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Drag and drop to reorder tasks

braden says:
I can order things based on priority (which I don't like think like that and therefore don't use), by due date (which is only useful when I have a due date), and by name (the most generic of the three and the one I actually use). Could you offer a free hand mode? simply drag and drop the order you want to do things in? That would be fantastic!
Posted at 2:20pm on November 22, 2008
mandrade says:
Drag and drop reordering of tasks is the feature most clearly lacking from RTM. It's an absolute priority to enhance the system.
Posted 13 years ago
merovin13 says:
Please! This would be really handy for me.
Posted 13 years ago
amsivertson says:
Absolutely! Tweeted this one to them a couple of times as well. This would be one I would use every day - to set my tasks for that day. Right now I'm manually re-naming every task to add a number in front of it. Manual order would be a huge feature! Perhaps a field in which to enter a number? or just, as suggested, drag & drop - just like the little '3-line' icon on some iPhone apps.
Posted 12 years ago
aaron.boydston says:
Posted 4 years ago
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