Sort by last modified date
mattynoce says:
for a shared task list we have, we need to be able to sort by last modified, so the most recently touched task always shows up at the top. any way to make that happen?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This sorting option (and more!) are available in the new Remember The Milk. Thanks for everyone's feedback on this!
mattynoce says:
and on top of that, being able to see which ones have changed since the last time i saw them would be good.
for example, in outlook, if my coworker makes a change to a task, it'll be bolded (unread) and jump to the top of our sort-by-modified list. this one would be extremely helpful for shared tasks.
for example, in outlook, if my coworker makes a change to a task, it'll be bolded (unread) and jump to the top of our sort-by-modified list. this one would be extremely helpful for shared tasks.
mattynoce says:
and thirdly, if a note is added to a shared task, it should put the user who added it next to the date.
aaronhh says:
johnstonf says:
yes please
dkbann says:
was this ever implemented??? I need the smart list option of searching tasks by MODIFIED DATE, not just ADDED DATE... thanks!