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Evernote integration

joeburnham says:
Given that Evernote now has an API, it would be awesome to be able to have notes that are tagged RTM in Evernote somehow appear in the RTM inbox. I'm not sure if it's possible, and it would, if full executed demand audio and video attachments in RTM, but it would be sweet!
Posted at 2:15am on November 10, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've just launched integration with Evernote. :)

I'm going to mark this particular idea as "launched", but we'd still love feedback on how we can improve our integration with Evernote -- it would be great if you can share individual ideas in the Evernote category on this Ideas forum.

Thanks! :)
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd love to see evernote/RTM integration.

I use evernote to create quick task lists in meetings - but want to have them appear in RTM to action.
Posted 16 years ago
bryan.long says:
I came to this post hoping that functionality exists. Would love to see this become a reality.
Posted 16 years ago
cdbeckman says:
I would love to see this as well.
Posted 16 years ago
ralph.newcomb says:
I too, use both RTM and Evernote and would find having these two apps communicating / sharing info very helpful.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
bromberg says:
Count me in as another Evernote + RTM advocate
Posted 16 years ago
northerngeek says:
I was just doing a search for this and got this thread, thought it may be an old topic and didn't want to bump it up but seeing as it's current.....

Posted 16 years ago
astewart says:
Yes, please RTM, make integration with Evernote. I'm dying for integration wtih Outlook too-- there are HUGE NUMBER OF OUTLOOK users who would thank you and start using your product if you did.
Posted 16 years ago
chuckmo says:
Posted 16 years ago
tim.lehman says:
+1 for Evernote integration
+1 for Outlook integration, basic Task sync like your Windows Mobile "client" does would suffice for starters.
+1 for OneNote integration
Posted 16 years ago
nigel.godfrey says:
Was thinking about this too, it would be so useful. Although you can always email notes to RTM using the Evernote emailer, but that is a bit clunky.

Did wonder if Tarpipe would be any use here ? They already have an Evernote connector.

After I discovered the OneNote > Evernote convertor, I have not touched OneNote, but certainly the same idea about being able to move between the two would be great. I sort of tried to get it to work here ...

Just need to rent a coder !
Posted 16 years ago
nvir says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
wow nigel.godfrey... we had the same idea!
in fact, I asked in the tarpipe forums whether a RTM plugin would be doable (and a GCal or 30 boxes one as well, which may serve as two-way integration!)
I had no responses though...
Posted 16 years ago
james.rayner says:
Posted 16 years ago
patrick.heaney says:
Posted 16 years ago
joel.fuchs says:
Evernote integration would be a big step toward making RTM my "trusted system". I have experimented with using Toodledo's notes (too simplistic) with Appigo's Notebook on my iPhone, but this pales in comparison to Evernote's solution.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

Posted 16 years ago
andrew.burgess says:
Count me in!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Looking for any way (now that Jott is prohibitively expensive) to voice post to RTM. Perhaps a voice recognition feature on the iPhone app?
Posted 16 years ago
doug.brandt says:
Yes Please!!!
Posted 16 years ago
kateoneill says:
I desperately want this, as well. I want to have only one place to manage my task, and that's RTM now and for the foreseeable future, but there are plenty of times when a task requires a bit of supporting documentation, and the notes field for a task doesn't cut it. Rather than see RTM tasks support bulkier notes or attachments, I'd be thrilled to have the capability to link to an Evernote file or several.

I understand the implementation of this could be tricky, but it would be SO helpful.
Posted 16 years ago
natster9 says:
+1 here too. I use both services very often and some sort of integration would not only be beneficial to the users but would also get some good attention to the services!
Posted 16 years ago
moellenbeck says:
+1 here too
Posted 16 years ago
williamsdb says:
Posted 16 years ago
prem18 says:
Posted 16 years ago
tfscott says:
Posted 16 years ago
cdrynan says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would love to see this.
Posted 16 years ago
rbell80134 says:
Posted 16 years ago
david.pierce says:
Posted 16 years ago
juggerhead says:
Posted 16 years ago
mike.cramm says:
Posted 16 years ago
anthan.r says:
would sending your evernote clip to your RTM e-mail address work?
Posted 16 years ago
akeech says:
Consider integrating evernote as it has very useful features that complement RTM. I use evernote for notes and image based notes but would love to be able to add from RTM and vice versa.
Posted 16 years ago
allister.lovett says:
Would love to see integration between these.
Posted 16 years ago
bkeevins says:
Posted 16 years ago
doronin says:
Posted 16 years ago
sabrinatang says:
Posted 16 years ago
akingman says:
Posted 16 years ago
kamegojp says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
sigamy says:
Posted 16 years ago
eric4102 says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
pyrusj says:
Posted 16 years ago
jeff.rhine says:

Posted 16 years ago
julianhinz says:
Posted 16 years ago
vin.kash says:
Posted 16 years ago
gmonty says:
Posted 16 years ago
marcus.bell says:
Posted 16 years ago
ndurant says:
Posted 16 years ago
tammy.gronski says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
joshmendelsohn says:
would convince me to upgrade to pro
Posted 16 years ago
davidwilkinson007 says:
Posted 16 years ago
haworthl says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
mxfive4 says:
Posted 16 years ago
flohr.yoel says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

I cannot access evernote due to firewall restrictions. I would suggest that the principals and software engineers at RTM step back and look at the BIG picture and not go down a path that they may regret.

If you do what all of these users suggest and push the envelope, RTM will probably be categorized in the same way as evernote, and access to RTM will be summarily denied access in the same way that evernote is denied currently.

Not being able to access a site due to security restrictions limits the strength and usefulness of any endeavor. So, be careful what you wish for. A site and a useful tool (such as RTM) that cannot be accessed is pretty much useless in my book.

My $0.02.
Posted 16 years ago
jeff.rhine says:
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "pushing the envelope."

The only reasons I can imagine for implementing the firewall restrictions you spoke of are:

A) Someone in your company has decided Evernote does not relate to your job.

B) Your company wants ZERO information in the cloud.

C) Evernote poses a security threat because you can embed a file into a note.


If the answer is "A," then I don't think halting improvements to RTM will prevent it from the company's no-fly list.

If the answer is "B," then you are already living on borrowed time by using RTM.

And as for "C," I've only seen one suggestion for embedding files. Other than that, the vast majority of these ideas wouldn't have any impact on security (IMHO.)


I personally don't see how RTM's current (and planned) innovations in any way endanger it of becoming inaccessible... at least beyond its current accessibility currently defined by your company.

- Jeff
Posted 16 years ago
krissy says:
Hi joeburnham (and everyone else!)

Thanks for the suggestion, I've made a note of it and will pass it along.
Posted 16 years ago
timetrap says:
I was just googling around for this . . . glad to see I am the last one at the party ... hope to see integration soon!

(Evernote has a great way to find todo items . . . (Attributes > Contains > To-Do Items)
Posted 16 years ago
dan.julian says:

Posted 16 years ago
joeburnham says:
Thanks Krissy!
Posted 16 years ago
amgupt01 says:
I'd like this too!
Posted 15 years ago
shocm says:
Posted 15 years ago
jbliesmer says:
Posted 15 years ago
ndbutter says:
Posted 15 years ago
rossgoodman says:
Personally Evernote is never my first port of call, I use it to supplement RTM.

I'd like to see, as well as "Add Note", "Add To Evernote", this would use the Evernote API to create a note (in a new window) and then pass back the URL of the note and store it.
You then have a list of Evernote URLs stored that you can access by clicking.

This emulates my current workflow except that I have to use an RTM note to store the Evernote URLs.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
bdturner says:
Posted 15 years ago
dhawkins1234 says:
Posted 15 years ago
nickwild1 says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
rbroome says:
This would be a great thing - having an integrated rtm-evernote space.
Posted 15 years ago
kvsingh says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 and on!
Posted 15 years ago
ben.keenan says:
+1 bring it on - that'd be brilliant!
Posted 15 years ago
nick.fallon says:
Posted 15 years ago
marcus.kunde says:
Posted 15 years ago
yichun says:
Posted 15 years ago
davieskj says:
Posted 15 years ago
snaggletooth says:
+1 Unity please.
Posted 15 years ago
shemkiel says:
Posted 15 years ago
matteote says:
Posted 15 years ago
daniel.graham says:
Posted 15 years ago
jpage01 says:
YES Please
Posted 15 years ago
rbroome says:
+1. It should automatically generate the url link for the item(s) in evernote web in the RTM task. I've been doing this manually.

Could this be done with a quicksilver command, I wonder?
Posted 15 years ago
jens.unsinn says:
aaaaand another one!
Posted 15 years ago
ben.keenan says:
Posted 15 years ago
sszretter says:
Posted 15 years ago
leah.shalom Power Poster says:
I like Ross's idea of how you might add in Evernote.
Posted 15 years ago
k.butler says:
Posted 15 years ago
sleeeper says:
Posted 15 years ago
dotnl says:
Posted 15 years ago
gregorg says:

Posted 15 years ago
jasonangus says:

Posted 15 years ago
calvin.spealman says:
Posted 15 years ago
logoniker says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
cintra says:
I was listening to the Evernote podcast recently and got the impression this integration is 'coming soon' ;)
Posted 15 years ago
gmonty says:
Yeah I listened to the podcast as well and they seem to be really down with the idea (and fans of RTM) but did not seem to specifically say they were working on it but hopefully someone does soon.
Posted 15 years ago
nick.giardina says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1. +2 if I get 2 votes.
Posted 15 years ago
jaap.kramer says:
Posted 15 years ago
fenwick.justin says:
Posted 15 years ago
dowd_uk says:
Posted 15 years ago
anna.neville says:
+1! This would be AMAZING
Posted 15 years ago
mickeyjuice says:
Posted 15 years ago
mwp says:
Posted 15 years ago
ruguevara says:
Posted 15 years ago
gmuller says:
oh, this would really be awesome...+1
Posted 15 years ago says:
Posted 15 years ago
saifrtm says:
Posted 15 years ago
mooryan says:
Posted 15 years ago
arunmuralidhar says:
yes, evernote + RTM will be tooo good
Posted 15 years ago
rmcmullan says:

Right now, I'm going to an Evernote document through the web interface, copying the URL and pasting into the URL field of RTM as an interim solution. Something tighter would be fantastic.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Both RTM and Evernote have API's out, and having these great apps communicate - even on the most basic levels - would be great. In fact, it would be sweeter than honey!

I have used Evernote ever since Google Notebook got discontinued. What a blessing: Evernote is the best reference tool I have come across, with web-access as it's best feature for me and my RTM usage:
Evernote serves as a repository for any and all items I come across - while action-items gets added to RTM.

My current work-arounds are a bit awkward. I have tried emailing Evernotes to RTM. Unsuccessfully. I end up with a task in my inbox where taskname equals notename. But nothing in the note-section of the task, and no url (even when adding U: http etc in the email I send from Evernote).

I therefore have to create a task in RTM, and add the UTL manually, hence an intergration would be wildly celebrated.

(Possibly solved by visiting Evernote; ticking the note(s) of interest; pressing the button *RTM this*. I would expect a new task to appear in my RTM inbox with Evernote's name and URL transferred over to the task. Sweeter than honey!)
Posted 15 years ago
finansvalp says:

Posted 15 years ago
kaushiknfs says:
Posted 15 years ago
jherranzm says:
Posted 15 years ago
shyaam.deshmukh says:
Posted 15 years ago
travellingwithoutmoving says:
OOOooh, oh oh!!!!!
Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!
+1 (am I only allowed one vote? :-D)
Posted 15 years ago
barry.mcbride says:

Like a number of folks I came here looking to see if someone had come up with something. Great to see this level of support for the idea!
Posted 15 years ago
snaggletooth says:
Posted 15 years ago
msteurs says:
Posted 15 years ago
stevenrblanks says:
Posted 15 years ago
mikemcguire says:
Posted 15 years ago
bauer.melisa says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago says:
Posted 15 years ago
joellybaby says:
Posted 15 years ago
davidwilkinson007 says:
Posted 15 years ago
laura.rabb says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 :D
Posted 15 years ago
mojo2cool says:
I was asking for an application for the palm pre, however, if you can get rtm to work with evernote, that would be cool to.
Posted 15 years ago
jesse.bachrach says:
Posted 15 years ago
poldaker says:
EverMilk integrates Evernote and RTM - give it a go.

But if you don't want to take advantage of it then continue with your plus 1's.
Posted 15 years ago
vaformica says:
+1 for mac too please
Posted 15 years ago
jusspitti says:
+1 clossplatform :)
Posted 15 years ago
poldaker says:
That's right jusspitti all or nothing.

Development on Evermilk has ceased and it's now no longer available
so you may get your wish after all.

Posted 15 years ago
runner98765 says:
Posted 15 years ago
espressodoppio says:
Posted 15 years ago
vkhubani says:
Posted 15 years ago
mguenther says:
Posted 15 years ago
willnelson says:
Posted 15 years ago
danielcabreratoyos says:
Also, It would be great to put an evernote note in the note field of a task
Posted 15 years ago
show255 says:
Posted 15 years ago
rupert says:
You guys are awesome.

+1 for Evernote
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
enrico.sirola says:
Posted 15 years ago
pblevins says:
Love evernote and RTM. I need to connect them.
Posted 15 years ago
maikg says:
Posted 15 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
+1 cause:
Posted 15 years ago
soloviov says:
I use both, so would be interesting to see how those can work together.

However not sure about attaching rich formatted notes to RTM tasks. This leads to huge overhead with formatting support on iPhone and other mobile apps - I can understand the developer's challenge!

At the end of the day keeping it simple also has its benefits ;)
Posted 15 years ago
benbtg says:
Long time Evernote and RTM user, would love the two to be integrated.
Posted 15 years ago
gudinin says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm Number 165
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
raphael.sisa says:
+ 1, two years, and a definite need. make it happen someone, please!
Posted 15 years ago
kyleglasgow says:
Posted 15 years ago
techbetter says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM with EverNote integration is the path to nerdvana! :-)
Posted 15 years ago
cadillaczak says:

Posted 15 years ago says:
Posted 15 years ago
andreoli says:
Posted 15 years ago
ralcazar says:
Posted 15 years ago
michoelchaim says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
You could have the header change colour for priority, and add different to the block, like due date, in the location where URL & tags are situated in Evernote. Notes could be the body in Evernote, Name in Evernote could be the task name.
These are all based off the Windows client
Posted 15 years ago
jketterer says:

I would love to see integration here, like everyone else!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 :)
Posted 15 years ago
icemelter says:
Posted 15 years ago
finansvalp says:
+1 :-D
Posted 15 years ago
nkirsch says:
Posted 15 years ago
khamsin says:
Posted 15 years ago
hakonrossebo says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
using the URL links now as a simple way of integrating
Posted 15 years ago
redfoxtx says:
Posted 15 years ago
jensberg says:
Posted 15 years ago
sailesh says:
This thread started over a year ago.

Someone... please!

+1 more
Posted 15 years ago
pawel.menich says:
Posted 15 years ago
psychopot says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
superbobbes says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, please, task integration between Evernote and RTM would be fantastic!
Posted 15 years ago
jody.gates says:
I would love to see this as well. Specifically tags in RTM going into Evernote under the same tag and vice versa. I am about to make a new years list in Evernote but would love to then be able to track my checkboxes & progress via RTM.

+1 please for Evernote/RTM integration. (now to go to the Evernote forums and post the same request.)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
jopvanraaij says:

This would be a reason for me to reconsider getting the pro account.
Posted 15 years ago
mamsden says:
Posted 15 years ago
jornetsimon says:
Posted 15 years ago
parkerl says:
Posted 15 years ago
jimmydickinson says:
Yes, this would be awesome!
Posted 15 years ago
maxreboallstars says:
Posted 15 years ago
jongalloway says:
Posted 15 years ago
espressodoppio says:
Great Idea! +1
Posted 15 years ago
markgraves says:
+1 Any kind of integration between Evernote & RTM would be awesome.
Posted 15 years ago
aovila says:
Posted 15 years ago
wacollier says:

We need this. Evernote as my gathering tool, RTM as my tasking tool and either Jott or ReQall as the voice input, and my Droid as the mobile thing that ties it all together into my google mail/calendar/googlevoice world.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Just upgraded to Pro and would love to see this with evernote.
Posted 15 years ago
action.manager says:
In this interview Phil Libin, the CEO of Evernote, says he really likes RTM for handling tasks. And he would like to work with the RTM team!

(around 11 minutes after the start)
Posted 15 years ago
kirez says:
i am new rtm pro member and i would also like to have both app comunicate somehow.
Posted 15 years ago
giorgio.chiodi says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I tried to get Evernote to work as a GTD system but it was just a bit too complicated. Would definitely keep my Pro membership for this function. ;)
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes please.
Posted 15 years ago
devenv says:
Posted 15 years ago
juanalglez says:
Posted 15 years ago
paddyfields says:
pretty please.
with bells on.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
+2 (both for me & my wife :-) and please: not the kind of 'integration' that Evernote & Nozbe came up with. It should be possible to make a task in RTM out of a note in Evernote. Nozbe just displayed the notes from Evernote as a 'project document', not as a proper task. So that integration is basically worthless ...
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Project support material is not really worthless. An analogy with RTM would be links to EverNote in the Note tab. If you use RTM for simple project management it can be very useful.
Posted 15 years ago
spemarx says:
+1 I'd really like to see this happen.
Posted 15 years ago
woodyb23 says:
+1 found this by looking for a way to make it happen
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
esellars says:
plus one
Posted 15 years ago
coolfinn says:
Posted 15 years ago
sandidandi says:
+1! for EverNote integration
+1! for Outlook integration: Basic TASK sync like your Windows Mobile "client" does would suffice for starters.

I’d add Outlook NOTES sync as well.

Ross Goodman’s ideas were GREAT:
- [My strategy too:] “Personally Evernote is never my first port of call, I use it to supplement RTM.”
- [Please!:] “I'd like to see, as well as "Add Note", "Add To Evernote", this would use the Evernote API to create a note (in a new window) and then pass back the URL of the note and store it. You then have a list of Evernote URLs stored that you can access by clicking.”
- [Aha, great idea of what I can do for now:] “This emulates my current workflow except that I have to use an RTM note to store the Evernote URLs.”

I’ve got two work-related issues:
- OUTLOOK NOTES & TASKS: Work started forcing any of them dated older than 30 days into our archive vault, where you can’t get them out for 10 years or even modify them. I quit using Outlook NOTES and TASKS at work because of this, not wanting my grocery list (etc.) that sync’d from home (via my PDA) to accidentally end up in that archive for 10 years! (BIG boo hoo!). Using Outlook NOTES and TASKS still on the home computer has now become incredibly inefficient, since I can’t modify easily from my work computer. My entire action management system started really falling apart after this, hence my investigation of Rtm, EverNote, etc. I used to really pride myself on my organization. I’ve morphed into somebody I don’t even know through all this and stuff’s definitely falling between the cracks!
- INTERNET EXPLORER: Work currently limits us to IE6. RtM works on it for now (RtMjust replied to my inquiry about that to not count on it forever, but couldn’t give me a time range when they won’t support it any longer). EverNote won’t display properly on IE6 period. Work won’t bump up our IE until we get migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7's OS (which they’ve had in imminent status for 2 years now with no change).
Posted 15 years ago
babouyes says:
Great idea, +1
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Me too +1
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
As Evernote expands to mobile platforms and so does RTM, this gets to be even more important. Please - can we get this feature?
Posted 15 years ago
kirk.grant says:
Posted 14 years ago
rsphillips says:
Another vote for Evernote + RTM goodness.
Posted 14 years ago
rmcmullan says:
My personal fantasy is to be able to use RTM to manage projects and tasks, and use Evernote to manage support material and reference material related to those projects and tasks. The best way I can think of doing this is to have shared/linked tags between the two.

For example, if I tag a task with a project tag (e.g. -admin_annual_review), it would be utterly awesome to be able to click on an Evernote icon next to my tag, which would open a separate window with Evernote showing all notes that have that same project tag.

In this way, RTM could link to photos, audio notes, ink drawings, PDFs, as well as large, formatted text notes. That would make my day.
Posted 14 years ago
kerrpe says:
I usually stay out of the 'begging for features' posts, as I'm sure the RTM folks are annoyed by them (to say the least), but yeah, this would be more than awesome.

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
shimaza says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for Evernote also
Posted 14 years ago
stangm says:
Posted 14 years ago
nkirsch says:

I would love for the notes in RTM to be able to be Evernote notes, given how much more rich that platform is.
Posted 14 years ago
cwo says:
I want it too.
Posted 14 years ago
xingzhao says:
Posted 14 years ago
bridga says:
And the reason it ain't done yet? This kind of thing really makes me yearn for the time to learn to code, instead of just being a needy user. Integration of Evernote and RTM would rule! +11
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 I LOVE Evernote & use their Palm Pre app all the time!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would continue to pay for RTM if this was implemented.
Posted 14 years ago
terence.leong says:
Posted 14 years ago
nohant says:
Please make my digital life easier
Posted 14 years ago
diego.bejarano says:
Posted 14 years ago
commonplace says:
As the saying goes, "+1"

Posted 14 years ago
bebob says:
Si, uno mas.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
jaapkoole says:
Don't tag it, but send the note as email to your rtm-email-adres
(look at settings>info in RTM)

With the right syntax in the subject line, it appears at the right place and date, with the right tags.

Posted 14 years ago
mikecspence says:
Posted 14 years ago
clairific says:
Posted 14 years ago
klaus.kneupner says:
Posted 14 years ago
artur.krzywanski says:
+1 or + 100000000000000000000000
Posted 14 years ago
joseph.sanders says:
Posted 14 years ago
pmultani says:
Posted 14 years ago
adamsko says:
Posted 14 years ago
pr0s4c says:
Posted 14 years ago
jlurbieta says:
Posted 14 years ago
etrump says:
Posted 14 years ago
mordonez says:
Posted 14 years ago
olivier.mtl says:
Posted 14 years ago
ckennedy says:
Posted 14 years ago
bdavey says:
Posted 14 years ago
kseistrup says:
+1 for a two-way RTM <>EverNote functionality.
Posted 14 years ago
richardfrank says:
Me too please - a match made in heaven!
Posted 14 years ago
basquiat says:
+1 pls
Posted 14 years ago
iain.knox says:
Posted 14 years ago
justkristin says:
+1 indeed
Posted 14 years ago
psylophone says:
Posted 14 years ago
jasonjolly says:
+1 here too! we need this now more than ever with the iPad!
Posted 14 years ago
npiv says:
Posted 14 years ago
coi says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
kkenyon says:
Posted 14 years ago
affinityweb says:
Posted 14 years ago
jpfieber says:
Posted 14 years ago
goraleksi says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
i'm not sure if you'll read this coz there are so many above... but I agree with you... what is an RTM??

*i'm still new to all this*
Posted 14 years ago
jenknitter says:
RTM is short for "Remember the Milk"
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
thanks jenknitter! :)
Posted 14 years ago
danielcabreratoyos says:
Posted 14 years ago
carlo.vitolo says:
Posted 14 years ago
arthurvaniterson says:
Posted 14 years ago
elspeters says:
Posted 14 years ago
dave_tucker says:
Posted 14 years ago
rmbennett says:
+1 please please please please please
Posted 14 years ago
robfrase says:
Posted 14 years ago
dkjunior says:
+1 +1 +1
Posted 14 years ago
nouve says:
+1 again.
Posted 14 years ago
florisq says:
Posted 14 years ago
dropleft says:
Posted 14 years ago
vitalyb says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Evernote and RTM together!!!
+ 1 !!!
Posted 14 years ago
d3a1i0 says:
I love both tools and would like to see a relationship form here.
Posted 14 years ago
brotbert says:
+1 for Evernote integration!
Posted 14 years ago
william.flack says:
Posted 14 years ago
nohant says:
+100 rtm + evernote will be a must
Posted 14 years ago
frantisekhaba says:
Posted 14 years ago
danielcabreratoyos says:
We really need evernote integration! Now with Evernote Trunk and the API, I think there is no excuse. Easy... just connect a note and a task! How difficult can it be?
Posted 14 years ago
leevel says:
+1 for Evernote integration, Please!
Posted 14 years ago
zensurfer says:
theres' already evernote seesmic integration, would be nice to see RTM as well!

Posted 14 years ago
felixc says:

Posted 14 years ago
jordell says:
Posted 14 years ago
ahlgren.fredrik says:
Posted 14 years ago
xash says:
Yes, please.
Posted 14 years ago
jhuesos says:
Posted 14 years ago
piotrusiek says:
Posted 14 years ago
melissa.yosua.davis says:
Posted 14 years ago
sarimura says:
Posted 14 years ago
madeleine.ahlgren says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 - needs to enable linked to-do between Evernote and RTM (something like Egretlist for iPhone) - do not want to double management of tasks
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
paulmyoung says:
Still nothing? Crazy!
Posted 14 years ago
rapiere says:
+1 it would really be great as many other tasklists are implementing it and even if I like RTM to KISS, missing opportunity to make it link to other tools is an error.
Posted 14 years ago
bdavey says:
Posted 14 years ago
dogbombs says:
Would be excellent if, whenever I add a task in RTM, it adds a note into Evernote with the same tags. 2-way sync desirable (updating tags in Evernote updates them in RTM) but not essential - a "would be nice" feature.
Posted 14 years ago
alex.spirin says:
just do it, peop le want it!
Posted 14 years ago
waronhate says:
Posted 14 years ago
ian.lumb says:
Posted 14 years ago
mfaber3 says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
This tip was posted a year ago in this thread but I figured I'd reiterate.

For some of you, using the RTM task URL field in conjunction with the web version of Evernote may fit your needs. Individual notes, tags, and searches have unique URLs in Evernote. Copy/paste that unique URL to the URL field in an RTM task and you have an easy-access reference source for your RTM task.
Posted 14 years ago
chadhoward11 says:
Posted 14 years ago
roriclover says:
+1, like to see their integration
Posted 14 years ago
geograf says:
Posted 14 years ago
waldeis says:
+1 for Evernote integration
Posted 14 years ago
sids says:
+1 for Evernote integration.
Posted 14 years ago
alan76 says:
+1 for Evernote integration.
Posted 14 years ago
dali1 says:
Posted 14 years ago
felixc says:
Posted 14 years ago
stephane.depoillyvo says:
+1 for Evernote integration
Posted 14 years ago
mbasilico says:
+1 For Evernote integration.
I'm using Gmail and RTM gadget + Android....I hope we can integrate evernote and RTM...
Posted 14 years ago
blesserx says:
Posted 14 years ago
sp0rk says:

This would be quite a lovely feature to have and it obviously has the backing of many members. Not to mention, RTM's integration can be listed in the Evernote Trunk which would also be a marketing outlet for RTM.

Even if you could only create tasks out of notes and link them into the RTM task, I would be satisfied if that was version one.
Posted 14 years ago
atli says:
Posted 14 years ago
snaggletooth says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
kyselak says:
Posted 14 years ago
iernst says:
Posted 14 years ago
torgrim says:
Posted 14 years ago
meggerud says:
Posted 14 years ago
nic.windley says:
Posted 14 years ago
valdar729 says:
Posted 14 years ago
ally_r says:
+ 1
Posted 14 years ago
ctash says:
I'd seriously consider buying a pro membership if there was Evernote integration..
Posted 14 years ago
mnkyimages says:
Posted 14 years ago
kike00 says:
this is an excellent idea!!!! It would make my life easier xD

Posted 14 years ago
mjhudson says:
Posted 14 years ago
damian.zembalski says:
Posted 14 years ago
niek63 says:
Posted 14 years ago
gary.minor says:
Posted 14 years ago
eefmeijerink says:
Posted 14 years ago
paulmcampbell says:

please please please

a killer-combo... :)
Posted 14 years ago
mkailley says:
when will this happen?
Posted 14 years ago
lmoorhead says:

Posted 14 years ago
gbergeth says:
+1 do it rtm
Posted 14 years ago
apexified says:
Would definitely be one more incentive to go/stay pro!
Posted 14 years ago
jean.davoust says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
juggerhead says:
Posted 14 years ago
offixer says:
Posted 14 years ago
scatelin says:
Posted 14 years ago
koenvdk says:
Posted 14 years ago
trienism says:
Posted 14 years ago
juanpabloaj says:
Posted 14 years ago
amalong says:
Posted 14 years ago
se.ostermann says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
trippy1976 says:
Would like evernote + RTM to work like OneNote and outlook tasks. Items/lines in evernote marked as tasks are created at RTM. When marked complete, they are updated at Evernote as such.
Posted 14 years ago
goraleksi says:
Posted 14 years ago
cainebryce says:
Posted 14 years ago
tonyx says:
Posted 14 years ago
patrick says:
Posted 14 years ago
tdrugan says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
bingfengwx says:
Posted 14 years ago
jswheeler says:
Please... Please... Please
Posted 14 years ago
davidwgaw says:
Posted 14 years ago
ccmmss says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
rcouto says:
Posted 14 years ago
mbarnes18 says:
Posted 14 years ago
carsten.meyer says:
Posted 14 years ago
mtaylor_emeraldcave_net says:
Posted 14 years ago
kingfuu says:
Posted 14 years ago
tankeev says:
Posted 14 years ago
chenwg says:
Posted 14 years ago
brrutzo says:
Posted 14 years ago
abizzaro says:
I agree that OneNote/Outlook type integration is the idea. I had tried Nozbe due to that reason to replace RTM, but found it too cumbersome. I used OneNote/Outlook as an option, but hated the idea of using a Windows phone.

So here is a work around - it is a litle extra work, but it does work. When you are ready to process your Evernote inbox and create tasks out of it try this. Open Evernote on the web (not the Windows or any other version). When you find a note you need to use as supporting documentation for an RTM task, paste the URL from that note into the URL field on the RTM task. Voila, when you click that task (if you PC is set up for remembering passwords) the note will open as the web version.

Granted, its not perfect, but it gives you an option until RTM or Evernote decide on integration.
Posted 14 years ago
geowa4 says:

I like the idea of some kind of integration, but I feel like this would be better suited as a third party app.
Posted 14 years ago
mastadave2999 says:
Posted 14 years ago
kenv481 says:
Posted 14 years ago
leolchat says:
Posted 14 years ago
davidbrake says:
Posted 14 years ago
dbrown says:
Posted 14 years ago
brunofontes says:
Wow! It would be perfect to use notes from Evernote on tasks!

I have not tried yet, but maybe a link to web Evernote should work, shouldn't it?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
would definately go pro for that!
Posted 14 years ago
bluesgeek says:
When I have a task to connect to one or more Evernote notes:

1) assign a random number and paste it into the evernote note:

2) assign a tag in RTM "evernote"and create a note in the task that lists the Evernote note titles and random number assignments for each note

3) Assign a tag in Evernote "RTM" and paste in the unique RTM task URL generated by using the A Bit Better RTM Firefox add-on

Now the RTM task and the evernote notes are linked.

Posted 14 years ago
akuritsyn says:
Posted 14 years ago
bluesgeek says:
I've generated 1000 random alphanumeric sequences which I keep in an evernote note so I can quickly grab one.
Posted 14 years ago
cyberbofh says:
+1! for EverNote integration
Posted 14 years ago
atobad says:
+1 for evernote integration
Posted 14 years ago
samuraibyte says:
It would be nice to have Remember The Milk put all tasks from a certain task list start a note in Evernote. For example: I put a task called 'Trip to New York' in the task list 'Projects' this in turn creates a note in Evernote called the same 'Trip to New York'.

Now to up the ante it would be even cooler if RTM or Evernote had some way of sending tasks put in notes to RTM as task into a certain task list. For example: I have a note called 'Trip to New York' in it I have a list of items:
- Call James to get date of Conference
- Book flight on
- Pack bags | Don't forget the toothbrush!
- Call Taxicab and set up a time for pick up

And once I move the note from my Journal to say a journal called 'Tasks' RTM or Evernote would pull or push the four tasks form the note called 'Trip to New York'

This kind of integration would make for an awesome combo.
Posted 14 years ago
derek.houck says:
Would love to see Evernote integration in Remember the Milk.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
When will the Cow marry the Elephant?
Posted 14 years ago
bknueven says:
Posted 14 years ago
sleeeper says:
Posted 14 years ago
baer says:
Posted 14 years ago
wangxk says:
Posted 14 years ago
erlang says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
rutiah says:
Please! +1
Posted 14 years ago
danuwaanalihi says:
yes please. at least give us feedback if that is the plan...?
Posted 14 years ago
bmenaman says:
Posted 14 years ago
harkerp says:
This would be brilliant +1
Posted 13 years ago
tcasperite says:
+1 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. It seems so simple.
Posted 13 years ago
yamamotoknj says:
Posted 13 years ago
coloradocollins says:
Posted 13 years ago
ideler says:
Posted 13 years ago
paulmtilley says:
+ 10
Posted 13 years ago
meggerud says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
girish.kosuru says:
Evernote is really taking off... I have not used one note for a while now!
Posted 13 years ago
alasnik says:
I'd also like to respectively put in my vote for Evernote sync'ing / interoperability. I love Evernote!
Posted 13 years ago
alasnik says:
er, respectfully! Darn no-edit :o
Posted 13 years ago
runner42km says:
+1 Mi life will be perfect if that could be done
Posted 13 years ago
mathieu.hubeek says:
Posted 13 years ago
pfaffflo says:
Posted 13 years ago
erica.nofi says:
Posted 13 years ago
emichsz says:
Posted 13 years ago says:
Posted 13 years ago
blankpage says:
Also wanting this! Was googling it to find out if it was already a feature. Please? I'll be your best friend.
Posted 13 years ago
lindsey.schneider says:
Posted 13 years ago
trippy1976 says:

BTW. I'd PAY for this.
Posted 13 years ago
mike.iwasiow says:
+1 for evernote
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 and I'd pay for this too
Posted 13 years ago
dbrown says:
Obviously this would be awesome. But sub projects must be easier...
Posted 13 years ago
khavalier says:

And a comment in the blog about the potential of doing this would be great.

Posted 13 years ago
eduardo.consorte says:
+ 1
Posted 13 years ago
iphone9 says:
Posted 13 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
1 year ago:
amirmasoudabdol says:
+1 cause:

and NOW:
Posted 13 years ago
goraleksi says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
sblackman says:
Posted 13 years ago
ladalske says:
Posted 13 years ago
ews says:
Posted 13 years ago
lassec says:
+2 :)
Posted 13 years ago
manishgarg says:
+1 . So, with so much demand when are you doing it RTM?
Posted 13 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for everyone's feedback! We're considering this idea -- there are a few different ways that people are suggesting we integrate with Evernote. We'd love it if you could let us know in the comments how you'd like to see Evernote integration working.
Posted 13 years ago
tomcopple says:
+1 for Evernote

This really would be very useful
Posted 13 years ago
annoerr says:
+1 This would be very important for me!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1, as well as should be considered. Could be an competitor to evernote.
Posted 13 years ago
annoerr says:
It would be nice if Evernote tasks could appear in RTM and if you could link an Evernote note to an RTM-task.
Posted 13 years ago
mweinstein says:
I'd like to be able to create a task, and instead of adding a note within RTM, instead be able to add a linked Evernote note.
Posted 13 years ago
ebacus says:
Both apps are part of my GTD setup, with Evernote being the broader, long-term view, RTM lists as projects, and tasks as actions. Integration between the two would be awesome.
Posted 13 years ago
robbyk says:
i would love RTM tasks to sync with evernote tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
ichadman says:
It would be great if regardless of the notebook or tag, it sycs to the corresponding folder in RTM.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Full integration would be great, but why don't you fix a bug with emails sent from Evernote, as a start? (They never arrive). I reported this issue twice.
Posted 13 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
Here is some implementation which I think it's a good idea:

First, You can import Evernote Tasks into RTM . I mean each time we create a task in Evernote notes. RTM find the task and create same task in RTM. And if the task marked as complete in Evernote, RTM should marked it as completed.

Second, making a task in RTM by looking for specific tag in Evernote like you do in Gmail extension. Each notes in this tag convert to RTM tasks by linking or naming the related note.

Third, also it's not a bad idea to add a button in task properties to send or sync or even link to the related note in Evernote.
Forth, RTM can sync their data (notes in tasks) by Evernote. It can be really helpful when working in a task that need some information.

Thanks in advance RTM. It'll be great if you do this for us.
Posted 13 years ago
joeburnham says:
As said in my initial suggestion, I'd like to tag something RTM in Evernote and have it appear as a task ... linking the title as the task, the URL where it needs to be, additional tags as RTM tags, and the main content as an RTM note. Some way of dating it would also be helpful.

At a more philosophical level, Evernote is where I dump everything so it's the start of my productivity process. Both work for organization in the middle, and RTM is where everything gets done. If the integration could help with this, it would be perfect!
Posted 13 years ago
minim_c says:
+1 for linking Evernote notes to RTM tasks as support documentation.

I use EN + RTM as my GTD system - tasks in RTM, everything else in EN, so I send all emails to do with a project to a folder in Evernote, add in files of all different sorts. Plus I keep my someday/maybe and review info also in Evernote (because my RTM became unusable when I kept it all in the one place).

It would be great to be able to look at a task in RTM then be able to click directly into the support documentation, or into the related project note to see what needed to be put on the to-do list next. (rossgoodman's idea about an Add to Evernote button along with Add Note would be awesome too, but for me the important thing would be linking existing Evernote notes from RTM tasks)
Posted 13 years ago
cardozo says:
I take notes in Evernote and would like a quick way to make a task from the note (or a subsection of the note) that would show up in RTM with the Evernote note linked.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
jean.davoust says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Make the tags in a task into hyperlinks to the list with al tasks that are tagged with that tag. Another feature with tags-as-links might be: make a tag a hyperlink to the same tag in the Evernote app (<~ that would be a killer feature, giving RTM a lot of extra and free publicity in the blog and Trunk of Evernote. It would also be a great help for GTD-users who use RTM as a GTD-system along with Evernote for reference stuff)
Posted 13 years ago
jov.mostanovski says:
All the suggestions above are perfect.

I'm also use RTM +Evernote to implement GTD.

It might be an idea for RTM to set up a partnership with Evernote. There is a lot of GTD users using both products, as far as I can tell.

If RTM and Evernote were integrated from both ends (i.e RTM integration in Evernote, and Evernote integration in RTM), that would be beneficial for both companies.

Evernote simply doesn't do task management very well. But, it's good for managing all your info.

RTM is specifically a task manager, but is not capable of serving as a long-term information management solution.

So, in summary:
+1 for RTM/EN integration
Posted 13 years ago
zurbrick says:
+1 second to jov
Posted 13 years ago
tmfkara says:
I'd like to option to link Evernotes as links to tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Tags are simple. RTM and Evernote both use tags. This would be a straight sync. There are some items below that might complicate the matter, but mostly it's simple.

Tasks in Evernote are lines within a note with a check box. RTM could sync the task over by creating a note (perhaps with the same name as the task) then create a line within the note containing a check box and the task name. After that RTM could ignore the name of the note.

For new tasks going the other way a task could be created in RTM for each line within a note that has a check box. The rest of the line could then be processed through RTM's smart add so that smart add could be used from within Evernote. This would be advantageous because a person could take meeting notes in Evernote, creating tasks as they go or when they review the notes. The tasks would then appear within RTM.

There's a couple ways lists could be handled.

Option #1. Each RTM list becomes a tag in Evernote. With this option, the note in Evernote would be tagged for the list the task is on and for each smart list the task is on. This method doesn't have the disadvantages of option #2.

Option #2. Each list in RTM becomes a notebook in Evernote, perhaps all under an RTM stack. This has the advantage and disadvantage of isolating RTM within Evernote. It also doesn't handle smart lists.

I'll do some more thinking on the subject, but think feature would greatly simplify my life. The two tools I use for productivity are RTM and Evernote. Right now I'm also using Egretlist to see all the tasks I've created in Evernote. Once Evernote and RTM can sync, I won't need it anymore.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I simply want to attach an evernote note to a task and have a link to that note. The ideal thing would be to display the note, but at least a link would be good too.
Posted 13 years ago says:
I'd love for Evernote to hold any documents that I email to RTM and then could pull them up. I think the notation feature could be held by evernote too.... Don't have any idea how complicated this would be. But I know that my old Task Management tool ( allowed me to have documents with my tasks. That was helpful.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I keep all my meeting notes and probect notes in Evernote. I keep all my tasks in RTM. I'd just like to be able to create checkboxes in Evernote and have them show up as tasks in my RTM inbox.

The reason Evernote doesn't work for me for tasks now is that I have to create them in the desktop or browser app. No email creation or iphone/ipad app task creation.
Posted 13 years ago
atunesmith says:
Great idea. RTM is my Mac task app, Some options
From Evernote be able to::
1.) The Evernote as a new task - To make the Evernote note title a new task in the RTM inbox with the body of the note inserted into the "notes" section of the RTM task) Don't ask for much do I?
2.) Evernote as an RTM task support or reference doc - To be able to insert a link to the entire Evernote note into the RTM task "Notes' section. In this way the Evernote as RTM support doc could still be audio, photo, web clip, etc.
Posted 13 years ago
gabinortega says:
Great idea.
Posted 13 years ago
groyal says:
The ideas mentioned here of Evernote supporting notes attached to RTM tasks makes a great deal of sense. Good luck with the development.
Posted 13 years ago
bkalinowski says:
Posted 13 years ago
jeff.speigel says:
Posted 13 years ago
mmaertens says:
RTM - Evernote integration would mean I ditch outlook/onenote
Posted 13 years ago
rtmdave says:
I am just switching from a Blackberry and have used ( ToDo matrix for years. It has multiple levels of folders and a a terrific alarm available for each item.
No Application on the android platform works as well as Todo.
I am using RTM for my tasks/chores and Evernote and Note Everything pro for my list type info.
RTM has a nice "today" screen and automatically rolls over schedules tasks whcih is really nice.
It is not very good at long lists of data such as my food shopping list.
To integrate (of better yet incorporate) this functions/applications would be wonderful!
Posted 13 years ago
judith.eather says:
Posted 13 years ago
thecookiemomma says:
I'd like to see a way to use RTM as Evernote's "To Do." Make a list in EN, and mail to RTM, or have a button there... Or come over here and attach a note for clarification... like an agenda or something for a meeting. RTM is good for reminders and calendars, and EN is good for packets of STUFF. If I had a way to integrate those two, it'd be awesome.

Here's a personal example. I have a list in my EN that has dates and names that I need to remember to check out / turn in by a certain date for Sunday services at my church. EN has no "reminder" function to tell me, "Oh, yeah, you have to call this person by this date." Having some way to integrate that would be stellar. Not sure how that would work. I know I could set it up manually in my PIM's calendar, but then I'd have to port it to my netbook every time it changed. This way, I can look at the paper at church, type in the information, it syncs up, and then it would remind me of the change.
Posted 13 years ago
parkerto says:
For me, Kate puts it perfectly here: kateoneill says:
I desperately want this, as well. I want to have only one place to manage my task, and that's RTM now and for the foreseeable future, but there are plenty of times when a task requires a bit of supporting documentation, and the notes field for a task doesn't cut it. Rather than see RTM tasks support bulkier notes or attachments, I'd be thrilled to have the capability to link to an Evernote file or several.

posted 2 years ago"

I would add that evernote is useful because you can use pictures, voice memos, and any sort of filework that then could join into RTM. This would become my one-stop shop for tasks joining my resources if you would integrate with evernote. please!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Currently I use the Share function in Evernote, click Copy Note URL to Clipboard, and put that as my RTM note's URL link. It works ok for me, but I've been using RTM for a long time and its probably a lot more natural for me than someone who is a casual or new user. If there were an integration between the two, I would think the best way would be using tags, but not sure how that would ultimately tie together. Just seems to be the way to do it. Sorry, I'm a Finance Geek and have no idea how the API stuff works.
Posted 13 years ago
megsaint says:
I used to use reQall as my to do list manager. However, I had some issues with it that ultimately made it too frustrating. In theory, it integrated with Evernote. The idea was, if it detected a word or phrase or name in the item you entered and it found something that matched in Evernote, it would show you those notes along with the to do item in certain views. I loved the idea as reqall had no notes field for the to do items. In practice, it showed notes that weren't relevant and didn't show ones that were.

If RTM could implement a similar feature (and have it actually work!) that would be fantastic. I don't use Evernote as a task manager and have no interest in doing so. However, I frequently have information related to tasks in Evernote that it would be nice to see when looking at my RTM list. I don't know if you folks can sneak in and look at reqall..... ;-)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Personally, I want would just want rtm to scan evernote for todo items that it hasn't imported yet and filter the whole line item through the quick add system. That way, I could create todo items on the fly while taking notes and not have to manually move them into rtm.
Posted 13 years ago
stevencohen says:
I outline projects in Evernote. So I have lists of tasks that need to be completed. It would be great to be able to highlight a line in a list (or perhaps even an entire note in EN) right click on it and have a menu choice to send to RTM as a task (with maybe a popup menu to all me to add tags, due dates, etc.) I guess this is more of how EN can integrate with YOU. Should be pretty easy. It's just a cleaner way of what I do now, which is copy, paste to an email using EN's share feature and sent to my RTM address.
Posted 13 years ago
sigruncom says:
I would like to send an email to Evernote and tag it with RTM so that it also becomes a task in RTM.
Posted 13 years ago
vzb says:
I agree with many of the other posters in wanting to be able to link to a specific note in Evernote that holds more "supporting documentation" for specific tasks.

Someone else also mentioned something that seems really helpful: "Specifically tags in RTM going into Evernote under the same tag and vice versa. I am about to make a new years list in Evernote but would love to then be able to track my checkboxes & progress via RTM."

I am a paying customer for both Evernote & RTM and would love to see them hook up!
Posted 13 years ago
adam.a.brockway says:

I love Evernote being relatively new to that as well. It is so nice to keep notes synced everywhere. I see the usefulness in being able to link TODO/Task lists with info in evernote.

I just signed up for RTM. I am considering paying for the pro version. I signed up for RTM because of the features if offers fulfilling many requirements; of categorizing, taging and prioritizing in a user friendly way; A todo item, on my phone (android), or at home(ff or chrome) or at work (outlook+ie) that I will see it everywhere I go. RTM team I am excited to begin using this.

As to ideas on how you would like the import to work. As I said I'm new to both programs but thinking about it. 1) sync all todo items to RTM from evernote. 2) when pulling from Evernote if RTM can pull in the smartAdd tags and such do so. Be nice to have one smartAdd feature across platforms. 3) RTM is for task management/TODO, I don't think we need the images, audio, or other content, if users or people want that why not be able to link back to Evernote for that information. 4) when pulling from Evernote and syncing, No Duplicates, meaning if already imported a task once don't import and create it again, or maybe if think it already exists ask user about it, maybe same task different note means different things. Optionally) if complete a synced task in RTM, be able to mark it completed in Evernote.
Again as I said I'm new to Evernote and haven't used the TODO feature extensively there within.

I'm so excited to start using RemeberTheMilk.
Posted 13 years ago
ashujoshi says:
Evernote, IMO, is not a task manager but more so a information repository. I find it difficult to hold my to-do list. RTM on the other hand is useless when it comes to tracking a project and its step - or rather so complicated that it does not make sense to use. I see a huge advantage that RTM Tasks could "link" to a note in Evernote - more so than sync. That is somehow they are tied together as a reference to each other....
Posted 13 years ago
ramezqui says:
Two thoughts and I may be doubling up on previous posts. The first is to parse a check listed Evernote and mass create tasks in RTM as if you are doing the brainstorming in evernote now that you can indent the check lists. If the checklist is indented, then the top level is a list with it's children being tasks associated to that list in RTM. With the current smart add options being taken into account.

The other thought is to have a link in the Share menu option in Evernote going to RTM. Once done, the Evernote title would be the RTM task with a link to the Evernote in the RTM notes section.
Posted 13 years ago
maseratij says:
Integrating the Todo's insert Checkbox function in Evernote to a specific task in RTM. EN is the final resting spot for info that makes the cut for relevancy, timeliness, and posterity. Starred Google Reader entries are reviewed and the keepers go to EN, Starred emails are reviewed and the keepers become tasks or are sent to EN. Cell phone images are set to EN and are often reminders or tidbits that are actionable. From the EN inbox they are tagged and put into folders and/or deemed actionable and checkbox is inserted.

Reviewing the checkboxes in RTM would be great. Perhaps the actual text entered after the checkbox good include smart add syntax that could be picked up by RTM.

Right away there are possibly two URL's for each EN, the referenced website from the clip, if there is one, and the online URL for the note with online EN. The sharing URL appears when you right click on the EN in the desktop version. It appears that the link is publicly shared only. This could be a problem for some, but if you know the lay of the land I think users would still use the links. Of course if it is a webclip the reference URL may be sufficient info for an RTM task , in that case if there is no URL in the smart add syntax, RTM could grab the clip reference URL. If the user would rather have the EN online URL they could copy the URL themselves (with all of the public access disclosures in EN) and input the text after the checkbox with the URL smart add syntax.

Perhaps taking the EN Title of a Checkboxed note and default make it the RTM task name and use the smart add syntax in the Checkbox/todo text ?

The tags of a Checkboxed note would create or sync with RTM. If all the tags in EN are not needed in RTM the end user can delete them manually on the RTM side. No two way necessary IMO. Or the user can clean up the tags in EN knowing they are going to RTM.

It would be dynamic to link these two services.
Posted 13 years ago
atunesmith says:
Both apps are already great for me but here are two helpful integration features and a representative model:

1. Evernote-stored ideas often become actions and projects. It's quick and easy to brainstorm relevant actions in Evernote (without cluttering or needing the full processing available in RTM).
Once I analyze the resource constraints (time and money, ) some of these Notes (rooms) will surface as projects. Each can then become an individual (project) list in RTM.

Example: "Home improvement" as a Notebook in Evernote. Each room needing work (plus landscaping?) becomes a Note title in the Home Improvement notebook. Each "room note" , in the notebook is formatted as a list of tasks for that room, including associated purchases and subcontracted labor.

It would then be fantastic to be able to transfer data from Evernote to RTM as follows:

* Each EN Note Title (room needing work) into a List Title in RTM (to track each room as a project).
* Each action list under that EN Note Title into the matching RTM list as individual tasks.

Once into RTM, GTD can take over as with all my other tasks. purchases tagged as "buy" - assign owner - time required - due dates reflecting dependencies, etc.
2. The other feature would be to be able to transfer Evernote task support material into the Notes section of an RTM task, or just a link in the RTM notes field to take you to the Evernote support material .

All seems to combine the two apps into a convenient and quite flexible way to get from wishlist to brainstorming to proj mgmnt tool for most of the key project variables.

If there are existing ways to do any of this I have missed, please let me know. And thanks for the patience to read through this.

Posted 13 years ago
yaneshtyagi says:
I use both RTM and EN. I use EN to keep all my notes and collected items. I use RTM for tasks (action items). What I want is a two-way integration:

1. 'Send to RTM' button in EN :- send note from EN to RTM Inbox. Note title equals task and note link equals URL. For offline notebooks URL will be blank.

2. 'Send to EN' button in RTM :- send any task from RTM to EN as notes. It may go into the default notebook.

Task = note title,
tags = tags and
all related information equals note text in a formatted way (such as Priority = 1).

It will be great if both team can join hands and provide this feature. It will be win-win situation for both teams.
Posted 13 years ago
steinmarder says:
I would like to see the possibility to add notes to a task, which are then stored in Evernote, e.g. in a "RTM" notebook, possibly even tagged just like the task

Editing the note in evernote should sync to the note attached to the task.

Basically, it's creating a linked Evernote-Note to a task and showing it in the "note" tab of the task.

Attaching an existing note would be another nice-to-have-feature.
Posted 13 years ago
baer says:
i would like to link a rtm task woth an evernote-note
Posted 13 years ago
emjaydee says:
Posted 13 years ago
jerseytoddshow says:
steinmarder above nailed it. 'nuff said. Make it happen.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
yes to the above - en and rtm need to be integrated together -
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1. I use Evernote for everything. I'd love to be able to pin notes to RTM tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
bochgoch says:
Amongst other things it would be nice to be able to link from a RTM task to an evernote note - thus storing the task in RTM and the note in EN and being able to pass pretty seamlessly between the two.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
There seems to be a couple ways people wish to pair EN and RTM.

#1 Task in RTM, note in EN
#2 Tasks in RTM duplicated EN and vise versa.

My primary interest in combining them is to be able to create multiple tasks in a single EN note and have them automatically appear in RTM. This would fall into #2. Both could be replicated by parsing EN notes.

New ToDo items in EN become tasks in RTM with a link back to the note in EN.

New tasks in RTM create notes in EN with a ToDo on the first line and the RTM note copied after it. The note in RTM could then be replaced by a link to the EN note.
Posted 13 years ago
julia.thorne says:
^^ What christopher.weible said... :-)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
neilgmoore says:
Evernote now supports creating individual weblinks per note, which can be paste into RTM's task URL field. When you click on the link, the note opens in your Evernote client. This also works on iPhone and iPad.
Posted 13 years ago
brennj4 says:
Posted 13 years ago
brennj4 says:
+ 1,124,874,887,124,784,245,871,658,774,582,468,157.4 <- that means I want it. enough to pay for it.
Posted 13 years ago
yoerik.neirynck says:
Having a connection between them would be a great help, as well documenting tasks as creating tasks from notes.
Posted 13 years ago
mathieu.hubeek says:
I have several projects, all related tasks regarding the project are tagged in RTM with the project name, I have created a smart list showing the to do list for the project.

Every project also has a notebook in Evernote, I use this notebook to collect everything regarding the project.

- I would like an overview in evernote of the tasks in RTM where RTM tag = name Evernote notebook

- I would like to link tasks in RTM to Evernote notes.
(I know this is possible by sharing a note in evernote, which creates a URL, which I can paste in the RTM url field, but this note is visible for everybody, I would like to keep my notes private)
Posted 13 years ago
carllacey2 says:
It would be magnificent to add the capability to sync list from RTM into Evernote or vice versa. This would have to include the capability to add to do's, complete and postpone task directly from either application!
Posted 13 years ago
saamrin says:
I think a way of integrating Evernote into RTM would be like this: I would write a list in Evernote using lists and then I could import it to RTM. Each list item bullet could be split to a specific task
Posted 13 years ago
leonormes says:
Evernote is a great app, but I switched to springpad. I would love integration with notes but couldn't go back to evernote.
Posted 13 years ago
meezcore says:
What I would like to see is a RTM folder. In the folder I want my lists and that it syncs automaticly. Evernote I only use for notes, not planning. I use RTM for that. But sometimes it can be usefull to see the notes aswell in Evernote without having to switch screens all the time.
Posted 13 years ago
dhaugen612 says:

For each project I create an Evernote notebook and a RTM list. I would love to be able to view (and edit/interact with) my RTM list within an Evernote frame.

Maybe there's could be a way to embed an RTM widget within an Evernote note? Or maybe a simple sidebar like the Gmail add-on?
Posted 13 years ago
kerrpe says:
Great to see this closer to becoming reality!

For me, having every RTM task automatically become and Evernote note and Every Ever note note become an RTM task is just WAY overkill. Who needs their grocery shopping list to be carried over into Evernote?

I'd love to have a "port to Evernote" choice, with tags carried over.

On the Evernote side, a button which would allow me to make an RTM task without switching windows - NOT automatic, so that I can set due dates, etc.

RTM to Evernote is more important to me.
Posted 13 years ago
tonywood says:
Posted 13 years ago
pakosj says:
Much like the way Nozbe and Get it Done App do it. I would say attach Evernote to a saved Smart list. All my projects are saved as smart lists. That way I can browse the Evernote notes tagged with the same name, ie - smart list saved as Taxes, and Evernote notes tagged with Taxes showing up on the same page...
Posted 13 years ago
danuwaanalihi says:
Posted 13 years ago
danuwaanalihi says:
evernote to rtm would be great. sync of evernote particular notebook with rtm...
Posted 13 years ago
wesleywilson says:
I'd like to be able to forward tasks from remember the milk to evernote.
Posted 13 years ago
ballspin says:
Posted 13 years ago
amirmasoudabdol says:
+1 to jamie.pakos method
Posted 13 years ago
joakim.kasimir says:
I started to use Evernote links in RTM URL field.

Posted 13 years ago
joakim.kasimir says:
... and Evernote links work just fine from RTM in my Windows and Android environments.

Posted 13 years ago
slipera says:
Top priority would be to make an action item in Evernote create a task in RTM.

Next priority would be to use all of the fields/tags used to create a task in an email but use those in Evernote to create a task with any/all task attributes
Posted 13 years ago
jcromwell says:
Yes, Evernote note links in RTM URL field works great on all of the Apple platforms as well(Mac, iPhone, iPad). This is a killer feature!
Posted 13 years ago
armin.fakouhi says:
I would also like to have an add-on in Evernote where from a meeting you can create a action item for yourself in evernote, mark it with a right-mouse click, this will go into RTM and then sync itself up with Outlook. Unfortunately, the Outlook task manager doesn't do it for.

One thing to consider when integrating these tools is:
The problem with the task manager in Outlook is the reminder mechanism, because you get reminders for both your meetings and your tasks and that ultimately leads to ignoring either one. Mostly it is tasks because you have to go to meetings :)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Any news?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I find the arrogance of Evernote and RTM to be somewhat baffling.

Both are completely ignoring each other. No one has in at least 2 years made an easy way to move tasks and their labels/tags back and forth.

Is it the Apple culture that facilitates this blithe arrogance?

I managed to move my tasks from RTM to my Google Reader.

Evernote supports importing the ATOM file from Google Notebook, which (Notebook) is no longer supported by Google.

Both companies appear to be dysfunctional. For some unknown reason, they ignore each other's existence.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
It's not arrogance. It's complexity. There are many ways evernote and rtm could be integrated together. There is no single best solution. This means that no matter how the integration is performed people will not be happy. If it was me, I wouldn't be anxious to upset any portion of my customer base.

Ideally, since both have APIs, the best solution would be for multiple third party companies to create sync solutions using the various methods. Then individuals could choose the solution that best meets their needs.
Posted 13 years ago
furet says:
If I add a checkbox in Evernote (task), then the task should be create in Remember The Milk with a link to the note.

That would be wonderful.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I presently use Evernote for meeting notes and action items which need to be manually transferred into RTM. If we could somehow designate a piece of text in Evernote to be added as an RTM task it would be fantastic. Thanks for this great product!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
shamalk says:
Posted 13 years ago
orth says:
my +1 for
rossgoodman says:
Personally Evernote is never my first port of call, I use it to supplement RTM.

I'd like to see, as well as "Add Note", "Add To Evernote", this would use the Evernote API to create a note (in a new window) and then pass back the URL of the note and store it.
You then have a list of Evernote URLs stored that you can access by clicking.

This emulates my current workflow except that I have to use an RTM note to store the Evernote URLs.

and the same feature for android: "Add To Evernote" and click on Evernote URL switches to Evernote app
Posted 13 years ago
yjoshi says:
hay me too.. it will be awesome to see ANY connection instead of waiting for the perfect one :)
Posted 13 years ago
derrek.cooper says:
@emily.. I use RTM and Evernote extensively.. I look at EN as the repository for clippings, extensive notes, pdfs etc. its my proj mgr and RTM is my to do list.. i LOVE RTM's lightweight feel, my EN at least is getting heavier and heavier as I keep adding data..

One thing I like about Notes in Outlook is that I can create a hyperlink to the note installed locally on my EN desktop client. Milksync doesnt keep the formatting and breaks the link. I can copy the web link, but I'm not a fan of the EN web interface..
Posted 13 years ago
stelefebvre says:
Well, it seems there are people already posting on this topic since more than 2 years ! Could you provide us with a timing as to when this would be part of an upgrade of RTM ? - Thanks

My idea :
It would be great to improve the notes part of any task by the possibility to add evernote files. Files which would be relevant for a project (having a specific tag) would then need to be added to a (to be created) title task for the project.
Posted 13 years ago
longh says:
Posted 13 years ago
atunesmith says:
I'm certainly not the most advanced user of either program. But to start simple:
Strangely I use Evernote as first port of call for taking notes. When in Evernote, be able to select any test from title or note content and make it an RTM inbox task would be cool. In that task RTM would provide a reference link back to the source Evernote note.
When in RTM creating or amending a task be enable a one-click set up of a reference Evernote to house the pics, links, or other reference materials related to the task.
Posted 13 years ago
ryskin says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I've never written an addon to another person's app, or any app for a desktop computer (most I write for iSeries and zSeries machines). I'm certainly willing to try learning to write for windows if anyone would be interested in a third party program to sync between RTM and EN.

Development would be slow at first until I get the basics down.
Posted 13 years ago
shekala says:
The integration I use between Evernote and RTM is to create a link to the note in Evernote and put that link in the URL field of RTM. Works like a charm, EXCEPT for the Gmail add on - still waiting for RTM to fix that bug.
Posted 13 years ago
fkalinski says:
Posted 13 years ago
tnoguchi says:
Posted 13 years ago
yasuki.m says:
Posted 13 years ago
urummel says:
A simple integration (RTM/EN) would be great!
Posted 13 years ago
nyrk says:
Posted 13 years ago
pointfive says:
Would LOVE the ability to select a few lines of text in Evernote (my action points from meetings) and have a 'send to RTM' button or menu item to drop them into my RTM inbox as a bunch of separate tasks.

Then in Evernote, each task would have a link back to the Evernote note, in either the URL or notes section. URL probably would be better. As for tags, for anyone using GTD, simple sync of tags between Evernote and RTM would be great.

That, I think, is all the functionality anyone would really need. Anything more complicated would be a bit of an effort to code and for most people not really that useful. Please Bob Monkey. Make it happen!
Posted 13 years ago
gcman105 says:
+1 me too!

The way I see things, RTM is great for storing your tasks. Sometimes I want to store resources along with those tasks, and this is how I see Evernote working for me.

Let me give you an example of something I'd like to do.

If I receive an e-mail with a document attached (either a PDF, Microsoft Word document, or even a JPEG), I would like to be out to send the attachments to Evernote, and then put the link to Evernote into the RTM task. I would also like to store the e-mail URL within RTM too, and this is right where I get stuck, as I can only store one URL within an RTM task.

So, if RTM were to allow input of more than one URL per task, that would seem to be a great solution.

What do you think?
Posted 13 years ago
stu28bu says:
I'm all for simplicity. RTM is for tasks and Evernote is for notes. That way all my tasks are in one spot and all my notes are in one spot. Let each service do what it does best. I'd love for a simple integration where I could take a note (or multiple notes) and simply attach them to a task in RTM OR create a brand new task that has the note attached.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
when you email a note from evernote to someone they actually get the content of the note. It would be nice if when you emailed it to RTM as a task that the content showed up in the task. Right now the only thing that flows over is the title, you loose all of the actual note.
Posted 13 years ago
nickalus says:
Evernote - with all the raging success you had last year...
BUY RTM outright, and integrate it.
Posted 13 years ago
nickalus says:
+1 for this convo.
and @PointFive's idea has the most functional result I could imagine.
Posted 13 years ago
nickalus says:
I'm primarily an Evernote User who's frustrated that I can't remind myself of "to-do" checkboxes I've placed ALL OVER the place in EN. I want to treat them more like tasks (which I currently do in Outlook, that sucks).

posted by Christopher.weible 7+ mo ago:
New ToDo items in EN become tasks in RTM with a link back to the note in EN.

New tasks in RTM create notes in EN with a ToDo on the first line and the RTM note copied after it. The note in RTM could then be replaced by a link to the EN note.

What he said...

Posted 13 years ago
pddulfer says:
If you just want to find all your uncompleted check-boxes in EN then just save a search for todo:false

Of course this is not particularly sophisticated and does not provide you with reminders. So what I do is create todo's in EN while I am taking notes and then each day or two do a search for all todo:false, and then ala GTD do the ones that take less than 2 minutes and manually transfer the others to RTM, marking them as complete in EN.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Let me also +1 PointFive's suggestion!
Posted 13 years ago
thebrianlange says:
I'd like to see new notes added to a certain notebook in Evernote be pulled into the RTM inbox as tasks...
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
This might be a good way to deal with subtasks/checklists - to have a task that points to a checklist in Evernote. Another implementation would be to have tasks in Evernote appear in RTM and somehow have the task marked complete in both when checked off in either. This seems like complicated programming, though.
Posted 13 years ago
mspecker says:
Two-way note link:

RTM Note <--> Evernote Note

Either RTM or Evernote can create the initial note. Maybe a two-way link established by drop-downs in both RTM (pick destination Notebook) and Evernote (pick destination List) so either app can create a note / task in the other.

So, click a link in Evernote --> opens the RTM task. Click the Note in RTM --> opens the Evernote note.

Yes, it would be super-cool if Evernote included a "Smart Add" box that, if desired, would instantiate the task in RTM as a new Evernote Note is created.

It seems preferable to select the destination Evernote Notebook for a new note in the RTM app instead of locking notes to a specific "RTM" notebook in Evernote.

Shared Tags would be cool, but not a must-have for me. IMHO, I would not hold this (apparently popular) project up for tag-syncing.

Doing this JUST from RTM to Evernote would be an excellent start. Game On!
Posted 13 years ago
rawearth says:
Great to have a link between Evernote and RTM.

I would love to kep RTM in 'shorthand' as it holds my actions. All the background info and links could be stored in Evernote with the link available in the task / RTM notes.
Vice versa the fact that any "action" in Evernote can b set uop as action in RTM would be fantastic.

RTM -> Evernote:
A link in RTM to a specifc Evernote and being able to create a new note from RTM in Evernote. Working with the RTM app the link must be to the Evernote app and NOT go to the web!)

Evernote -> RTM:
Having an extension that enables you to create a task in RTM with the note attached. Creating actions based on a Evernote checklist with 1 action per list item -> would be a solution to projects / subtasks.
(Preferrably both but if you have to choose the first is more flexible)

Go for it.
Posted 12 years ago
mr.maximsh says:
Posted 12 years ago
danielhedrick says:
Right now, when someone emails me a task (with image or pdf attachments,) I add it to Everote (with all attachments.) From there, I copy the note link, create a task in RTM, and add the note link to the URL field in RTM. It would be awesome if I could right-click/hit a button/select something from a menu in Evernote that would automatically create the task in RTM with a link back to the note.

I use Evernote and RTM exclusively to keep myself organized. I'm not a huge fan of Evernote's check boxes (tried using them with Egretlist before Evernote bought that company,) and found that I liked having separate notes/tasks apps. For me, a little bit of integration/automation would go a long way.
Posted 12 years ago
daniel.bartels says:
RTM Is fantastic to run my To Do's but I often need context of more information that is stored in my Evernote account.

The RTM task should be linked to an Evernote note.
It would be great if you could look up evernote notes in RTM or look up/create tasks in Evernote.

Posted 12 years ago
piercebrad says:
Posted 12 years ago
brent.peters says:
This should definitely happen, even if it's just a simple iframe. Better to introduce basic functionality now than complete functionality never :)

The only advanced functionality I'd like to see is the ability to link a RTM task with a note in Evernote. Should be easy enough.

Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would also love to see at least a basic feature set as a starter...
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:

I love both application - RTM and Evernote, and I use both extensively.

Here are some the integrations I'd like to have between the two:
1. Use Evernote as a back-end for the tasks. Since Evernote already supports checked items, you can represent each task as a one-liner, using the regular RTM notation (! and @ and * ... ). So users can manage RTM in both applications.
2. Evernote takes notes, RTM manages tasks with notes. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
3. Create task from note: note title can be the task name, note body is task note (plain text of course)
4. Back up all completed tasks to Evernote with history of task: when was it created? when was it completed? how many times was it edited/postponed?
Posted 12 years ago
hansekaiser says:
I would love having my default notebook in Evernote (where I mail "stuff" to which needs processing) show up in my RMT inbox. To make this work RMT inbox should be connected to the default Evernote notebook. Then RMT will remind me that I have notes that needs to be processed.
Posted 12 years ago
sammysnickerpi says:
the best thing I can think of is to make every checkbox i make in evernote become an rtm task. I don't know if anyone else suggested this in the many many comments before of me, but this feature would instantly make me a pro rtm subscriber.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Re: how - like in zendone
Posted 12 years ago
skedzinger says:
Posted 12 years ago
tony.grout says:

Manually attaching a note: Simplest is to have the ability to open up Evernote and attach the note to an task leaving an Evernote icon next to actions with notes attached.
Emailed actions: should put the email content in to Evernote and create a task with a link to the Evernote note automatically created.
Using: If you hover over the grey icon use Evernote's rest api to render a hover window showing the notes contents and allow the user to scroll down through the note click any links. Also have the ability to edit the note or open the note in Evernote.
Posted 12 years ago
rp447973513360 says:
I like tony.grout's idea's on this
Posted 12 years ago
jamesedwards says:
Matching tags. #project in Evernote corresponds to #project in RTM
Posted 12 years ago
pankajuppal says:
Posted 12 years ago
limipub says:
I do linking between RTM & Evernote by hand. It's obviously not convenient:)

+1 for me.

But honestly, if evernote can improve there "send by email" functionality by adding more flexiability while sending an email of a note. Everything will work together.

Unfortunately, though I love evernote, I don't see evernote has good open interface and connection even not good implementation on database:).

Anyway, like to see any creative way from RTM side.
Posted 12 years ago
axehandle says:
How do I send a list of Remember The Milk tasks to Evernote? I don't see a mechanism in RTM for sharing/sending tasks to external systems. The Android version doesn't even have that platform's ubiquitous share feature (though it does receive intents). Any tips? Am I missing something obvious?
Posted 12 years ago
derspinner says:
Posted 12 years ago
offringa says:
I woud like the option too to have more possibilities in adding notes and especially attachments! And I can imagine it's smarter to link to services that already offer these capabilities like Evernote, but also Google Drvive, Picasa etc. As long as the interface is 'smooth'
Posted 12 years ago
jandrew04 says:
Love RTM & Love Evernote. Would really like to be able to integrate using them together in so many ways that have been requested above. That would just be the best of all worlds.

Both are the best apps at what they do. Would be great if they were able to integrate more smoothly.
Posted 12 years ago
arielgenesis says:
create a new notebook specialized for RTM

integrate the tagging system
or just some words at the beginning or end of a note, since evernote has a good search anyway


Posted 12 years ago
rtmmf says:
When I push the like button - nothing happens.

+2 for Evernote integration
Posted 12 years ago
brianwookie says:
Posted 12 years ago
ronnell says:
RTM + Evernote would make beautiful babies together.
Posted 12 years ago
bolster says:
I'd like to propose being able to move 'stale' tasks (i.e. ideas) out of RTM and into Evernote.

I regularly use Evernote as an 'ideapad' because it's so easy to store one-liner self-pitches, but these often languish at the bottom of my todo pile as they're more ideal-tasks than actionable tasks (yet)

Likewise, being able to 'flag' notes for in Evernote as requiring followup, and therefore creating a RTM task, would be awesome.

Keep up the good work!
Posted 12 years ago
bchou says:
Something like linking tasks & notes in RTM with vJournal would be good. This allows me to log my ideas on how each task is done.

Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Flag note in Evernote to make a RTM entry and adding something that validates this has been done. Defaulting to the Inbox would be fine for me. Use the RTM mailto: capability? I'm agreeing with pdxsurreal, who posted about 8 months ago.
Posted 12 years ago
garillka says:
Posted 12 years ago
aaron.j.miller says:
Posted 12 years ago
f3ra says:
Evernote + RTM !!!
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Evernote + RTM !!!!!!!!
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would love to see these two great sites integrated together. I use Evernote to write down good ideas and keep them organized, while using RTM to plan a course of action to make it all happen. Maybe one way they could be integrated is to take my lists from Evernote and import them as a list in RTM.
Posted 12 years ago
techguyalabama says:
Posted 12 years ago
mxfive4 says:
Wow this thread has been around a year.

I am not sure I can solve how the two need to be tied together but I've seen similar apps do it well through integration of tags or requiring common named tags - either way, I am dying for this feature.
Posted 12 years ago
chris.preen says:
Best solution would be to improve the mail to RTM functionality, so that the body of the note in Evernote is somehow sent into RTM.
1st prize - the evernote heading becomes the RTM task and the body is appended to the task as a note under the existing notes section.
2nd prize the evernote note's individual URL is automatically added into the RTM's task URL field.

Surely these arent too complicated to implement?
Posted 11 years ago
liza.zuccala says:
I agree with sammysnickerpi. When I'm in a meeting, I take notes on Evernote and make checkboxes to mark my actions stemming from the meeting. Would love to be able to have the task next to the checkbox added in RTM, ideally where I could use shortcuts for date, list and priority in evernote that also autopopulate across to RTM.
Posted 11 years ago
naikian says:
for some tasks, I want to add a note in Evernote instead of having the note on RTM alone. So, my wishes are to have a link if i want from the task to the note on evernote and of course vise virsa. Weather this is on web on Android Apps.
Posted 11 years ago
goraleksi says:
I need sync task which has URL to shared note from Evernote.
That note must have tag "RTM" and checkbox at first line. When I mark task as "completed" - push info to Evernote - and mark checkbox as "completed".
Posted 11 years ago
aravindk100 says:
Two great tools and especially for project type activities this integration will be awesome. Would like an way to flag an note in evernote and it appear as task or instead of the notes field add evenote notes also an option.. Pllls pls add evernote integration.
Posted 11 years ago
pstanoch says:
Any item in Evernote that has a checkbox becomes a task in RTM.
Posted 11 years ago
rich.jackman says:
Specific integration items I'd like to see

1. Sync tags
Posted 11 years ago
michipoo18 says:
Sync by notebook or tags would be great
Posted 11 years ago
nickfmk says:
sync to notes an tags
Posted 11 years ago
gorenca says:
I guess a lot of us are haveing some sort of a system, similar to GTD (getting things done) or other.
The basic idea is to have an overlook of all the projects and daily choirs data synced among all the devices and platforms we use.

Personally I believe it would be great to sync Outlook, RTM and Evernote across platforms (Windows, Chrome, Android).

The best I've seen is the organization by (TSW) of Evernote. But it is lacking the RTM reminders and synchronization. RTM has the best ways of reminders and location tracking, but lacking Evernote features. Of course we are heavily dependent on e-mails (Outlook) and the integration on categories (tags) of mail communication.

The perfect app should be cross platform with synchronisation of tags and reminders among e-mail client, Evernote and RTM reminders features.
Posted 11 years ago
ecriswell says:
This is a fantastic idea! Some integration suggestions:

Choice of integration granularity. Some users might like to send ALL of their tasks to EN, while others send only certain kinds of tasks. For example, I don't need to send Evernote a note reminding me to call my mother. A note associated with the literature search I need to finish by tomorrow is another matter.

Option to create an EN notebook for each RTM list and populate it with some or all the tasks on that list. This would be great for GTD enthusiasts and their "Next," "Someday," and other titled lists.

I'm not sure how possible this is, but being able to send an RTM task to Evernote, complete with checkbox, and then be able to mark it complete *in either environment* would be really swell.
Posted 11 years ago
sgoggins says:
Posted 11 years ago
martinhughharvey says:
As I noted recently Evernote is going to bring out dates per notebook entries. While I am an Evernote user not sure I'd confuse it with scheduling but it might be a nice add-on.
Posted 11 years ago
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