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Customize list (tab) colors

pretendr says:
Just wanted to throw this out there...someone referred to it in a previous post, but I think it would be a great idea to be able to change the color of each tab to be able to manage the ever increasing number of lists. You could also be able to associate lists with one another or prioritize according to color. I'm sure you've thought of this, but I think it would make RTM that much more easier and useful. Thanks :)
Posted at 2:36am on February 2, 2006
msg35 says:
Good idea!
Posted 19 years ago
mktycc says:
I agree this would be great... especially being able to group lists according to subject matter
Posted 19 years ago
(closed account) says:
yup, that's part of what I was trying to get at
Posted 19 years ago
ockham says:
Wanted to agree with the tab color idea. To take it a step further, it would be great if the tasks from each tab were also colored so that when a smart list concatenates several lists together it will be easy to pick out which task belongs to which list.

A less ambitious yet helpful feature would be to simply be able to have a color other than white be the color for the active tab. I find that I sometimes lose track of which list I'm viewing with the white.
Posted 18 years ago
ac4000 says:
Agreed re the white color for the active tab--especially when Smart Lists are blue (they always look active, which is confusing). Thanks for a fantastic tool!
Posted 18 years ago
rta says:
The ability to change tab colors would be greatly appreciated by those of us with visual impairments!
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for this.

I think it would be a pretty nice idea...
Posted 16 years ago
nausikaa314 says:
colors would be one visual workaround for sub-tasks. For example,

Main Project -- Dark Green

Sub-Project -- Lighter Green

Sub-Sub-Project -- Even Lighter Green

That way, with one glance, I could look at the tabs and see which were main categories, and which were sub-tasks / dependent tasks

Posted 16 years ago
obrienmedia says:
This would be very helpful. I have 13 tabs and this would help GTD faster!
Posted 16 years ago
bret.bowser says:
Add me to this request as well.
Posted 16 years ago
jaimecham says:
I do agree with the comment that you'd want the active list to be the most prominent. As a new RTM user, the bright blue smart lists stand out much more (same blue as Aqua!) than the white, leading to much confusion.
At the very least the active one should be bolded, or with depth added.

A bit of a quibble, thanks for the great app.
Posted 16 years ago
grahamsccs says:
Do you have an official word on this?

Tab colors would be very useful!
Posted 15 years ago
johnwd18 says:
Really useful idea for a great program
Posted 15 years ago
grahamsccs says:
Posted 15 years ago
christoph76 says:
Just wanted to post the same idea. Colored tabs would be a simple improvement with a great effect in terms of usability of RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
noeldodd says:
+1 !!! Please implement this!

Colored tabs would make finding the correct lists much easier, and would work with my 'real world' system much better.

And being able to sort the tabs by color .... better still !
Posted 15 years ago
dorcas says:
Me too!
Posted 15 years ago
dorcas says:
Sorry - forgot to say above.

As well as tab colours, I'd like task colours which are defined by filters. I kind of use GTD, and have a smart list per project with an extra tag showing the next action. It would make it much easier to use if the next action were formatted differently from the others in the list (as well as having the extra tag).
Posted 15 years ago
joellybaby says:
Posted 15 years ago
martin.marshall says:

Being able to change tab colors (especially of smart lists) would make it a lot easier for the eyes to pick the list you are wanting to work from at a given moment.
Posted 15 years ago
rharris says:
+1 I found this discussion while trying to look up how to do this very thing!
Posted 15 years ago
matthew.belleghem says:
So, uh, how about those coloured tabs?

Surely this can't be impossible to implement? I find it very difficult to find the list I'm looking for, as every time I add or delete a list, it changes the relative screen position of every list, so I'm forced to scan through a bunch of light-grey-on-white text to find what I'm looking for.

Posted 15 years ago
pikifou.wizarbox says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for this idea
Posted 15 years ago
binh.pok says:
me too +1 tab colors would be fantastic.
Posted 15 years ago
julius.ganns says:
Hey Guys,
would love to see that as well, especially for search tabs in order to differentiate between different kinds of contexts (location, time and requires, for example home / office, today / tomorrow and mac / phone). If the would be grouped by colors as well, that would be particularly great.
Posted 15 years ago
antoine.fixary says:

It will be very a great improvment to found quickly the "origin" of the task -> the color of the Tab should be the some of the task. When I go in "All the task", I could view the origin of the task.


NB : Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.
Posted 15 years ago
debuck3 says:
I too would love to see colored tabs. At the very least, I'd like to see the overdue tab on the overview page be red. Color-coding would definitely help!
Posted 14 years ago
jansona says:
tab and/or task colors would be great. I use priorities solely for their color and sorting properties, but more colors would be very useful.
Posted 14 years ago
ramzo19 says:
+1 vote, also the ability to reorder them after changing colors is needed.
Posted 14 years ago
zanvill says:
so, is this available yet? As a greasemonkey script perhaps?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Does RTM Ever update any of these requests?...

I would love color coded tabs, and to change order.. It's super hard tof me to read Grey with white text, and often hard to find specific lists.
Posted 14 years ago
patrick.blanc says:
+1 for this idea
Posted 14 years ago
altivec says:
+1, asking since so long time...
Posted 14 years ago
jryan727 says:
+1, would be extremely useful and relatively easy to implement (I'd think)
Posted 14 years ago
sfabius says:
Yes, colored tabs for lists and also when looking at "All tasks" each task would have the matching color.
Posted 14 years ago
zeldenrust says:
Just to add to everyone else's request: coloured lists would be great. Would make me much more efficient.

It would also be great if you could order lists in a different way - have lists and sublists, for example for personal and for work. But colours first!
Posted 14 years ago
bob.pluta says:
I'm hoping they start working on this. This is gonna be good. +1
Posted 14 years ago
sandra448 says:
Tab colors would be a GR8 feature - please add.
Posted 14 years ago
gustavoc says:
I am a new user was a bit disappointed to see no color-coding on tabs/lists.
This would be extremely useful, especially when looking at an "all tasks" list, where you have tasks from multiple lists together.
Posted 14 years ago
leslie.mort says:
I use multiple lists as well and would love color coding! If both the tabs and the background of the task were able to be color-coded, it would make navigating my lists much easier! Please add this feature. +1
Posted 14 years ago
deepchurch says:
I'm a visual learner. I have colors assigned to my categories in iCal. I would love to have my RTM tabs match.
Posted 13 years ago
bapinis says:
maybe someone has said this already; i haven't read the comments. but, maybe the user could pick a color to categorize tasks and w/in that color there could be several (three?) shades to denote priority. I like the color-coded priorities now. It helps me visually sort tasks, so I wouldn't want to lose that.
Posted 13 years ago
xtoq says:
I think the best solution from a user point of view is this: when you make a list, you choose a color and all tasks within that list get that background color, while leaving the tab at the left to denote priority.

Of course, this wouldn't be ideal for smart lists, but I have a suggestion for that too! Windows 7 (and I'm sure other programs too) looks at the colors present in a program's taskbar icon and colors the background of the taskbar button based on that color. So the Firefox taskbar button is orange, the Notepad one is blue, etc. Perhaps something like that could be done for RTM as well.

Obviously, this isn't an easy implementation from a development standpoint, but I think that doing it this way will allow users greater degrees of organization without complicating a wonderfully simple user interface.
Posted 13 years ago
dmittra says:
I like the idea of having different color fonts for different lists.
Posted 13 years ago
dca70 says:
Wishing tabs can be different colors and fonts.
Posted 13 years ago
lclarke522 says:
Add me to the list. Colored tabs would be so, so helpful.
Posted 13 years ago
vamshikk says:
-1. Please leave the interface simple. Over complication breaks things.
Posted 13 years ago
vleonty says:
+1. I think this is a simple feature that makes a lot of sense. I was disappointed when I found this was not available.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Ditto above post. Its hard to keep track of lists without the colours.
Posted 13 years ago
davep says:
+1 for me too - seems so obvious and needed - it presently looks so bland!

-1. Please leave the interface simple. Over complication breaks things.

It would have to be configurable - so if you do nothing, it would stay the same as it is now !

Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I was thinking of this as a way to quickly remind me which lists I've shared. Perhaps shared lists could be light blue. As it stands now, I have to activate the list and look at the sharing settings to remember whether I shared it or not. On the phone, it's even less apparent.
Posted 13 years ago
kuzminich.igor says:
Posted 13 years ago
andykuiper says:
Tab colours ability to change please :-)
Posted 12 years ago
joaojesus says:
Apart from using RTM for managing tasks, I also use Microsoft Onenote to manage project ideas. In Onenote it's possible to give different colors to different tabs, and so I can have one color for business projects, another color for personal projects and so on. In the same page where we create lists, each list should have a properties button where we could customise the color of the tab.
Posted 12 years ago
pzryumov says:
+1 please add this feature
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
For me it's much easier and quicker to find things using personalised colours. I'd love it!
Posted 12 years ago
curtlytle says:
This would be so nice! Along with customizing the order of the tabs.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Add me to list to color-code my tabs.
Posted 12 years ago
gavinbrunton says:
Posted 12 years ago
pgomezborbon says:

Also the possibility of organizing tabs other than alphabetically!
Posted 12 years ago
moritz.saintpaul says:
very good idea
Posted 12 years ago
robertgcox says:
I have to agree with this feature request. I use the same rtm account for work and personal tasks, so I have a lot of lists. Being able to color the lists would make it easier to find what I need.
Posted 12 years ago
freeminder says:
Ability to customize tab colors would be really nice. Configurable automatic coloring according to some rule (say, tab name pattern) would make it even more powerful. And, I'm for manual tab organizing possibility as well.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Using Color to manage tasks is very smart, Good idea !!
Posted 12 years ago
tschouten says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
crimaria says:
would be very nice and useful
Posted 12 years ago
gustavoc says:
Any advances on this feature?
Posted 12 years ago
markewallace says:
Brand new RTM user here, and already I can say that this would be an invaluable enhancement to RTM. The white tabs are horrible.
Posted 12 years ago
lhkxc says:
I agree, invaluable! Please do it soon! Thanks, L
Posted 12 years ago
sarah.goslee says:
I agree, and would like the ability to color-code tabs that has been requested for years.
Posted 11 years ago
grunblit says:
I agree with this. I have 22 lists already and have plans to add more. But they are all the same colour and it makes it more difficult for me to find the list I am looking for.

There are just a mass of same-colour tabs at the top.
Posted 11 years ago
gbrocks says:
Please: colored tabs!!!!!
Posted 11 years ago
gbrocks says:
Very important! I am a vocalist, songwriter, educator, software developer. Each of these areas has multiple lists. It would be very helpful (bordering on becoming a necessity) to be able to identify lists for areas by color, perhaps even automatically grouping tabs of the same color together (with tabs within a color ordered alphabetically).
Posted 11 years ago
lizawisner says:
+1 +1 +1 Yes, Color Tabs, please.

!1 ^ASAP *Forever =unknown @RTMCommunity #ColorTabs #ThankYou
Posted 11 years ago
naharet says:
Yesh PLEASE! I would KILL for Color Coded Love!
Posted 11 years ago
mbgove says:
another support of color options for the list tabs. 15 tabs with white text on gray background is inefficient.
Posted 10 years ago
shinramyun says:
Posted 8 years ago
hellobaxtis says:
Yes please, color coding for lists would be awesome!!
Posted 8 years ago
jlevine says:
More specifically, if you could use a colour-picker, rather than just the 24 pre-defined colours. Especially when the pre-defined colours are not very distinctive.
Posted 7 years ago
pianodork says:
+1 for more than just the stock colors they offer. Gmail lets you pick from a variety of colors (I'd actually prefer more).

But many of the stock colors aren't pleasing to my eye (so picky, I know!) so I've run out of them rather quickly and would love more!
Posted 7 years ago
imnotashrimp says:
+1 - I've just given up on Todoist and come to you. And one of the best things Todoist had going for it was that I could nest my lists and separate work and home.
Posted 7 years ago
tomavatars says:
+1 Need this too. Colors helps to see things quickly.
Posted 7 years ago
allyheery says:
Yes I agree being able to categorise using colours would make a big difference to ease of use and being able to separate work from personal tasks.
Posted 6 years ago
judydee2018 says:
I think the purpose of colouring lists is really to group them somehow - what I’d like to see instead is the possibility to tag a LIST (not just the tasks in it).
This way we could then set up smart groups of lists i.e. all lists tagged with a certain tag (or tags).
So that way we have list grouping achieved. Colour would then be a bonus not essential.
Posted 6 years ago
the_me says:
12 years ago was the first mention?!? that's cool :) . I am currently evaluating different task managers, and RTM would stand out with colored lists, which I also like and want.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm a newby to RTM pro. I too would like the ability to customize colors.
Posted 6 years ago
anermika says:
One of the feature that would be really useful and doesn't sound too hard to implement
Posted 5 years ago
terrum says:
Lists are great, but having colored lists would make it even greater!
Posted 4 years ago
soop3rn8 says:
Any updates on this request? Anyone know if they're planning to roll this out?
Posted 4 years ago
dave.liao says:
As a workaround, I use emoji in my list names: 🔴🟡🟢🔵

I also favorite a few tags (which I custom color) for tag-specific lists.
Posted 3 years ago
(closed account) says:
Using emoji "dots" is a great idea, dave.liao. Thanks for the suggestion!
Posted 3 years ago
roman.jilge says:
Any updates after 15 yrs?
Posted 3 years ago
davidletts says:
Is there any update on if this is likely to get implemented (16 years later is RTM even still being actively maintained?). The lack of colours limits choice and the current pastel versions are useless to me as they all look the same colour on my screens. Also the differences between the light and dark colours isn't that obvious, which means I only really get a choice of 7 useful colours.

Could we get an answer one way or the other, at least then we'd know!
Posted 2 years ago
milene.cha says:
Posted 2 years ago
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