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Add 'modified' to search operators

kandice says:
I share several notes and lists with others, and it would be great to be able to create a smart list for all tasks which were edited today. Please add "data edited" as an option when searching and creating smart lists!
Posted at 8:22pm on March 25, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We now have "updated", "updatedWithin", "updatedBefore", and "updatedAfter" search operators with the launch of the new Remember The Milk.

Hope this helps! :)
Posted 8 years ago
sweens says:
this is a great idea...seconded
Posted 16 years ago
johnstonf says:
Posted 13 years ago
gccarey says:
absolutely This would make a great addition and be hugely helpful
Posted 11 years ago
dkbann says:
RTM team, was this ever implemented? I would like to search my tasks by a LAST MODIFIED or DATE MODIFIED operator. Thanks!
Posted 9 years ago
dkbann says:
Since this request has been posted so long ago, is there a reason why it was not implemented? Any restrictions in having a second date column in the RTM database for each unique task? Most other task managers track MODIFIED DATE for the task. I need my tasks to show up in a separate list when I haven't modified it after x weeks. Thanks!
Posted 9 years ago
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