Include URL to email when adding from Gmail

nathan.yergler says:
The new version of GMail provides a URL for individual messages (this makes forward/back work as you'd expect). It'd be extremely handy to populate the URL field for a task with that URL when making an email into a Task. That way I have more than just the subject line to go on (and RTM becomes a little more integrated into my daily workflow).

alex.etc says:
Agreed! I was about to post a new topic on this exact idea.
This feature would make the gmail extension about 2x as useful
This feature would make the gmail extension about 2x as useful

apgordon says:
YES! +++1. Right now I've been copying and pasting in the gmail URL into the forwarded message so I have the link back to the orig. message.

asifm42 says:
and an automatic tag - "gmail"
and an automatic tag - "gmail"

dan.steingart says:
Agreed: would be very cool

alexisa says:
This is a critical feature for me!
This is a critical feature for me!

alexisa says:
This may help:

scott.kirkman says:
I agree that having the gmail url in the task would be fabulous. Often I would like to change the task name to something other than the email subject, but I know that I will never find the original email again if I do that.
If this gets implemented, please ensure it works with hosted gmail eg as well as
If this gets implemented, please ensure it works with hosted gmail eg as well as

mkny13 says:
Just came to suggest this idea. It makes me sad that it's been out there for 2 years already :/ Any hope of this?

felixc says:

styxiak says:

iaind1957 says:
I also just came to post this as an excellent idea - and I'm sad its been here for 3.5 years!!
Alternative, if its easier, would be to add the body of the email as a Note, but i think the URL idea is neater and more useful overall as it gives access to the whole conversation rather than just 1 email.
Alternative, if its easier, would be to add the body of the email as a Note, but i think the URL idea is neater and more useful overall as it gives access to the whole conversation rather than just 1 email.

stevie9441 says:
automatic tag gmail

tomph says:
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