Milksync and Windows Mobile - can we please have reminders on phone tasks based on due dates in RTM

bclementziza says:
neilojwilliams says:
I'm a Milksync user on Windows Mobile. It would be life-changingly good if you could pease add reminders to the phone tasks based on the *due date* of the tasks in RTM. This would align the email alerting by RTM
with the reminder functionality in windows mobile.
I am not alone in this:
..your response to that thread was that it can't be done because RTM doesn't have a 'reminder' field on tasks - but effectively RTM is treating due dates as reminder dates, and that's all we want!
Posted at 9:51am on November 28, 2008
bclementziza Pro says:
yes yes and yes. I just purchased a pro account for the sync possibility.
And I saw that the reminders did not work with my pocket PC ..... too bad.
When can we expect this thing to be solved for pro users ?
I'm a Milksync user on Windows Mobile. It would be life-changingly good if you could pease add reminders to the phone tasks based on the *due date* of the tasks in RTM. This would align the email alerting by RTM
with the reminder functionality in windows mobile.
I am not alone in this:
..your response to that thread was that it can't be done because RTM doesn't have a 'reminder' field on tasks - but effectively RTM is treating due dates as reminder dates, and that's all we want!
Posted at 9:51am on November 28, 2008
bclementziza Pro says:
yes yes and yes. I just purchased a pro account for the sync possibility.
And I saw that the reminders did not work with my pocket PC ..... too bad.
When can we expect this thing to be solved for pro users ?

bclementziza says:
Come on. I'm a Pro user and still no answers after 3weeks ....

mspecht says:
This would be a great feature!!

bclementziza says:
damn .... 0 answers from the RTM team ! That's a little bit bad....

cliffspicer says:
I too just signed up for the Pro account so I could have the tasks on my windows mobile phone and I had no idea how limited this important aspect to the complete picture is. Can we get our money back and go back to a free account till you can give us close to what the iPhone people received?

lubeve says:
I would like to see this feature included in the Milksync app. too. A standalone app with smart filtering capabilities and full acces to all RTM tasks fields would also be great.

posya says:
Hey! Anybody! This function is one "must have" for Win Mobile users? How it possible to have PIM without any notification??? Is it so difficult to write it?
I can help: just give me a source codes. :)
Is anybody know the another way to have this functionality?
I can help: just give me a source codes. :)
Is anybody know the another way to have this functionality?

silviulucian says:
here here!

pumpkinslayer says:
How about an option in the sync app at least?
"Set reminder date/time = due date/time (for tasks with time set)? Yes/No (no as default)"
"Set reminder date/time = due date/time (for tasks with time set)? Yes/No (no as default)"
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