:36pm on January 6, 2009
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
If you use Firefox and Greasemonkey there is a script called Keep Cloud Visible, works great.
Can be found here:
Posted 16 years ago
mateoaw says:
Thanks for the script. I too think the cloud view should be persistent.
Posted 16 years ago
brucewells says:
Posted 15 years ago
jens.knolle says:
Posted 13 years ago
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