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Drag and drop to move tasks to another list

manoj.chugh says:

This is a great service and improving on regular basis. I do not know if anyone else feels the same way but I think having some way to move tasks between lists will be great.

e.g. If I have a list for my name and my wife has another list, I would like to drag and drop some things from my list to her list etc....
Posted at 2:09pm on January 13, 2006
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This is now possible with the new Remember The Milk. Just select a task (or tasks) and drag them to a list name in the left navigation.

Hope this helps!
Posted 8 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
You can move tasks to different lists (although it's not drag and drop) -- quick instructions are here.

Hope this helps!
Posted 19 years ago
manoj.chugh says:
Thanks Emily, I may have missed that out.

However I would still stick to drag-drop suggestion being more user friendly.
Posted 19 years ago
pmasquel says:
I agree - From my perspective drag and drop could really help improve ease of use in the following ways:

(1) moving items from one list to another (easier than selecting and then using a drop down)

(2) re-sequencing my lists (if I don't want them arranged alphabetically, I could drag my most important list to the first position

(3) due dates (I think I saw this on another forum discussion) - having a calendar to drag to-do's to ("I don't think I can get that item done today, so I'd drag it to Monday, and it would not be on my today list until Monday")

(4) other attributes - I could have a list of tags and priorities, and drag to-do items to the attributes that I want that to-do to have assigned.

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Posted 18 years ago
paddyinhr says:
I really second the motion on drag-and-drop resequencing. It's a big way I use task lists. I like to constantly rearrange them, so that priority is determined more by top to bottom sequence than a specific priority setting, though it would be ideal to have the option of drag and drop *within* a priority. So I could easily reshuffle my Pri 1 tasks, then my Pri 2 tasks, or have the option of just shuffling across priorities.
Posted 18 years ago
evan.leonard says:
@pmasquel Yes! (1) and (2) are exactly what I want after using RTM for my first day. Please consider adding these.
Thanks for the great software!
Posted 16 years ago
finny388 says:
drag task to another list: yes! great idea!
Posted 16 years ago
marcel.spitau says:
draggin task to other lists would be a charme
Posted 16 years ago
jeminar says:
...or as a quick and temporary fix, make the drop down list on Actions longer so that you dont' have to scroll to get to your lists.
Posted 16 years ago
vanilla8 says:
Doesn't this kind of feature lend itself better to a desktop application? I previously played around with THINGS from Cultured Code that also has a native iPhone version, though sadly/criminally not synced together. The interface is really nice with drag & drop functionality etc. as you have so much more flexibility in designing for a standalone tool rather than a totally web-based tool. In the end I couldnt get my head around the lack of syncing and some annoying bugs in what is currently an Alpha product, which led me back to RTM.

I would keep the existing website service as a free service and provide a feature rich, intuitive GUI-based desktop app as a paid-for tool and a native iPhone app - also paid-for - all of whom could sync with each other.
Posted 16 years ago
ian.hovander says:
I agree! Drag and drop between lists would be great.
Posted 16 years ago
sonjad says:
to vanilla: No I don't think this lends itself better to a desktop application. With the rise of RIA's you actually see more and more desktop applications becoming internet applications. It is also already possible to do this.

Something else I'd like to drag and drop: The order in which lists appear. My 'personal' list is now stuk in the middle between my daily, and my projects, while I'd like them somewhere else.

Posted 16 years ago
mollyng says:
must have 'drag & drop. I need 'drag & drop' feature.
Posted 16 years ago
joyninja says:
another vote for drag & drop moving from one list to another. really essential as I use RTM for GTD so am on it all day long.
Posted 16 years ago
al.pendergrass says:
And another for drag and drop...
Posted 16 years ago
darcy.sharman says:
...and yet one more! Drag-and-drop between lists would be an EXCELLENT addition. Either that or keyboard shortcuts to assign tasks to a list...
Posted 16 years ago
jkwaza says:
drag and drop please.
Posted 16 years ago
dki says:
another drag and drop vote
Posted 16 years ago
mjschuster says:
Drag & Drop from one list to another was one of the first things I tried out by intuition and I was somehow disappointed that it didn't work. It would be really a great improvement!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Like mjschuster one of the first thing I tried was dragging a task from the Inbox to another List. Please implement that feature!
Posted 16 years ago
haylo75 says:
I'm throwing in my vote for a drag and drop between lists feature. I make heavy use of the built-in priority system, so I'm not looking for a list reordering drag and drop, rather a list to list drag and drop. I have a number of smartlists, so being able to drag and drop between smartlists would be essential. I can see how on the back end that would be a challenge, however!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yup, this ought to be done. In general, with a Web 2.0 app like this one, you just expect AJAXy goodness that allows quick dragging and dropping.

This should be true for moving tasks between lists, fer sure. But it also ought to be true for tagging tasks. Put all my tags out to the right, and let me drag the tag onto the task for quick categorization.
Posted 16 years ago
jgbrenner says:
RTM team - thanks again for this wonderful service. I second, third and nth pleas for drag and drop - please add drag and drop among lists, and within lists to allow easy reordering.
Posted 16 years ago
jille.floridor says:
Having drag & drop would be very nice, expecially if you could see multiple lists with their tasks next to each other. Select a few lists and arrange the tasks. I'm trying to write something like that myself, but I don't have a lot of free time...
Posted 16 years ago
mahinirb says:
great idea -- though I doubt it happens any time soon. RTM sadly seems 100% focused on interactivity with platforms, and has stopped improvements on the core app itself. just scroll down the blog -- every improvement has to do with iPhone, gmail, Chrome, Friefox extensions, etc.
Posted 16 years ago
rastabob says:
it is the one feature that stops me from using RTM on a daily basis
Posted 16 years ago
mayberrypie says:
I am a new user and think RTM is great except for the lack of this feature - I would really like to be able to change the ordering of tasks with the same priority via drag-and-drop! I note the last post was 5 months ago and the request has been going for even longer than that - I really hope this feature can be added soon. thanks
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another vote for drag and drop. I love RTM, and it seems that the interface is it's only drawback. No bad, just a little clunky. Drag and drop would be an improvement.
Posted 15 years ago
phegaro says:
Would love to have this feature as well
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I´d like to drag and drop tags also.
Posted 15 years ago
matthew.boatman says:
If you wanted you could start by implementing dragging for the iPhone app to prioritize items. (please)

But I would also love to be able to Drag & Drop on the web. Maybe HTML 5 will help out.

Keep up the good work.
Posted 15 years ago
gekko15 says:
I would also like add my request for this feature. Dragging wil greatly improve the ease of use of RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
mkamp says:
Pretty please.
Posted 15 years ago
leah.shalom Power Poster says:

If you use Firefox (mac or PC) you can use a script which allows drag and drop. Please see

Posted 15 years ago
jake.solomon says:

I brain dump into my inbox and then set due dates, tags and lists in bulk. I would like a faster way to move tasks from my inbox to other lists without having to go to the mouse every time.

Posted 14 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
@jake.solomon - If you build your lists off of of smartlists keyed on tags, you can edit everything in your inbox, and then move it all at once to a holding tank list, and still have all of your tasks appear on the various lists you wish them to as they are now driven by tags. It's a very speedy approach.
Posted 14 years ago
velrok says:
I want drag and drop between list too.
Posted 14 years ago
soulhuntre says:
Posted 14 years ago
mkamp says:
Wow, this post is more than four years old. One official answer in that time. That's <0.25 replies per year --> Awesome.
Posted 14 years ago
martin_j_johansson says:
Yes, I would like drag & drop also (especially inside lists).
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
drag and drop re-ordering was the first thing I tried to do. I would definately vote for it.
Posted 14 years ago
jejowork says:
Was just about to ask for this. Would be very userfriendly!

Why not use it also for tagging?
Posted 14 years ago
tatiana.colli says:
Here's an add-on that does that. There's also one for Chrome available, just google it.
Posted 14 years ago
jamie.mccoy says:
Definitely would like to see drag and drop -- and when you drag and drop a task to a smart list the task should automatically inherit the tags of that list.
Posted 14 years ago
andrii.pacific says:
+1 to drag and drop
Posted 13 years ago
c_inconnu says:
it would be very useful to go from inbox to another list
Posted 13 years ago
raiko says:
Drag an drop is a must have and useful, too. Also inside of lists!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+2 for drag and drop or even just a keyboard shortcut to move tasks between lists
Posted 12 years ago
scalliwag says:
Please, please, please - a drop and drag and then it would be absolutely perfect (from a new and very pleased new user)!
Posted 12 years ago
bobsonthegreat says:
+2 including jamie.mccoy's "when you drag and drop a task to a smart list the task should automatically inherit the tags of that list."
Posted 11 years ago
bomdemais says:
+1 drag and drop to reorder tasks
Posted 11 years ago
jowebbb says:
+1 and pretty please for drag/drop reorder.

I really value more reorder/sort options and find manual reorder the fastest and most efficient way to get things how I need them. Even if it were only available in the Android app, that would work (for me)!
Posted 9 years ago
(closed account) says:
Would still love to see a drag and drop feature! particularly for sublists.
Posted 9 years ago
deemails says:
Drag and drop would be a huge help. I spend way too much time ordering my tasks. I've been a pro user for two years, but now In fact, I'm exploring Todoist and will probably leave RTM, sadly, due to this missing feature.
Posted 9 years ago
deemails says:
Oh, wait! I see RTM does have drag and drop. Yay!
Posted 9 years ago
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