Ability to delete tasks

I use the RTM gadget in igoogle to manage immediate tasks as they arise. (I also cumbersomely manually transfer them to Outlook Tasks when I'm at my desk -- see other requests to sync RTM-Outlook for GTD!)). I find the gadget lets me do almost everything I do frequently (Complete, Postpone), but I can't delete a task from there. Could you add Delete to the drop down please?

bpeikes says:
I'd like to see the delete added to the menu in the RTM igoogle gadget. I'd also like to be able to delete more easily in the RTM regular web app. I put tons of tasks on my list and if they get too old I assume that they're not really that important and then just delete them.

anderson.vieira says:
I agree. I use igoogle gadget on gmail and it would be nice if you could delete a task from it.

linh.n says:
yes, let us delete please!

bizchris says:
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