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Support for Growl reminders

stephen.chai says:
Not sure if its possible, but if you could trigger a Growl notfication based on the reminder preferences that would be awesome-erific.
Posted at 7:25pm on January 29, 2008
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Does Adium permit per-user notifications? If it did, you could use Adium+Growl+RTM AIMbot to accomplish this.
Posted 17 years ago
stephen.chai says:
That sounds like a pretty genius solution. But unfortunately, when I'm work (where I do most of my tasks...) chat is blocked. So, no go for that option.
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
RTM can generate email reminders. You could mix and match those with Apple Mail and Growl and some Mail rules, and that might do the trick?
Posted 17 years ago
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