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When you swipe a task, show options for 'Complete', 'Postpone', and 'Edit' instead of just 'Complete'

(closed account) says:
Doncha love it when people post their own ideas? Me neither! :-)

Just kidding. I thought this was so awesome I had to come in and see what other's here thought of the idea. Here it is: (drumroll please)

When you "swipe" a task, instead of just having a "Complete" button show up (which is brilliant in it's own right), you would have 3 letters show up:

P (for Postpone)
E (for Edit)
C (for Complete)

I don't care about the order, but it would be nice to skip the extra taps to go directly to those functions.

Okay, I'm curious to know if anybody else thinks this is a cool idea. I don't even know if it's possible, but I like it!
Posted at 10:12pm on November 17, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now improved this with the new Remember The Milk, and you can now swipe right on a task to complete, and swipe left to postpone.

Hope this helps!
Posted 8 years ago
reubenthum says:
Not sure if the SDK supports it, but if it allows a swipe to the left for "Postpone" that'll be a nice addition.

And since we tackle tasks one at a time, the Edit button on the top right should show the "Postpone" & "Delete" buttons instead of the current "Complete" & "Postpone" buttons for some multiple selection actions.

But seriously though, why delete a task? That's cheating!
Posted 13 years ago
j03w says:
I don't think that is possible either
nonetheless, I would prefer to have more choice when I tab on edit may be I can complete, postpone then there is a more button which will pop a picker or a ... float menu? (reverse of drop down...)
Posted 13 years ago
paul.beattie says:
Having letters show up sounds like bad usability to me. I wouldn't be able to know what these meant without reading some help documents.
Posted 13 years ago
jamezzz says:
I would add D (for Delete) as well.
Posted 13 years ago
travis_carden says:
The Google Voice app handles this elegantly, I think: If you just swipe an item, it shows an archive button, but it you touch and hold, an entire menu slides up with additional options, like delete. I think this would be a great approach to solving this request (which I second, by the way). :-)
Posted 13 years ago
newmilkentry says:
I feel there's an important balance to be struck between simplicity and functionality, I think this is non-essential.
Posted 13 years ago
steveshay says:
one of the reasons I like the iPhone interface is it's simplicity, I don't want to deal with 3 or 4 tiny buttons, it would just slow things down. Besides, as far as I know, the sdk only supports a single button (and I hope they keep it that way). I would however, see the value in adding these buttons to the multiple task edit options.
Posted 13 years ago
jhollington says:
Although I think it's correct that the standard UI controls only allow for a single button, other apps such as Twitter have clearly worked around this successfully in almost the exact same way that this idea describes -- providing a list of multiple options upon swiping.

Further, Remember the Milk for Android provides this feature as well, which makes it much more useful for managing tasks than the iPhone version, especially if postponing and deleting are common options.

I don't see that adding two additional buttons would slow things down -- the "Complete" button could remain in the exact same position, with the other buttons simply appearing over the task itself, in much the same way as the Android version of RTM already works, and in the same way this has been implemented in other iOS apps such as Twitter.
Posted 12 years ago
janvanderploeg says:
My suggestion is to close and remove the Idea topics that are related to the old iPhone app (before v3)
Posted 12 years ago
john.farrell says:
The Sparrow email app has a "swipe to reveal" menu for email that includes several options. This is definitely possible.
Posted 12 years ago
utahtoad says:
Now, when you touch and hold a task it puts a complete button on the task. I would like it if it put two buttons... [Postpone] and [Complete].
Posted 12 years ago
wmeads001 says:
Why is this still on the list. It has been delivered
Posted 11 years ago
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