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Show completed tasks in the same list view

richard.tea says:
To have a sense of completion, we should be able to see completed tasks on the same list as the incomplete tasks. Perhaps crossed out, grayed out or unselectable.
Posted at 8:07pm on June 9, 2008
yonzie says:
Yes, this would be a very nice functionality.
Bonus points for making it configurable with maximum number of items/age (so you don't get depressed over not having done something for too long or something)
Posted 16 years ago
krsna says:
Yes I think being able to see 'completed' tasks is essential! I also would like to suggest a way to hide completed tasks so that, when not needed, they don't clutter the list.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would like this very much as well!
Posted 16 years ago
steptan says:
Being able to turn this on or off for a particular list, this would be useful.
Posted 16 years ago
shelhamer says:
I am new to using Remember the Milk, but what I already sorely miss is the satisfaction of crossing through a completed action in my little black notebooks as I progress with a project. Though largely superficial, it does help motivate me to keep working through a list.
Posted 16 years ago
ajmccann says:
Absolutely - this is one of only two features that I'm stunned don't exist in rtm. I love the speed of the interface, and multi-edit, but disappearing tasks? I have a hard time remembering if I've completed the task!
Posted 16 years ago
andriszalitis says:
Is there any hope it will be implemented..?!
Posted 16 years ago
aroussos says:
Id REALLY like to see this as well. Would make the money I paid for this even MORE justified.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
Posted 16 years ago
smanleyjr says:
I agree. I would definitely like to see this feature added.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Absolutely agree!
Without being able to see completions I feel like I haven't done anything.
Posted 16 years ago
nmithani1 says:
I would like to add my voice in favour of this potential feature.
Posted 16 years ago
bonald says:
I am really surprised this function doesn't exist. In fact, I was cruising the help forum trying to figure out how to show my completed tasks, because I just assumed that it WOULD be an option. Please add this as a feature!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
SUPER agree. My wife and I are using this list on iGoogle and the one (and the only) feature we need is that we can see our completed tasks crossed through. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy like a monkey. I'm in the process of evaluating a few different To Do lists for iGoogle but for me to commit to this one I'd have to have that feature! :) -- and I'd pay for it, of course!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Oh, and one last note: I know you can view your completed tasks but I was looking for a feature to show them all on the same list -- like a real paper to-do list would look -- with uncompleted items as well as crossed-out completed items. And then maybe a way to archive them after a certain number of days, after clicking a link, etc. etc.
Posted 16 years ago
pehas says:
I realy need to see compleated tasks too
Posted 16 years ago
serge.castro says:
Sounds like the right thing!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Add my desire for this feature including making it available to the gmail firefox extension.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
J'aimerais voir les tâches complétées..
Merci beaucoup ;-)
Posted 16 years ago
pratik.stephen says:
I want this feature!
It is essential for tasks in a project.
Seeing both together give you a realistic sense of progress through the project...
And I like the sense of accomplishment on seeing completed tasks.

This is the only reason I'm using instead of RTM... inspite of RTM having better features!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Me too - come on RTM!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Check out the RTM Google Desktop Gadget located at or add it through the desktop sidebar with Add Gadget, search for RTM. This includes the option to show completed tasks. You can find a small screencast at

Posted 16 years ago
3li0 says:
+1 I believe that addition of this particular feature could only benefit this already great web application even more :).
Posted 16 years ago
teo.bon says:
I vote for this option too.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Indeed. At the end of each week at work, I want to dump a list of what I accomplished that week for future reference. The "completed tasks" list shows me all tasks completed in all categories and doesn't scope by time or category.

This would give me the ability to see everything I completed over the last week. Nice.
Posted 16 years ago
stewartdesign says:
Definitely agree that seeing completed tasks is crucial from a workflow standpoint. It's important to know that the task was done, and also the date completed. Would be good to date-stamp the task automatically upon completion.

When collaborating with others, it's vital to see what tasks have been done. In fact, without this feature, it's almost a dealbreaker for us...
Posted 16 years ago
ronm123 says:
Have only just signed up for RTM and a pro account. Like others I was suprised this wasn't an option and spent time searching the faq and forums assuming it was just my lack of knowledge. this is surely a must have feature!
Any plans for this?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Pleeeeaaaaseee add this function! It would make life so much easier - especially when trying to find out when a task was completed.
Posted 16 years ago
tomvanbraeckel says:
Coming from Google Tasks, I'm convinced that RTM is better and sticking with it. But Google Tasks showed completed items crossed out, and now I really miss them every day...
Posted 15 years ago
tomvanbraeckel says:
Sorry, you can actually see completed tasks:
Posted 15 years ago
walt.gordon says:

RE: Sorry, you can actually see completed tasks

The point for me is that I would like to see both completed in incomplete tasks AT THE SAME TIME, and by category. I.e. I would like to see all ERRANDS, done and undone.

The info you cite only allows you to see either completed tasks or incomplete tasks.

I really like this program, but lack of this feature makes it close to a deal-breaker for me. I'm going to try it a little longer, but it is really a problem.
Posted 15 years ago
alexandra.videlock says:
yes, I agree, this feature is a deal breaker for me. Please, RTM, find a way to incorporate this feature. It's actually psychologically beneficial for one to be able to see their completed tasks crossed off. I love that feeling - when you can look at not just the size of the list getting smaller, but the crossed-off tasks that show all you have gotten done!!
Posted 15 years ago
jakobsigurd says:
I love RTM, however, I sorely miss the satisfaction of seeing the completed tasks alongside the incomplete ones.
Posted 15 years ago
randy.dichoso says:
yes, me too, i need this. please.
Posted 15 years ago
schalk.pienaar says:
I would like to see this too
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I also agree to this but this function should be custumizalble. Meaning that you only see the completed tasks if you set it lik this in your settings
Posted 15 years ago
secondome says:
Me too, please!
I just signed up to the service, and I'm very disappointed this feature is not implemented yet.
Posted 15 years ago
stephane.duplessis says:
When looking at my tasks, I see a a link for # completed task under the List tab.

I clicked on this linked and am presented with a list of my completed tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
avsethu says:
Yes, Its already there guys! What's more, you can 'uncomplete' your tasks if you so wish (and get depressed again!)
Posted 15 years ago
jfiat says:
It is currently possible to see all completed tasks, or all incomplete tasks ... however it is not possible to see both at the same time.

I would also really like to have a way to see all my tasks ... completed, incomplete, and also archived ...

I tried with the search to have status:completed and status:incomplete ... but it returns an empty list ...

So allowing status:all in search tool, would please me, and would be an elegant way to implement the idea of this forum's topic.

Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
@jfiat - the search you want to issue is status:completed OR status:incomplete but RTM will still only show you one group or the other - you cannot see them all in one view.
Posted 15 years ago
jfiat says:
@ranbarton: yes this is what I meant, of course the search query is using OR

Nevetheless, the issue remains ... it is not possible to display both group.
And I really don't understand this limitation for the "search"
For the tasks list, I can understand, but for the search ...
Posted 15 years ago
edward.g.c says:
It's a bit of a shock that this has still not been implemented.. it's really turning into a deal break for me.

I don't just need it for the fuzzy feeling, I need it for reference. Come on RTM, everything else is so good, don't spoil it..!
Posted 15 years ago
nocebicmeme says:
Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus. I was stunned when a search like due:today OR completed:today didn't show me both.

Did RTM go out of their way to make sure this wasn't possible? I love RTM, but I would expect that they know list makers love to see their accomplishments.
Posted 15 years ago
cecolon says:
I agree, showing for instance today's completed tasks would give the satisfaction of accomplishing something ;) A strike through and gray font/transparency would make them less intruding, and they could possibly be moved to the bottom of the list.

Another way could be that completed tasks are shown until you reload the page - this way you wouldn't have to change that much code, just make the Ajax not hide completed messages immediately (I guess.. ;) )
Posted 15 years ago
chrcler says:
Yes indeed ; plus time spent on task. But how much all that will diverge from core philosophy of RTM ?
Posted 15 years ago
supermankelly says:


IE. Setup for 'ORDERS' tab - Purchased, Shipped, Delivered, then Complete to remove from list. Ebay buyers will relate to this!
Posted 15 years ago
go_getters says:
That's a wonderful idea. It's not just the sense of satisfaction. Sometimes I can't remember what I've accomplished. Perhaps it should be an option that can be turned on or off. Also, maybe the ability to show progress on a particular task that you have started but have not yet completed is als a good idea. For example, we could indicate that a task is 50% done.
Posted 15 years ago
gregp63 says:
This has been going since 2008 and -'m not getting a great feeling about the 'support' infrastructure. Surely this isn't a difficult feature to implement, for all love?
Posted 15 years ago
pvalle says:
The fact that you can't access completed tasks isn't just a would-be-nice feature. IMO, it seems like a bug that it doesn't exist. What happens if I accidentally mark a task as complete. It's gone forever?

I was considering getting a pro account, but if a simple request like this can't be addressed in two years time, maybe this service isn't quite ready to be a for-pay service...?
Posted 15 years ago
pvalle says:
OK, looks like I spoke too soon. As mentioned somewhere in the bowels of this thread, you actually can see completed tasks...

Wish I could delete my prior comment. Can I request the ability to do that...? :-)
Posted 15 years ago
erik.sluiters says:
Would like the ability to view complete and incomplete tasks in the same view
Posted 14 years ago
cory.sullivan says:
Yes i would love to have this feature google tasks, will have a line through completed tasks for 24 ~ 48 hours before removing from the incomplete list.
Posted 14 years ago
okln says:
Definetly a vote for seeing completed tasks together with normal tasks, preferrably with striketrough and sorted at the bottom of the list.

There could then be an option to "archive" the ones that You don't want to see anymore. (Which in fact would be a great solution even for uncompleted tasks that You don't want to mark as completed but that might have info that You want to retain for the future but do not need to see daily.)

This partly for the ability to refresh the memory of whats been done but mostly for the psychological pleasure of seeing what I've accomplished.

(And, while am at it, the option to display tasks in arbitrary order, not just sorted by prio or alpha)
Posted 14 years ago
zwise22 says:
Count my vote for this as well.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
jmenayan says:
I would love love LOVE to have an archived/exportable list of completed tasks, so I can keep them somewhere and know when I did what.
Posted 14 years ago
laenzlinger says:
Posted 14 years ago
ms33pb says:
+1 it really cannot be that hard to do can it? at the moment I write all my to dos from rtm to paper everyday so that I am able to cross them out....not ideal....
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 here as well.
Posted 14 years ago
ventophile says:
Yes, +1 from me too. As above, I'm kind of amazed this doesn't exist - completed tasks just go into a black hole?...
Posted 14 years ago
hbeale says:
Posted 14 years ago
yaakov.shlafman says:
Need this feature, too!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
This would be a great help when you accidentally mark the wrong one complete from App for the Milk, because there is no "undo".
Posted 14 years ago
mnewmark says:
Posted 14 years ago
dynamohood says:
yes please
Posted 14 years ago
amclean123 says:
Um, this list started in 2008 and this still doesn't exist? really? I'm just starting to look for this function, hope this isn't true.
Posted 14 years ago
wiehrdt says:
Please guys, do us the favor!
Posted 14 years ago
trevor.jobling says:
Here's ANOTHER vote for it.
Posted 14 years ago
changfz says:
yes definitely
Posted 14 years ago
atagaew says:
One more vote for it!
Please, add this functionality!
Posted 14 years ago
protagonist22 says:
beside have CalDev, this is another feature I really crave for!
Posted 14 years ago
hawaii350 says:
I'd also really love to see this. It's very rewarding to see tasks crossed off. And if looking at a to do list you are sharing with someone its nice to easily glance at it to see what they have already done.
Posted 14 years ago
senthil.uma says:
Another vote. To be honest, it is very annoying to not be able to see the completed tasks. and I am considering other apps just to have this feature.
Posted 14 years ago
akuritsyn says:
I can't believe that original request was posted back in 2008 and this feature is still not there!
Posted 14 years ago
timmagnus says:
How can there not be a completed task list?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yeah, I was really feeling RTM as a superior management system to Google Tasks .. but the no crossed-out completed task list, and no side-by-side comparisons of done/undone tasks, is, surprisingly, really hurting my productivity.
Posted 14 years ago
viemexis says:
Posted 14 years ago
wmboy says:
I did a Google search "remember the milk view completed tasks" and it took me straight to this forum page.

Can we please have this feature added soon??
Posted 14 years ago
open_secrets says:
Posted 13 years ago
oland says:
Yes please add this feature asap.
Posted 13 years ago
to_do_list says:
Posted 13 years ago
kimchi76 says:
please add this feature.PLEASE!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago
kasinecm says:
Thought I find this feature in settings, as it comes obvious to me, that such application must have it and then I found this lack discussed here.
Posted 13 years ago says:
if you go into search, you can search for status:completed and see your completed tasks
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
As ppl have mentioned above, I would like to see the completed and incompleted tasks on the same pane.

Looks like this is not possible, and is a deal breaker for me.

Even the completed link is not very obvious at first, since it doesn't show up if a task is selected.

Posted 13 years ago
ellebeltran says:
I vote for this enhancement
Posted 13 years ago
trainkarr says:
Another vote for adding crossed or greyed-out completed tasks to the lists.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
And another vote. A debate that's still going on for 3+years. come on RTM and practice what you preach... get it off your own 'to do' list!
Posted 13 years ago
meno says:
Another vote!!!
Posted 13 years ago
goraleksi says:
Posted 13 years ago
filip.anne says:
Posted 13 years ago
mb01915 says:
I don't want my to do list to be a was done list - do it and move on.
Posted 13 years ago
andriy.m says:
Dear RTM, please please implement this ASAP!

it's natural to want to see completed tasks beside those that are yet to be done.

@mb01915 : seems like most people aren't with you on that one
Posted 13 years ago
prenobi says:
My first post ever :)

Posted 13 years ago
slatrat says:
Chiming here - it's a definite need. We're moving and I'm building out the [HUGE] task list within RTM. I need to be able see completed and non-completed on a single list so I can ensure that I haven't missed anything.

This doesn't seem like rocket science. Some sort of added feature, checkbox, or something providing the option of view all?
Posted 13 years ago
slatrat says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
namgivu says:
Posted 13 years ago
ericfu0417 says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Can this be added to the "A better RTM" Chrome extension?
Posted 13 years ago
jhunts5 says:
Just to ad to this list - even though it is old - I AGREE... this can be turned on and off in Outlook and can be helpful even for documenting (now, when did I do that?)
Posted 13 years ago
jhunts5 says:
I see that you can VIEW completed tasks (in the small pane on the right click on "completed") but not in the active task list.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
that's baaad ... over 3 years of requests and nothing was done
This feature is really needed, to be able to auto analyse yourself.
Posted 13 years ago
prashanth.modi says:
I am new to RTM and i am seriously considering moving to a different to-do list since this functionality does not exist
Posted 13 years ago
mikebowden says:
I vote for this as well. I'm big on seeing what I've done each day and I need it to have the sense that I got something done. Otherwise I won't know. Searching for completed tasks is ok, but at least have a completed today tab or have the ability to see it in the list or inbox.
Posted 13 years ago
mikebowden says:
After researching a bit more, I just ran across a way to do this. This can be a saved search and accessed anytime.

status:completed and due:today

Add the above in the search box to the upper right corner and that will display all completed tasks for that given day. Just save the custom search as "Completed" and you've got your completed tasks for the day. You can also edit this and save it for each list if you'd like.
Posted 13 years ago
harryl says:
discussion since June 9, 2008...

if anything, this should tell the rtm team your customers WANT THIS FEATURE

please enable this
Posted 13 years ago
per.espen says:
I like mikebowden's work-around, but there is still no way to see both completed and incomplete tasks - in the same list overview with grey or crossed-over status.

I really miss that. Or is there a way to set up a smartlist for this?
Posted 13 years ago
giswok says:
Another workaround similar to Mike's is to use completedWithin, for example

completedWithin:"2 days of today"

will give you all items completed today or yesterday, and

completedWithin:"8 days of Saturday"

will give you items completed since last Saturday.
Posted 13 years ago
giswok says:
Another workaround along the same lines; there's a highly customisable way of getting an RSS feed of the number of items you've completed each day:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Adding the ability to see both completed and other tasks in the first view would make this the most perfect system in the world. Until then - I don;t like having to click elsewhere to see what I've completed. Please make this a feature.
Posted 12 years ago
maganto says:
Please! I need to know how to see completed tasks... I have to copy tasks on Excel before completing them!

And that makes me sad!
Posted 12 years ago
seresca says:
I'd like to feel I'm advancing in my todo list. Not viewing completed tasks give the sensation that nothing have been done today. May be adding a simple option in preferences that allow to select when and which completed tasks should be shown in a widget.
Posted 12 years ago
darren.johnston says:
Having the ability the view both Completed and Not Completed in the same list is beneficial for a weekly review, especially where Smart Lists have been configured. The ability to toggle between Not Completed, Completed, or Show All would be great.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
please add this feature..(show completed tasks in same list)
Posted 12 years ago
jen.ritchie says:
Voted up. Even aside from the warm-fuzzy- when using a list for an ongoing project the comparison is really important. "We've completed 30 tasks related to this project, 10 more to go", etc.
Posted 11 years ago
archbishop says:
Posted 11 years ago
emmajules says:
Yes, it would be great to have a view, preferably a default view, showing greyed out completed tasks alongside incomplete tasks.
Posted 11 years ago
seasong220 says:
yes! (probably a dealbreaker for me even though this is a great website!)
Posted 11 years ago
alie says:
I really, really want this. Possibly also with an option for fireworks after a task is completed. I NEED THE SATISFACTION.
Posted 11 years ago
seb.palmer says:
I want to be able to configure to display what I have completed today (or this week, or whatever) so that I get a positive sense of having ticked things off rather than just thinking about what I haven't done
Posted 10 years ago
omar.degoli says:
view both completed and umcompleted tasks in the same view could be great for reporting.
Please add this little feature!
Posted 9 years ago
kredit says:
Posted 9 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 9 years ago
emtopponline says:
Count me in!!! Of course it should be an optional view that you can turn on and off.
Posted 8 years ago
mark_brewster says:
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 8 years ago
indrikis says:
The first post is from 8 years ago. Is there any hope or intention to implement this feature? It is important to overview completed tasks along with the unfinished tasks on the same list
Posted 8 years ago
ei8137 says:
After requesting this possibility for so long and for so many people.
Is there any hope?
Posted 8 years ago
starfish3 says:
I agree with all above. I would like a way to see the tasks I complete every day. Some days I work quite hard to do a bunch of "difficult" tasks, and it would be nice to overview at the end of the day to give me that sense of satisfaction, as everyday, more tasks get added on, so the lists never get any less....
Posted 8 years ago
nah.why says:
In here Andrew asked me to post here.

I have thousands of completed tasks. But for SUBTASKS I have usually <10. Very practical to see completed and incompleted in the same list of sub tasks.

So If this is implemented, I hope it's selectable main list / sub list.
Posted 7 years ago
srossetter says:
Please incorporate this task. I should be easy to program
Posted 7 years ago
prat0088 says:
This is so important for motivation and sense of progress.

Please oh please.

Posted 6 years ago
mark_brewster says:
Have been using this app for years, the sense of satisfaction seeing them crossed off is priceless
Posted 6 years ago
wearetherobsons says:
I'm seriously considering finding another app because f this missing feature.
I write some long lists (for groceries/packing for trips) and don't want to have to keep switching back and forth to check if something is on the other list already before I add it.
Posted 6 years ago
mrpete3 says:
I can see the completed tasks in the web app‒thank you! Can you please add this to the Android app?
Posted 6 years ago
k3vinwu25 says:
RTM developpers, it's been 10 years, come on!
Posted 6 years ago
lbd617 says:
Wow. Over 10 years.

I will repeat my points here, and in the post I created.

For many people, especially people with ADD, the ability to see progress being made is essential to keeping up a good attitude, and to stay focused and motivated. As many people have said(Apparently over the last 10 years!!) this is a feature that you would expect in a functional task list tool.

While there are many feature that i have liked during the last year and a half i was using RTM, I will not renew my professional subscription with out this feature, and I will now actively start looking for an alternative.

I honestly hope you address this before I find something else, but I guess I am not hopful, since it looks like it has been a topic for over TEN YEARS.
Posted 5 years ago
danhotchkiss says:
Yes yes yes.
Posted 4 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would think that people would eventually get it through their heads that trying to "shame" the developers into implementing an idea does not work, nor should it! Just stop with that!

The developers know of your request. They will decide whether or not to implement it. They will also decide when to implement it. If you want this feature (if you simply cannot live without it, and if it's an essential for you, and if you just can't believe it doesn't already exist, and if one simple click is too much for you to see your completed tasks), then just vote for it and move on.

Shaming and threatening to not renew or buy the Pro account will not work on the developers, and I am glad for that. I don't want developers that are so fragile as to cave to such juvenile tactics. RTM is the very best task handler there is, in my opinion, and it will remain that way even if they never make any more improvements.
Posted 3 years ago
floweringtree says:
If I was a developer I'd want to know which features were actually deal-breakers!

I would like more evaluation tools, but I really don't want completed tasks to show in the same list as the completed ones. I value the visual simplicity of the lists.
Posted 2 years ago
floweringtree says:
Also - perhaps someone should write an add-on program for on screen fireworks upon the completion of a task?! :-)
Posted 2 years ago
cimaclev says:
no uso gestores de tareas por este detalle, a pesar q esta app es la q más me gusta. Últimamente uso google calendar y cuando ya finalicé las tareas las cambio a color gris, todas, también las puedes mover ante algún retraso, ahí si tengo la sensación de haber acabado con todo, es muy motivador. Slds.
Posted 2 years ago
richard.hollingsworth says:
I would like to see tasks completed in the last x shown it's a really big niggle in the platform for me and I have been here for over ten years using RTM Pro.
Posted 1 year ago
vkhubani says:
Yes we absolutely need this
Posted 1 year ago
meatlessmarathoner says:
Yes! Please, PLEASE implement this as an option. This is the one thing I've loved the most about different analog planning systems I've used. Being able to see the things I've checked off throughout the day in my face gives me a tremendous sense of accomplishment and is a great motivator. Maybe "or" logic to smartlists, so you can set up something like:
due=today AND status=completed OR status=incomplete
Posted 5 months ago
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