Return to 'Add Task' page after a task is added
les.fister says:
I love the Add Task mini-page... I keep this open at all times so that can quickly and easily add tasks to RTM.
As-is, when you click the "Add Task" button it loads a "Task Added!" page with links to either "Add more!" or "close window". You then have to click "Add more!" to get another Add Task page.
Suggestion: what if clicking "Add Task" brought up a new, clean Add Task page? The user could always close this window if desired, but it would always be ready to capture the next item.
As-is, when you click the "Add Task" button it loads a "Task Added!" page with links to either "Add more!" or "close window". You then have to click "Add more!" to get another Add Task page.
Suggestion: what if clicking "Add Task" brought up a new, clean Add Task page? The user could always close this window if desired, but it would always be ready to capture the next item.
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