Customize reminders for specific lists/tags

xynetha says:
I would like to see being able to set my reminders so I only get them for tasks with specific tags (or lists). An example in my own system would be "meet" or "call".
What would be better would be reminder types for tags/lists. For example, meet and call go to Twitter (until RTM adds SMS), @computer to IM, and everything else to email.
Then I could rely sole on RTM and not my GCal.
What would be better would be reminder types for tags/lists. For example, meet and call go to Twitter (until RTM adds SMS), @computer to IM, and everything else to email.
Then I could rely sole on RTM and not my GCal.

nkohrt says:
This would be a great help. I currently go without reminders for this very reason.

vinionk says:
this would be excellent!
I would love to be able to get reminders for work on my blackberry and reminders for home on my personal e-mail.
this would easily convince me to upgrade to pro
I would love to be able to get reminders for work on my blackberry and reminders for home on my personal e-mail.
this would easily convince me to upgrade to pro

dekov says:
I agree - bring it on!

rwinch says:
I just went to set up reminders, but didn't do it in the end because I only wanted them for tasks tagged with 'meeting'. This would be a great solution

sadamny says:
Second this!! it would be great for sending reminders to other people too (like my wife) if I enter tasks tagged with her name and the reminders go to her.

hutchinsfairy says:
There will always be tasks for which a reminder would be an annoyance and so I am forced to turn the entire feature off. Please implement this!

dan.bonner says:
Just started setting RTM up this week and was surprised there was no way to do this. Like others, reminders should be selective.
As a workaround for email reminders, you could create an email account and have reminders on for everything and then set up a filter for what you forward to whatever your real email account is.
As a workaround for email reminders, you could create an email account and have reminders on for everything and then set up a filter for what you forward to whatever your real email account is.

viscouse says:
I saw this in another thread as a workaround:
mamona says:
I solve this problem with Google Calendar (unfortunately RTM forces me to do that).
1. I've turned off every RTM reminder (big relief)
2. I have a tag @reminder (it's easier to manage tasks with reminders by tagging them)
3. It's saved as a "Reminders" smart list (search: tag:@reminder)
4. Then I've added it to Google Calendar (iCalendar(Events)
5. In Google Calendar you can:
- turn off all reminders by default and add them manually for each task (that's awesome feature)
- or set up default remainders and modify each task's remainder if you need
As the resident idiot, can anyone help figure out how to save a specific smartlist as a celndar? All that shows up in gcal is that checkmark icon (no notification functionality there).
mamona says:
I solve this problem with Google Calendar (unfortunately RTM forces me to do that).
1. I've turned off every RTM reminder (big relief)
2. I have a tag @reminder (it's easier to manage tasks with reminders by tagging them)
3. It's saved as a "Reminders" smart list (search: tag:@reminder)
4. Then I've added it to Google Calendar (iCalendar(Events)
5. In Google Calendar you can:
- turn off all reminders by default and add them manually for each task (that's awesome feature)
- or set up default remainders and modify each task's remainder if you need
As the resident idiot, can anyone help figure out how to save a specific smartlist as a celndar? All that shows up in gcal is that checkmark icon (no notification functionality there).

viscouse says:
Yes, well, I got it. Thanks.

ruthytoothy says:
I'd love this feature, too! I just investigated having email reminders sent to me by RTM, and decided against because getting emails for all my tasks would result in information overload, and I would end up ignoring all of them, which rather defeats the object! Maybe if you could set it so that the priority of the task was the decider, e.g. only priority 1 to be emailed? That way all my "wouldn't it be nice if I did this one day" tasks wouldn't be emailed to me!

rburnett says:
Another vote to add the ability to select reminders by tags.

apgordon says:

hogfish says:
I actually just came to this forum looking to post pretty much this same idea and found someone beat me to it! :) I really like the way we can set due dates in a more "casual" way like "3 weeks" or "tomorrow" and I would be looking for the same kind of implemenation in this feature. I'd like to set up reminder categories based on times that are usually a good time for me to be reminded of things. Basically I would be looking to use this feature in the following kind of way:
Set reminder category: When I go shopping (Thursday at 6pm, by SMS)
Set reminder category: Going to work (morning at 8am, by SMS)
Set reminder category: On the way home (afternoon at 5pm, by email to work)
Then I can set tasks like:
Task: Buy new toaster. Reminder: When I go shopping.
Task: Bring laptop to work. Reminder: Going to work.
Task: Pick up milk. Reminder: On the way home.
Set reminder category: When I go shopping (Thursday at 6pm, by SMS)
Set reminder category: Going to work (morning at 8am, by SMS)
Set reminder category: On the way home (afternoon at 5pm, by email to work)
Then I can set tasks like:
Task: Buy new toaster. Reminder: When I go shopping.
Task: Bring laptop to work. Reminder: Going to work.
Task: Pick up milk. Reminder: On the way home.

(closed account) says:
Add me to the list of people wishing configurable reminders, e.g. by a tag called email, mobile, or similar. Currently do not use feature as I don't want to be reminded of everything in my todo list - but there are certain items I would like SMS or email reminders for.

seantmitch says:
I'm a new user, and so far very happy with Remember the Milk, except for the lack of configurable reminders (which, if implemented, might nudge me to buy the pro version). They would make the service much better. I don't want to remind myself of every task that I have set for the day, but I want to be able to remind myself at specific times of specific high priority things that I have to get done. As is clear from this thread, I'm not alone. I'll still certainly try RTM out for a few more weeks, but this may make or break whether I stick with it.
To the developers of this otherwise excellent to-do-manager: any plans to implement something like this? Any timeframe?
To the developers of this otherwise excellent to-do-manager: any plans to implement something like this? Any timeframe?

redamon1 says:
I came to the forum to post this VERY idea. I agree completely!!
Reminders are cumbersome to me without this feature so I don't use them...
Reminders are cumbersome to me without this feature so I don't use them...

mjlacore says:
Just want to add my voice to this request. I hardly use RTM for this very reason, but I would like to use it more. The lack of selective reminders is the single biggest weakness of the program, I think.

Well, by using for instance Gmail it's possible to use a clever filtering system telling Gmail what reminders to forward to your real e-mail account. Maybe just a text REMIND in the task name that could be recognized by Gmail making it forward the e-mail to another account.
When testing this out, it's not possible to send test e-mails within Gmail, filtering doesn't work then, send from the outside.
When testing this out, it's not possible to send test e-mails within Gmail, filtering doesn't work then, send from the outside.

ddockery says:
Another user that would LOVE to see this feature. I'm used to it in Google Calendar, and was surprised to find it isn't available here.

supernikki says:
yes please!

(closed account) says:
I'd also love to see this feature (reminders only for tagged items). I've been using reminders, but I wind up getting so many that it's pointless.

birr1589 says:
I vote for this idea.

aichalmer says:
I would use this.

njdrew1 says:
Has the ability to turn off reminders for a particular task been added yet?

mpellow says:
Please add this feature!!!!

susanatdotcom says:
I want to get reminders for Birthdays 7 days before the event - so that i have time to send a card. thanks

jwoliter says:
Would be great if you could set reminders to specific email addresses on a per list basis.
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