Option to include notes in email reminders

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
When receiving a task reminder via SMS/IM/email, it is almost essential for me to receive the note that goes with the task. However, this isn't sent currently. Could that be done?
9 times out of 10, I use these reminders when I'm not at a computer. And when it's reminding me to go to the grocery store, usually I'm not just picking up milk. ;)
9 times out of 10, I use these reminders when I'm not at a computer. And when it's reminding me to go to the grocery store, usually I'm not just picking up milk. ;)

yamaha30 says:
Wow, this request has been out there for a long time. Make all the sense in the world and should be hard to implement. I am new to RTM and was a little disappointed that it doesnt do it and even more now that it was requested 3 years ago.

theskyiscrying says:
Especially with smart phones now, this would be huge. I'm a new pro subscriber and this would just be icing on the cake!
Especially with smart phones now, this would be huge. I'm a new pro subscriber and this would just be icing on the cake!

(closed account) says:
not only the note i would say. Lets take it one step further. What i also need is a possibility to attach one or more doc(s) to a task so when receiving a reminder i have access to all the relevant information on that task.

franicelcha says:
Totally agree. Notes should be included as part of the email reminder.
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